Experimental Program Review Committee. Either the Employer or MnPEA may submit a proposal of an experimental or pilot program to the LMC. If the proposed program is deemed a viable option by the LMC it will be submitted to the EPRC. The Employer and the Union shall each appoint two (2) representatives to the Experimental Program Review Committee (EPRC). The purpose of the Committee is to review experimental programs that, if implemented, may require modifications to the terms and conditions of employment contained in this Agreement. The Committee shall review the program for merit and the impact the Agreement may have on the ability to implement the program. The Committee shall develop its own rules and criteria for proposal evaluation. The Committee shall recommend to the Employer and the Union those terms and conditions that need to be modified and propose language that will accomplish the modification. The Committee shall not have any authority to modify existing terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Neither shall the Committee have any authority to authorize program implementation. The Parties shall make all decisions relative to any modifications to existing terms and conditions of employment contained in this Agreement.
Experimental Program Review Committee. The Employer and the Union shall appoint four (4) representatives to the Experimental Program Review Committee. The Employer shall appoint two (2) representatives and the Union shall appoint two (2) representatives. The purpose of the Committee is to review experimental programs that, if implemented, may require modifications to the terms and conditions of employment contained in this Agreement. The Committee shall review the program for merit and the impact the Agreement may have on the ability to implement the program. The Committee shall develop its own rules and criteria for proposal evaluation. The Committee shall recommend to the Employer and the Union those terms and conditions that need to be modified and propose language that will accomplish the modification. The Committee shall not have any authority to modify existing terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. Neither shall the Committee have any authority to authorize program implementation. The Parties shall make all decisions relative to any modifications to existing terms and conditions of employment contained in this Agreement.