FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. Credit Union members in good standing and whose status is currently within the Credit Union's common bond (as outlined therein) may sponsor immediate family members and possibly other members of Your household for Credit Union membership. Eligible family members may include for instance: father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather and spouse (which may include anyone living in Your residence that You maintain a single economic unit with).
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. Credit Union members in good standing and whose status is currently within the Credit Union's common bond (as outlined therein) may sponsor immediate family members and possibly other members of Your household for Credit Union membership. Eligible family members may include for instance: father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather and spouse (which may include anyone living in Your residence that You maintain a single economic unit with). • SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP ACCOUNTS - A sole proprietorship is a business in which one person owns all the assets, owes all the liabilities, and operates in their own personal capacity. • PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS - A partnership is a voluntary association of two or more persons who jointly own and carry on a business for profit. • LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ACCOUNTS - A limited partnership exists if the partnership consists of one or more persons who control the business and are personally liable for the partnership’s debts (general partners), and one or more persons who contribute capital and share profits but who cannot manage that business and are liable only for the amount of their contribution (limited partners). • LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP (LLP) ACCOUNTS - A limited liability partnership exists when a partner is not liable for a negligent act committed by another partner or by an employee not under the partner’s supervision. • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) ACCOUNTS - A limited liability company is a company statutorily authorized in certain states that is characterized by limited liability, management by members or managers, and limitation on ownership transfers. • CORPORATION ACCOUNTS - A corporation is an entity (usually a business) having authority under the law to act independently and distinct from the shareholders who own it and having rights to issue stock and exist indefinitely. • NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ACCOUNTS - A non-profit corporation is a corporation that does not issue shares of stock as evidence of ownership but instead is owned by its members in accordance with a charter or agreement.
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. Credit Union members in good standing and whose status is currently within the Credit Union's common bond (as outlined therein) may sponsor immediate dependent family members and possibly other members of Your household for Credit Union membership. Eligible family members may include for instance: son, daughter, and minor child (which may include anyone living in Your residence that You maintain a single economic unit with). named, subject to the right of the Trustee(s) to revoke the same in whole or in part by, and to the extent of, the withdrawal of sums from the Account. Upon the death of the Trustee (or if more than one, upon the death of the last surviving Trustee), the balance remaining in the Account shall be distributed by the Credit Union to the beneficiary or, if there is more than one beneficiary, then to the beneficiaries as designated in the Trust documentation. Where more than one Trustee appears on the Account, withdrawals and the pledge of shares against loans may be made by any Trustee acting alone (unless two signatures are required). Shares paid in by the Trustees shall be owned equally. Upon the death of one Trustee, all rights in and to the Account shall belong to any surviving Trustee. In the event of conflicting demands for funds under the Account, the Credit Union may require the signatures of each of the Trustees. For Revocable and Living Trust Accounts, the individual establishing the Trust (the "Settlor") must be a member of the Credit Union and any withdrawal of Trust Account funds will be deemed a revocation of the Trust to the extent of any such withdrawal unless otherwise provided for in the Trust documentation. If the Account Designation shows a payable-on-death status, any Beneficiary has rights to the Account: (a) if the Beneficiary is a natural person, only if the Beneficiary is alive and only if the Settlor is deceased; (b) if the Beneficiary is a charity or other non-profit organization, only if the charity or non- profit organization is in operation as a validly constituted, registered and/or licensed entity under applicable state law, and only if the Settlor is deceased. If the Beneficiary dies (in the case of a natural person), or is no longer in operation as a validly constituted, registered and/or licensed entity under applicable state law (in the case of a charity or non-profit organization), the Trust will provide updated Beneficiary information. The Settlor may change the Beneficiary at any time by providing Us ...
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. Members of your family are members of this Program. Family members include any person related to You by blood or marriage who reside in Your household
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP membership option which allows adding one or more Co-Members to a single membership Contract;
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. (Adult couple and dependent children ages 16 to 26 years old) 🞏 $2700 per year per family 🞎 $740 per quarter per family (Quarterly Plan)
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. Credit Union members in good standing and whose status is currently within the Credit Union’s common bond (as outlined herein) may sponsor immediate family members and possibly other members of your household for Credit Union membership. Eligible family members may include for instance: father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather and spouse (which may include anyone living in your residence that you maintain a single economic until with). IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR OPENING A NEW ACCOUNT. To help the government fight the financing of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name (or the name of the person for whom you are opening the account) and other information that will allow us to identify your (or their) existence. We may also ask for personal information about you, other owners of the Account, or any person authorized to use the Account. The information we request for individuals may include name, address, date of birth, social security number, and other information that will allow us to identify those persons. We will also ask to see a driver’s license or other identifying documents.
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. This membership is defined as any of the following: A married couple with one or more dependent children and up to two grandchildren; registered domestic partners with one or more dependent children and up to two grandchildren; two immediate family members 18 years of age or older with one or more dependent children and up to two grandchildren; or a single parent and two or more dependent children and up to two grandchildren. Members of a Family Membership must live in the same residence on a permanent basis, with the exception of grandchildren.
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. Includes up to 5 individuals, at least one of which is over the age of 18 years, living in the same household. Proof of residency is required for all individuals over the age of 18.
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP. Credit Union members in good standing and whose status is currently within the Credit Union's common bond (as outlined herein) may sponsor immediate family members and possibly other members of Your household for Credit Union membership. Eligible family members may include for instance: father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather and spouse (which may include anyone living in Your residence that You maintain a single economic unit with). To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an Account. What this means for You: When You open an Account, We will ask You for Your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow Us to identify You. We may also ask to see Your driver's license or other identifying documents.