CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP. You understand and agree that one of the requirements for obtaining this Account is your continued status as a member of the Credit Union. Upon termination of that membership, you can no longer obtain credit with the Card.
CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP. You understand and agree that the closing of your Credit Union Regular Share Account terminates your status as a member of the Credit Union, and upon such closing, you can no longer obtain credit with the Credit Union Visa Card. The following is important information regarding your right to dispute billing errors.
CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP. To apply for membership with Alta Vista Credit Union You must complete, sign and return an application for membership. Your signature on Your application for membership informs the Credit Union that You would like to join the Credit Union and that You agree to conform to the Credit Union's Bylaws and Amendments. Credit Union membership is granted to applicants within Alta Vista Credit Union's common bond as outlined in the Credit Union's bylaws. Eligibility also includes spouses of persons who died while within the field of membership; Credit Union employees; persons retired as pensioners or annuitants from organizations within the Credit Union’s common bond; and organizations of such persons. By signing Your application for membership, You acknowledge receipt of these Agreements and Disclosures, including the terms and conditions which apply to Your Accounts.
CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP. An employee, at their option, may purchase a membership in the Credit Union and the Employer will not charge service charges for cheques processed through one chequing account per employee, providing the account is only used for the personal business of the employee and/or their spouse.
CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP. The holder of the Card agrees to maintain an active Membership with the Credit Union and maintain a Primary Share (Savings) balance equal to or greater than the Par Value of one (1) Share. Par Value being $5.00. In the event that the Share Balance drops below the Par Value, the Credit Union reserves the right to initiate a cash advance on your Card Line of Credit to bring the Share Balance up to Par.
CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP. Membership in the Credit Union is required to obtain credit with the Credit Union MasterCard Card. If you cease to be a member of the Credit Union you may no longer obtain credit under your Account.The following is important information regarding your right to dispute billing errors.
CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP. As part of the District's benefit plan, the employee may elect to use their own monies towards any or all of the services provided through Ascentra Credit Union. Employees may make changes up to two times per year, September 1st through September 15th, and May 1st through May 15th. The IRS-125 Flexible Spending Plan and insurance providers may have limits beyond the control of the District to control entry and exit from programs. The School District shall have the right to apply reasonable restrictions to the number of voluntary withholdings and frequency of changes.
CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP. To apply for membership with Avista Corp. Credit Union You must complete, sign and return an application for membership. Your signature on Your application for membership informs the Credit Union that You would like to join the Credit Union and that You agree to conform to the Credit Union's Bylaws and Amendments. Credit Union membership is granted to applicants within Avista Corp. Credit Union's common bond as outlined in the Credit Union's Charter. Eligibility also includes spouses of persons who died while within the field of membership; Credit Union employees; persons retired as pensioners or annuitants from organizations within the Credit Union’s common bond; and organizations of such persons. By signing Your application for membership, You acknowledge receipt of these Agreements And Disclosures, including the terms and conditions which apply to Your Accounts.