General Observations Sample Clauses
General Observations. The construction site had been under normal operation during the noise monitoring period and no unusual operation was observed. Traffic noise had been noticed at the monitoring location during the noise monitoring period.
General Observations. The awarded bidder(s) shall be responsible for providing a copy of the report to each respective County departments’ Project Manager. The Project Manager for the Zoo-Miami Lift Stations will design a “Lift Station Maintenance Report for Zoo-Miami Stations” to be used by the bidder for Group 1; copies of these reports will remain at the Zoo-Miami stations.
General Observations. All groups Do the competence standards reflect current practice and requirements in the profession? • Do the following aspects work satisfactorily: o Guidance, support and Information for candidates and their mentors on the requirements for professional registration? o Application forms and supporting information? o Types of assessment evidence required? • Are there any barriers to the registration process for individuals and/or specific groups? • What training have assessors received? • Was it sufficient? • Is the structure of the assessment system appropriate? • Are there sufficient check s and balances to ensure robust, consistent judgments?
General Observations. As expected, all the participating countries have adopted or are in the process of adopting relevant national strategies, which are also coherent with the EU strategies. Nevertheless, there is a difference between “adopting” the strategy and “implementing” it. The implementation phase is a step further and seems successful in Spain, Poland, in Slovenia only partially. The result of this fact is the lack of an efficient system approach to the UBC support.
Table 1: An overview of future emerging and key enabling sectors
General Observations. Assessors Structure of Assessment GUIDELINES: ANNEX 3 Guidelines for Review Reporting Authorized Member under review: Contact details: Review Visit Dates: (‘N/A’ if visit not required) VISIT SCHEDULE: COMPOSITION OF REVIEW TEAM:
General Observations. EVALUATIONS Classroom teachers and support personnel shall be observed/evaluated during each school year in accordance with the procedures and criteria set forth in this Article. Every employee whose work is judged unsatisfactory based upon the observation/evaluation criteria (see Appendix D) shall be placed in a probationary status no later than February 1 and shall be given until May 1 to demonstrate improvement in his/her area(s) of deficiency.
General Observations. The highest stress point reported from the analysis with E=30*106 was at the elbow located at L25. Higher stress points were not reported, such as at the branch connection L3, for unverifiable reasons. The report states that the "apparent fatigue usage per single maximum flow transient response cycle is 0.3. This translates to a usage factor = 1.5 for the estimated five equivalent dynamic cycles. Compared with the fatigue margin of 20, a usage factor = 1.5 would be acceptable, since the ASME Code Section III would allow up to 25 stress cycles which would exceed Sa @ 106 to be excluded from fatigue consideration for Service Level C condition (NB-3113(b)).” This justification is unclear, and the calculation of the 0.3 fatigue usage factor per dynamic cycle was not reported and cannot be evaluated or verified. The ASME Code Section III design fatigue curves are based on fatigue curves that were obtained from strain-controlled laboratory tests on small polished samples at room temperature in air. The design fatigue curves were calculated from these tests by decreasing the best-fit curves to the laboratory test data by a factor of 2 on strain or 20 on cycles, whichever was more conservative, at each point on the best-fit curve. The ASME Code Section III Stress Criteria document indicates that these factors were intended to account for the differences and uncertainties in relating the fatigue lives of laboratory test specimens to those of actual reactor components, in actual reactor environments. Paragraph NB-3121 of ASME Code Section III, Subsection NB, also states that the data on which the fatigue design curves are based did not include tests in the presence of corrosive environments that might accelerate fatigue failure. As stated in Reference 8, the factors of 2 and 20 are not safety margins but rather conversion factors that were applied to experimental data to obtain reasonable estimates of the lives of actual reactor components. Therefore, the assertion by S&L is not acceptable. A fatigue usage factor > 1.0 implies a crack has initiated and is in the process of propagating. Based on the S&L calculation, the staff concludes that there is a significant probability that cracking will initiate and propagate in the highest loaded component.
General Observations. Upon interrogating the submissions and documents availed to it, the committee made the following general observations;
General Observations. All groups • Do the competence standards reflect current practice and requirements in the profession? • Do the following aspects work satisfactorily: o Guidance, support and Information for candidates and their mentors on the requirements for professional registration? o Application forms and supporting information? o Types of assessment evidence required? • Are there any barriers to the registration process for individuals and/or specific groups? Assessors • What training have assessors received? • Was it sufficient? Structure of Assessment • Is the structure of the assessment system appropriate? • Are there sufficient check s and balances to ensure robust, consistent judgments? <insert name of competency agreement> Contact details: Name: Authorized Member Affiliation Team Leader: Team Member: Team Member:
General Observations. Generally, the SBAs we found have individual identifying characteristics and are well distinguishable from each other as shown in most of the value distributions of the boxplots. We found seven SBA located in the abyss and deep sea (SBAs I, II, III, V, VI, VII and VIII) and two that define coastal and (deeper) shelf areas (SBAs IV and IX). Many of the identified areas seem strongly impacted by deep water currents such as the NADW and the AABW. We also observed a separation into a Northern and a Southern hemisphere, which could also be related to bottom currents and water formation areas. This is underpinned by the expert knowledge based GOODS classification whose authors also found a strong separation into North and South Atlantic (Table 4, UNESCO, 2009; Morato et al., 2021). SBA II sort of sticks out being mainly formed by the topographic variables depth, slope, TRI and TPI, following the MAR as well as steep continental slopes, including seamount, ridge and trench areas (e.g. Walvis Ridge). All other SBAs do not seem to be too much related to topography, which is in contrast to Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxxx (2009), whose seascapes seem to be mostly defined by geomorphologic variables (i.e. slope) as they did not take into account currents for example. Some of the SBAs seem harder to distinguish regarding the parameters in the boxplots and their geographic coverage. For example, SBA VI and SBA VIII have quite similar boxplots for the hydrographic parameters and also slope, TPI and TRI are somewhat corresponding. Both are mixed SBAs in a sense that they are defined by both morphologic and hydrographic parameters. Both cover the centre part of the Atlantic from south to north, with SBA VIII covering a slightly narrower region around the MAR, especially in the North Atlantic. The two major differences are depth and oxygen, whereby SBA VI covers deeper areas containing more O2 due to the influence of NABW. The influence of deep currents is noticed in many of the identified SBAs and along with topography, those seem to be the two key factors thriving the deep sea environment. To find out whether those are the only major influencing parameters, a more detailed assessment is necessary on those mixed SBAs to make finer separations. This could be a nested, hierarchical approach which separates morphological, chemical, hydrographical and biologic components of those SBAs and classifies them again according to those components in a second step. Consulting higher resolution da...