Experiment Sample Clauses
Experiment. 93 As in previous studies (3, 14), participants stood barefoot on two laboratory-grade force plates 00 (XXXX-XX0-0-0000, XXXX, Xxxxxxxxx, XX, XXX). The force plates were mounted onto a custom 95 translation platform; however, analyses here considered only periods during which the platform was 96 stationary. Force and moment data were sampled at 1080 Hz and used to calculate the locations of the 97 center of pressure beneath each foot using calibration values supplied with the plates (15-17). Kinematic 98 data were collected at 120 Hz using a Vicon motion capture system (Centennial, CO, USA) and a 25- 99 marker set including reflective markers placed on the left and right heels. Average foot CoP locations and 100 heel marker positions were calculated over the first 250 ms of each trial. 101 Stance width was controlled by requesting participants press an object (typically a book) between the 102 medial surfaces of their feet, which was subsequently removed before data collection (≈87% of trials), or 103 by manipulating participant’s feet so that kinematic markers on the heels were aligned in the mediolateral 104 direction with tape marks on the floor (≈13%). 105 2.3 DATA ANALYSIS 106 Stance width measurements derived from CoP and kinematic data were plotted against each other and 107 examined visually. After visual assessment of outliers, trials were excluded due to: 1) tension in a ceiling- 108 mounted fall arrest tether interfering with CoP calculation (17 trials in one participant), and 2) absent 109 video records preventing trial review (2 trials in one participant). After applying exclusions, 1363 trials 110 (41 – 161 per participant) were available for analysis. Stance widths were expressed in mm and 111 normalized to inter-ASIS distance. 112 Following Xxxxx and Xxxxxx (10), correlation between the two measurements was assessed with the 113 Xxxxxxx product-moment correlation coefficient r. Differences between methods were calculated for each 114 trial and averaged across trials into a single difference value di for each participant. Mean values across 115 methods were calculated for each trial and averaged into a single mean value mi for each participant. Bias 116 between the two methods was quantified as the mean difference d (CoP – kinematic method) and the 117 standard deviation of the differences s. The limits of agreement were calculated as the range d–2s to d+2s. 118 Variation of differences di across groups was assessed with one-way ANOVA. Assoc...
Experiment. 2 Experiment 3
Experiment. The photo-emission data were obtained at the Swedish synchrotron radiation facility MAX-lab using the surface end station of the I511 undulator × beamline49. The samples were prepared in a local molecular beam epitaxy system and were transferred to the photo-emission station in a portable ultrahigh vacuum chamber without being exposed to the atmosphere. The Mn concentrations were determined during growth by means of reflection high-energy electron diffraction oscillations, as described earlier50. Survey spectra recorded after transfer showed contamination-free surfaces, and low-energy electron diffraction showed (1 2) × × surface reconstruction. For very low Mn concentration (0.1%), the fractional spots of GaAs(100) c(4 4) were still present, but clearly stretched along the /100S azimuths, reflecting a transition for (1 2) pattern. All spectra presented here were obtained at room temperature from as-grown samples, that is, samples not subjected to postgrowth annealing. After the photo-emission experiment, the magnetic properties were measured ex situ in a SQUID setup. The sample with 6% Mn showed ferromagnetic behaviour below 55 K, whereas none of the other samples showed long-range order above 5 K. scheme was applied to explicitly treat the local Coulomb interaction between the localized Mn-3d electrons. The 4-index rotationally invariant Coulomb interaction matrix was generated from the Xxxxxx parameters F0, F2 and F4. The choice of the average Coulomb repulsion F0, which corresponds to the Xxxxxxx U, is rather problematic, as no calculations based on constrained LDA or random phase approximation (RPA) methods are found in the literature. Therefore, we have considered values between 4 and 7 eV, which are the accepted strengths of the Coulomb repulsion for bulk metallic g-Mn (ref. 48) and MnO (ref. 45). The main results of the paper are presented for the intermediate value U 6 eV, whereas results for smaller and larger values are discussed at the end of the Results section. F2 and F4 are easier to evaluate and therefore were calculated directly from the electronic density as done in the study by Xxxxxxxx¨m et al.45. The calculated values correspond to the average Hund’s exchange parameter JC1 eV. The LDA DMFT results for J 0.8 eV, shown in Fig. 4, were based on F 2 and F4 obtained by means = = + of fixed atomic ratios41,42. + = The effective impurity problem arising in LDA DMFT has been solved through exact diagonalization method, as described in the st...
Experiment. Our folded optical resonator (Fig. 5.1) consists of three highly reflective mirrors (nominal specification R > 99.995%). The folding angle is 90◦, the radii of curvature of mirror M1 and MF are 1 m, mirror M2 is planar, and all mirrors have a diameter of 2.5 cm. Fig. 5.2 shows the complete experimental setup. The length of arm A2 is 1.2 cm, the length of arm A1 is variable. We probe the transmission of the resonator with a beam at a wavelength of 532 nm, produced ∼ by a frequency-doubled single-mode Nd:YAG laser. The beam is sent to the resonator via lens L1, enters the cavity through mirror M1 (here the beam diameter is 0.5 mm) and excites the Hermite-Gaussian modes of the cavity. The focal length of lens L1 equals distance A3, so that the (dotted) beam is injected parallel to the optical axis, independent of the rotation- angle of mirror M3. This allows us to vary Δr, the off-axis position of injection on mirror M1, ∼ ∼ independent of the angle of injection. We inject in the xz-principal plane or in the y-principal plane in order to excite only 1-dimensional TEMm0 or TEM0m modes. Exciting a limited set of modes makes labelling of the modes easier and allows us to measure closer to degeneracy. The spectrum is obtained from the spatially integrated throughput as a function of the cavity length, by scanning the position of mirror M1 with a piezo-element. Judging from these spectra, we estimate the finesse of the cavity as 5600 for low-order modes and 5000 for high-order modes. This is considerably smaller than the value of the finesse allowed by the mirror reflectivities (> 99.995%). We attribute this discrepancy mainly to scattering due to polishing errors of the mirrors.
