Payments and Invoicing Within fifteen (15) days after the date the NMDOT receives written notice from the Vendor that payment is requested for services, construction or items of tangible personal property delivered on site and received, the NMDOT shall issue a written certification of complete or partial acceptance or rejection of the services, construction or items of tangible personal property. If the NMDOT finds that the services, construction or items of tangible personal property are not acceptable, it shall, within thirty (30) days after the date of receipt of written notice from the Vendor that payment is requested, provide to the Vendor a letter of exception explaining the defect or objection to the services, construction or delivered tangible personal property along with details of how the Vendor may proceed to provide remedial action. Upon certification by the NMDOT that the services, construction or items of tangible personal property have been received and accepted, payment shall be tendered to the Vendor within thirty (30) days after the date of certification. If payment is made by mail, the payment shall be deemed tendered on the date it is postmarked. After the thirtieth day from the date that written certification of acceptance is issued, late payment charges shall be paid on the unpaid balance due on the purchase order to the Vendor at the rate of one and a half (1½) percent per month. For purchases funded by state or federal grants to local public bodies, if the public body has not received the funds from the federal or state funding agency, but has already certified that the services or items of tangible personal property have been received and accepted, payments shall be tendered to the Vendor within five (5) working days of receipt of funds from that funding agency. Final payment shall be made within thirty (30) days after the work has been approved and accepted by the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s Secretary of his/her duly authorized representative. The Vendor agrees to comply with state laws and rules pertaining to worker’s compensation insurance coverage for its employees. If Vendor fails to comply with the workers’ compensation act and applicable rules when required to do so the purchase order may be canceled effective immediately.
Fees, Invoicing and Payment 7.1. EAGE charges an Exhibition Fee. Besides, if applicable, Exhibitor may order additional goods and services from EAGE under the Agreement for which Exhibitor shall be charged as well. 7.2. Amounts mentioned in the Agreement are in Euros, exclusive of VAT or other taxes as may be applicable in the country where the Exhibition takes place. 7.3. Payments must be made at the latest on the due date of the relevant invoice(s), unless indicated otherwise. 7.4. For credit card payments, a 5% (five percent) surcharge is applicable. 7.5. If Exhibitor requires a purchase order number on the invoice, the purchase order number must be indicated on the Exhibition Con- tract Form. In the event of the failure of Exhibitor to provide a purchase order number on time, the absence thereof on an invoice or related documentation shall not affect Exhibitor’s payment obligations, the payment term or EAGE’s rights under the Agreement. 7.6. Exhibitor is (automatically) in default after the expiry of any payment period, without any demand, notice of default or judicial intervention being necessary. If Exhibitor is in default, EAGE may cancel booth/space and assign it to another exhibitor without any rebate or allowance to the defaulting Exhibitor, without prejudice to EAGE’s rights to demand immediate payment of the entire outstanding amount, and without prejudice to EAGE’s other rights in such situation. In case of default, Exhibitor is liable for the payment of EAGE’s actual collection costs (including all legal fees and court fees) and not entitled to a refund of any amounts already paid. 7.7. EAGE is entitled to set off payments made by an Exhibitor first of all against any outstanding debts of Exhibitor to EAGE and/or its affiliated companies.
Payment – Invoicing Instructions The Contractor will provide an invoice on the Contractor’s letterhead for goods delivered and/or services rendered. In the case of goods, the Contractor will leave an invoice with each delivery. Each invoice will have a number and will include the following information: A. Contractor’s name and address B. Contractor’s remittance address, if different from A above C. Contractor’s Taxpayer ID Number
Payment Invoicing The Contractor will be paid upon submission of invoices to the Customer after delivery and acceptance of commodities or contractual services is confirmed by the Customer. Invoices must contain sufficient detail for an audit and contain the Contract Number and the Contractor’s Federal Employer Identification Number.