Public Holidays. 10.1 The following days shall be observed as public holidays: New Year's Day 2 January Waitangi Day Good Friday Easter Monday ANZAC Day Sovereign's Birthday Labour Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Anniversary Day (as observed in the locality concerned)
10.2 The following shall apply to the observance of Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day or 2 January, where such a day falls on either a Saturday or a Sunday:
a) Where an employee is required to work that Saturday or Sunday the holiday shall, for that employee, be observed on that Saturday or Sunday and transfer of the observance will not occur. For the purposes of this clause an employee is deemed to have been required to work if they were rostered on, or on-call and actually called in to work. They are not deemed to have been required to work if they were on-call but not called back to work.
b) Where an employee is not required to work that Saturday or Sunday, observance of the holiday shall be transferred to the following Monday and/or Tuesday in accordance with the provisions of Sections 45 (1) (b) and (d) of the Holidays Act 2003.
c) Should a public holiday fall on a weekend, and an employee is required to work on both the public holiday and the week day to which the observance is transferred, the employee will be paid at weekend rates for the time worked on the weekday/transferred holiday. Only one alternative holiday will be granted in respect of each public holiday.
10.3 In order to maintain essential services, the employer may require an employee to work on a public holiday when the public holiday falls on a day which, but for it being a public holiday, would otherwise be a working day for the employee.
10.4 When employees work on a public holiday as provided above they will be paid at double the ordinary hourly rate of pay (T2) for each hour worked and they shall be granted an alternative holiday. Such alternative holiday shall be taken and paid as specified in the Holidays Act 2003.
10.5 An employee who is on call on a public holiday as provided above, but is not called in to work, shall be granted an alternative holiday, except where the public holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday and its observance is transferred to a Monday or Tuesday which the employee also works. Such alternative holiday shall be taken and paid as specified in the Holidays Act 2003.
10.6 Those employees who work a night shift which straddles a public holiday, shall be paid at public holiday rates for those hours which occu...
Public Holidays. Where the part-time employee's normal paid hours fall on a public holiday prescribed in clause 7.5 of the Award and work is not performed by the employee, such employee shall not lose pay for the day. Where the employee works on the holiday, such employee shall be paid in accordance with clause 7.5 of the Award.
Public Holidays. 12.1 The following days shall be observed as public holidays: New Year's Day 2 January Waitangi Day Good Friday Easter Monday ANZAC Day Sovereign's Birthday Labour Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Anniversary Day (as observed in the locality concerned)
12.2 The following shall apply to the observance of Waitangi Day, Anzac Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day or 2 January, where such a day falls on either a Saturday or a Sunday:
(a) Where an employee is required to work that Saturday or Sunday the holiday shall, for that employee, be observed on that Saturday or Sunday and transfer of the observance will not occur. For the purposes of this clause an employee is deemed to have been required to work if they were rostered on duty or on-call and actually called in to work. They are not deemed to have been required to work if they were on-call but not called back to work.
(b) If an employee is rostered on duty (i.e. does not apply to on-call work) on that Saturday or Sunday but does not work, they will be paid relevant daily pay for the day, and transfer of the observance will not occur.
Public Holidays. Employee/s will be entitled to the following holidays without deduction of pay: • New Years Day • Australia Day • Good Friday • Easter Saturday • Easter Monday • Anzac Day • Queen’s Birthday • Labour Day • Christmas Day • Boxing Day • Melbourne Cup Day Subject to the agreement of the parties employee/s will have the option of replacing the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday with the local race day (ie. Albury, Mildura, Wodonga). If this option is applied the replacement day will be paid as a public holiday and Melbourne Cup Day becomes a normal working day for the employee/s concerned. When a public holiday is on a Saturday or Sunday (except Easter Saturday) or rostered day off a day in lieu will be observed on the next calendar working day. This is subject to either the CEPU (Electrical Division) and/or CFMEU (Construction Division) adopting such a position. Any employee required to work on any of the public holiday/s will be paid at double time and a half calculated on the hourly rate, provided that an employee required to work any one of the public holiday/s will be paid for not less than four hours work.
Public Holidays. 42.1 Public holidays are provided for in the NES. This clause contains additional provisions.
Public Holidays. (1) The following days, or the days observed in lieu shall, subject to subclause (3) of this clause, be allowed as holidays without deduction of pay namely: New Year's Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, Labour Day, Foundation Day, Sovereign's Birthday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
(a) When any of the days mentioned in subclause (1) of this clause falls on a Saturday or a Sunday the holidays shall be observed on the next succeeding Monday and when Boxing Day falls on a Sunday or a Monday the holiday shall be observed on the next succeeding Tuesday. In each case the substituted day shall be a holiday without deduction of pay and the day for which it is substituted shall not be a holiday.
(b) When any of the days observed as a holiday under this clause falls on a day when a school employee (see Part IV - Clause 45. - Classifications of this Agreement) is rostered off duty and is a day that the employee would normally have worked and he/she has not been required to work on that day, he/she shall be paid as if the day was an ordinary working day, or if he/she agrees, be allowed a day's leave with pay in lieu of the holiday at a time mutually acceptable to the employer and the employee.
(3) An employee who, on a day observed as a holiday under this clause is required to work during his/her ordinary hours of work shall be paid for the time worked at the rate of 2.5 times their ordinary rate or, if he/she agrees, be paid for the time worked at the rate of time and one-half and in addition be allowed to take a day's leave with pay on a day mutually acceptable to the employer and the employee.
(4) The provisions of this clause shall not apply to casual employees.
Public Holidays. Employees other than casuals shall be entitled to the following Public Holidays without loss of pay: New Year's Day, Australia Day, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Monday, Labour Day, Anzac Day, Queens Birthday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, or any other day substituted by an Act of Parliament as a public holiday in Victoria.
Public Holidays. (a) The Employer recognizes the following Public Holidays: New Year’s Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Victoria Day Christmas Day July 1 (Canada Day) Boxing Day Family Day
(b) Public Holidays will be paid in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, 2000, as amended time to time.
(c) An employee who is required to work on any of the foregoing holidays shall be paid at the rate of one and one half (1 ½) times her regular straight time pay for all hours worked on such holiday, in addition to the Public Holiday Pay for that day in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, 2000, as amended from time to time.
17.02 Subject to staffing exigencies, a nurse who works Christmas/ Boxing Day shall not be required to work New Year’s Eve Day/New Year’s Day. The Employer will endeavour to rotate the requirement to work Christmas/Boxing Day with New Year’s Eve Day/New Year’s Day on alternate years. Time off at Christmas shall be shall be defined as being off December 24th ,25th ,26th and time off at New Years shall be defined as being off December 31 and January 1st. Request for time off at Christmas or New Years shall be submitted in writing to the Employer by November 15th. The master schedule may be adjusted to allow for scheduling requests over the Christmas/New Year’s period, between December15th to January 15th.
17.03 Time worked on the holidays listed in 17.01 (a) between 0001 hours and 2400 hours shall be deemed to be work performed on the holiday and all work shall be paid at the rate of time and one half the straight time hourly rate of pay.
17.04 Where a holiday falls during a full-time nurse’s scheduled vacation period, her vacation shall be extended by one day unless mutually agreed to schedule a different day off. Where a holiday falls on a full-time nurse’s scheduled day off, an additional day off may be scheduled.
Public Holidays. 37.1.1 Employee/s will be entitled to the following public holidays for the purposes of the Agreement without deduction of pay:
37.1.2 In addition to the public holidays specified in Clause 37.1.1, an employee will be entitled to any other day, or part – day, declared or prescribed by or under a law of the State of Victoria, to be observed generally within the State of Victoria, or a region of the State of Victoria, as a public holiday, other than a day, or part - day, or a kind of day or part – day, that is excluded by the regulations from counting as a public holiday.
Public Holidays a) A full time employee is entitled to payment for those public holidays gazetted by the relevant Government where work is being performed in that State or Territory.
b) Part time employees shall only be entitled to payment for those public holidays they are normally rostered to work.
c) Casual employees shall have no entitlement to payment for public holidays they do not work.
d) It is expected that employees be available to work on public holidays as required.