Experiment. (a) Determine the water equivalent of the bomb calorimeter with benzoic acid.
(b) Determine the heats of combustion of anthracene. Repeat the experiment if necessary. Hence calculate the standard enthalpy of formation and compare with the literature values.
Experiment. 5 In order to gain more insight in people’s self-perceptions in terms of inclusion and intra-group status as a result of the respect they receive from other group members, we introduced two measures to assess the cognitive representation of the self in relation to the group. We developed graphic representations of the self in relation to the group (see Xxxx, Xxxx, & Xxxxxxx, 1992), as these are considered to be less susceptible to strategic self-presentational concerns that might lead people to deny low status or e>clusion from the group (Xxxx, Xxxx, & Xxxxxxx, 1992; Xxxxxxxx & Xxxxxxx, 1998). We predicted that people who are respected by others in the group would perceive themselves as having a more central position within the group (i.e., perceive themselves as more included in the group), whereas people who are disrespected by others in the group were predicted to perceive themselves as more distant from other group members. Likewise, as a result of higher levels of respect from others in the group, we predicted that people would perceive themselves as having more intra-group status. By contrast, when people are disrespected by others in the group, this is predicted to result in the perception of the self as having less intra-group status. Notably, although to some e>tent these measures of inclusion and intra-group status may covary (Tyler & Xxxxxx, 2000, 2003), they essentially refer to different aspects of one’s standing vis-à-vis the group (Xxx Xxxxxxxx et al., in press). For instance, someone who is highly respected in the group can perceive the self as having high intra-group status but also as being different from other group members and hence feel less included (Jetten, Branscombe, Xxxxxx, & XxXxxxxx, 2003; Xxxx, Xxxx, & Branscombe, 1995). Because the implications of differences in respect in relation to people’s self- perceptions of inclusion and status have not been investigated, we chose to manipulate three levels of intra-group respect. This enabled us to e>plicitly separate the effects of levels of respect (high vs. average vs. xxx) from the effects of having a position that is more (average respect) or less (high respect and low respect) representative for the group. To e>amine the cognitive accessibility of justice and fairness concerns, we employed a word-fragment completion task (Xxxxxxxxx & Xxx Xxxxx, in press; Xxx Xxxxxxxx et al., 2002). Such tasks are commonly used as unobtrusive measures of cognitive accessibility (e.g., Xxxx, Xxx-Ch...
Experiment. 4: people, cattle, AND police IN AMERICAN ENGLISH. Because we inten- tionally omitted from experiment 3 any collectives that American speakers reliably treat as plurals, we cannot yet claim with complete confidence that British and American speakers engage in the same basic linguistic operations when implementing agreement. If they do, Americans should also be susceptible to attraction from plural collectives. In experiment 4 we tested this hypothesis on American speakers. For this purpose we called on the miniscule inventory of collectives that most native speakers of American English know and treat categorically as plural. There are in fact only three of them, the collectives people, cattle, and police. These were usedas attrac- tors in the experimental items, along with five types of controls designed to explore other properties potentially relevant to the occurrence of attraction. Among other things, the array of controls helped to ensure that the anticipated few cases of attraction after people, cattle, and police were not chance occurrences.
Experiment. Data analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/. . . ./. . . . . / . . . REPORT WRITING Report writing and final defence. . . . . 4/. . . ./. . . . . / . . . other activities that can be specified TOTAL 26/36 . ./. .
Experiment. Vermont Soap’s attempt to create a Formula approved by the Client.
Section 4.1 will discuss the testing conducted before the system is shipped to production as well as the environment on which the web application is hosted.
Section 4.2 will discuss the results we have collected by the time this thesis is written.
4.1 Pre-Deployment
4.1.1 User Guidance Question Type EM F1 P (Qi) P (ˆQi) Frequency What 34.90 % 50.53% 10.95 17.1% 169 Where 58.94 % 69.15% 7.49 11.7% 115 When 43.61 % 59.00% 9.38 14.7 % 147 Who 48.02 % 53.26% 9.49 14.8% 149 Why 19.75 % 37.84% 14.14 22.1% 224 How 30.13 % 40.26% 12.56 19.6% 196 To ensure the functionality of the User Guidance (3.2) module, a test was conducted to verify the probability distribution of each question type. For our experiment, we picked the scaling factor to be 3, which means the question type with the minimal possible statistics will have 3 times the probability of being chosen by the system for annotation as the question type with maximal possible statistics. The initial statistics is obtained from the XXXX model with 12 layers, trained with 80% of the annotation collected through Amazom mTurk (Section 2.4), against dev datasets (Section 3.2). The test is done by 1000 test calls to the GET interface which returns a question type for annotation.
Table 4.1: Results for the user guidance testing over 1000 ; All Question Annotation Count is initialized to 0; P (Qi) denotes the output from the probability function; P (ˆQi) is normalized true probability Results in Table 4.1 confirm the functionality of the user guidance module, having worst-performed Why typed questions being selected 94.7% more than Where typed questions, which is the question type our model performed the best on.