Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness. As a means to promote high-quality instruction, the College will periodically observe and evaluate adjunct faculty performance in the classroom. Evaluation will be conducted by the department chair/coordinator, in consultation with the xxxx, according to the procedures and rubric contained in Attachment C, Adjunct Faculty Observation. Formal observation will occur in the first and fifth term (Fall, Spring, or Summer) of teaching, by the end of the fifth academic year dating from their first term of teaching, and once every five academic years thereafter. The xxxx or designee may conduct a classroom observation outside this regular schedule if complaints warrant such action or if an observation did not occur within the scheduled term. The Faculty Classroom Observation Rubric (included in Attachment C) will be used for all class observations. The College and the Association agree that the procedure and rubric will not be changed during the term of this contract without mutual agreement. The College will consult with the Association when major changes are proposed to the student course evaluation survey.
A. Following the completion of an observation, the Preparation for Observation form and signed Observation Rubric will be included in the adjunct faculty member’s personnel file in Human Resources.
B. If a classroom observation leads the xxxx or designee to determine that an adjunct faculty member’s skills and/or subject area knowledge are deficient, and Article
Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness. As a means to promote high-quality instruction, the College will periodically observe and evaluate adjunct faculty performance in the classroom. Evaluation will be conducted by the department chair/coordinator, in consultation with the xxxx, according to the procedures and rubric contained in Attachment E, Adjunct Faculty Observation. Formal observation will occur in the first, fifth, and tenth semester of teaching, and once every ten semesters thereafter. The xxxx or designee may conduct a classroom observation outside this regular schedule if complaints warrant such action. The Faculty Classroom Observation Rubric (included in Attachment E) will be used for all class observations. The College and the Association agree that the procedure and rubric will not be changed during the term of this contract without mutual agreement. Following the completion of an observation, the Preparation for Observation form and signed Observation Rubric will be included in the adjunct faculty member’s personnel file in Human Resources.
Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness. Peer review by the mentor committee of an untenured faculty member, the Xxxx, and by other tenured faculty members should be given significant weight in evaluating teaching effectiveness in the classroom. Student evaluations will also be considered.
Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness. 6.2.1 Student Evaluation of Instruction Course Length Evaluation Availability
Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness