Fertilization Sample Clauses

Fertilization. 1) The Contractor shall conform to all Federal, State, City, and Orange County standards, ordinances, codes, and regulations regarding fertilization services including proper licensure and decal on company vehicle. Weather received by the Contractor or a sub- contractor inclusive of all amendments. Vehicles used by Contractor during applications shall display a decal provided by Orange County showing proof that the applicator has been trained per Fertilizer Ordinance Orange County Code Chapter 15 Article XVII. The Contractor shall be responsible for any fines levied due to non-compliance. 2) The Contractor shall inspect the entire property, including turf areas, shrubs, trees, (including palms), and plants on every service (weekly) basis for any fertilizer application needs. The Performance Administrator shall be informed via email within twenty four (24) hours of fertilization deficiencies discovered, along with treatment applied. This information is mandatory to report on the MVSR. 3) The Contractor shall provide a fertilizer label to the Performance Administrator prior to application. 4) All fertilizers shall be applied to dry surfaces and thoroughly watered in immediately following application. 5) All excess fertilizer shall be blown or swept off any hardscape areas and into lawn areas, plant beds, or picked up and removed from the site immediately following application. At no time shall fertilizer be allowed to accumulate into storm water systems. 6) No fertilizers shall be applied within fifteen (15) feet of water bodies, wetlands or where there is no irrigation.
Fertilization a. The following shall be the minimum fertilization plan for quoting purposes. If a fertilization plan which is a result of a soil test by the County requires an increase in price, a proposal for such increase shall be provided to the County with the fertilization plan. Such price increase may be approved in accordance with the Special Terms and Conditions provision entitled Changes Service Contracts. The fertilizer program is designed to apply four pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet per year (175 pounds of nitrogen per acre per year.) February - Apply a 15-0-15 fertilizer at the rate of 400 pounds per acre. April - Apply granular ammonium sulfate at the rate of 200 pounds per acre. October - Apply a 15-0-15 fertilizer at the rate of 400 pounds per acre. December – Apply 24-2-11 fertilizer at the rate of 400 pounds per acre. b. All fertilizers shall be applied to dry surfaces and thoroughly watered in immediately following application. c. Weed-eating of fence lines shall be completed once every two (2) weeks March 1 through October 31 and once per month from November 1 through February 28.
Fertilization. All fairways shall be fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorous, potash, or other elements as needed to maintain color, growth, health and turgidity of the turf, without allowing excessive or succulent growth.
Fertilization. Fertilization is not allowed unless specifically requested by the owner’s representative via a quote for services followed by a purchase order.
Fertilization. All greens, practice greens, and nurseries shall be fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorous, potash, and other elements as needed to maintain color, growth, health and turgidity of the turf, without allowing excessive or succulent growth. The goal of the greens fertilization program is to provide the best possible putting surface, not to produce the maximum amount of growth.
Fertilization. Turf fertilization shall be preformed a minimum of 4 times annually. The fertilization of shrubs, trees, ground cover, perennials etc. shall be preformed bi- annually. When necessary, soil testing shall be done.
Fertilization. Fertilizer may be applied to areas to be seeded at the rate of 1.0 lb. of 10-20-20 per 100 sq. ft. The fertilizer shall be evenly distributed over the bare soil and incorporated into the soil during scarification operation. The fertilizer should be applied at the time of seeding and included with the seed and lime. In no case shall the fertilization application precede the seeding operation by more than one week. The analysis labels for each bag of fertilizer shall be supplied to the Company Inspector as verification of application rates.
Fertilization. Types of material will be determined from results based on bi-annual soil nutrient level testing and growing conditions at the time of treatment. Under normal conditions up to eight (8) pounds of Nitrogen per one thousand (1,000) square feet may be applied annually. Soil testing will be done twice per year.
Fertilization. Fertilizer shall be applied at the time of planting and shall be a controlled-release type formulated for trees and shrubs, and must be approved by the Parks and Forestry Asset Manager and/or City Landscape Architect. The approved fertilizer shall be used at the rate specified by the manufacturer.
Fertilization. Fertilizers shall be administered according to plant growth. Arboreal trees shall be fertilized once or twice every two years; shrubs shall be fertilized once or twice per year; Ground cover and lawn plants shall be fertilized twice or thrice per year. Additional fertilization may be used for bedding plants according to their growth. Dependence on chemical fertilizers shall be minimized.