Landscape and Visual Sample Clauses

Landscape and Visual. The pilot demonstration advanced treatment plant and the associated facilities would all be located within the boundary of the SWHSTW at an open space in the North- western corner. The alignment of the associated distribution piping would be along existing footpath/roads. In view of the small scale and the temporary nature of the works, landscape and visual impacts will be small, localised and short-term.
Landscape and VisualIn view of the small scale of this Project, no adverse landscape and visual impacts are expected during the construction phase.
Landscape and Visual. A few existing trees might be affected by the Project. The superstructure of the pumping station may generate landscape and visual impacts. By adopting proper mitigation measures such as dedicated landscape design to match with the exiting environment, compensatory planting, etc., the residual landscape and visual impact would be minimal as anticipated.
Landscape and Visual. The landscape and visual impact arising from the pilot project is negligible due to the considerable distance between the nearest sensitive receivers and the pilot advanced treatment plant and the small scale of the project.
Landscape and Visual. Landscape and visual mitigation measures is recommended at construction and operational phase to ensure the landscape resources or character can be reinstated or enhanced to compatible with surrounding context in accordance with relevant regulations. The construction phase mitigation measures should be adopted from the commencement of construction and should be in place throughout the entire construction period. The operational phase mitigation measures should be adopted during the detailed design, and be built as part of the construction works so that they are in place at the date of commissioning of the Project.
Landscape and Visual. The landscape and visual impact of the pumping station during the operational phase would be minimal within the context of the project area. The following factors and site conditions have been considered during the design of the proposed TLTPS: • Due to the operational requirements, the above ground components of the pumping station (which include the control panels and odour control facilities) will need to be contained within an adequately sized structure, to provide for a safe means to operate and maintain the pumping station. The design of the pumping station has taken into account the surrounding village type of environment and the TLTPS facade has been designed to be compatible with the other surrounding features in the vicinity. • The TLTPS is located as close to the highways structures as practical to minimise visual impacts. The TLTPS structure will be slightly higher than the noise barrier, but significantly lower than the deck of the footbridge, and also will not be much higher than the existing top surface of the boundary wall of House No. 60-64. In addition, the TLTPS will not be located in the direct line of sight of the existing temples (about 45° to the south-west of the temples). In view of the future highways structures proposed in the immediate vicinity of the TLTPS, and the design considerations that have been taken into account for the TLTPS, significant adverse residual landscape and visual impacts are not anticipated to occur during operations and the TLTPS is expected to be acceptable under the criteria listed in Section 1.1 of Annex 10 of the EIAO-TM. Figure 3 in Appendix A shows the elevation of TLTPS whilst Figure 4 is a photomontage of the site showing before and after construction of the TLTPS.
Landscape and Visual. 10-1 10.1 Introduction 10-1 10.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines 10-1 10.3 Assessment Methodology 10-2 10.4 Scope and Content of the Study 10-7 10.5 Review of Planning and Development Control Framework 10-8 10.6 Baseline Study 10-9 10.7 Landscape Impact Assessment 10-22 10.8 Visual Impact Assessment 10-30 10.9 Mitigation Measures 10-37 10.10 Residual Impacts 10-40 10.11 Conclusion 10-48
Landscape and Visual. 3.8.1 As the majority of Trunk Road T2 (the Project) will be in tunnel, landscape and visual impacts will be concentrated on three buildings at the western end, namely the Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings. 3.8.2 Based on the Tree Survey, 67 trees are recommended to be felled and 31 trees are recommended to be transplanted by the Project. No Old and Valuable Trees, Wall Trees or Significant Trees will be affected. In the Western Works Area a temporary loss of 75,300 square metres of hard standing which will be temporarily lost in the construction phase, and an permanent loss of 8500 square meters of hard standing, 5029 square meters of planting areas and loss of 66 trees will be mitigated by 15,740 square meters of planting areas and 4,900 square meters of Amenity Area as referred to in the report as RE10 Kai Tak South Apron: Amenity Area. Extensive compensatory planting will include 152 trees in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006. In the Eastern Works Area one tree and an approximate area of 21,500 square metres of hard standing will be lost. Mitigation for the felled tree has been included within the compensatory trees for the Western Works Area. The site will be reinstated and handed over for future development of Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park under a separate project. Details of the landscape proposals for the Western Works Area will be reviewed within the detail design stage. It is considered there will be no substantial adverse landscape impacts by the Project during the operation phase. 3.8.3 Through careful design consideration the long term affects will be minimised and a series of greening solutions will be implemented to the development as a whole. Provisions have been made for community green spaces, architectural greening measures, street trees, and planting areas. These are envisioned to blend the Project into the proposed surrounding landscape.
Landscape and Visual. Potential landscape and visual sensitive receivers would include, but not limited to the followings: 5 Environmental Mitigation Measures to be Incorporated in the Design and any further
Landscape and Visual. Landscape Impact Visual Impact