Field Check Plans. When authorized by the CITY, prepare field check plans and a preliminary cost estimate for the PROJECT based on approved preliminary concepts as required by the CITY. ENGI- XXXX to submit one copy of preliminary cost estimate and two (2) sets of field check plans to the CITY and one copy of preliminary cost estimate and one electronic set of field check plans to KDOT, to be uploaded to the KDOT FTP site. ENGINEER to participate in a field check of the PROJECT with the CITY and with KDOT when required. Major items of work included in development of field check plans are:
Field Check Plans. 1. Title Sheet. TREKK will develop a Title Sheet.
2. Typical Sections. TREKK will develop Typical Sections for Xxxxxxx Avenue and 77th Street within the project location based on the Downtown Form Based Code.
Field Check Plans. (65%)
A. Updated cover sheet, legend, project notes, typical sections, and survey references
B. Project quantities
C. Plan & Profile sheets 1. All field located utilities shown in the storm sewer plan and profile view
Field Check Plans. Hold initial kickoff meeting with BNSF to discuss project, potential impacts, and begin permitting process. (Assume 3 attending) • Develop trail alignment and profile on BNSF property between 0xx Xxxxxx and 00xx Xxxxxx. • Develop trail alignment and profile on 00xx Xxxxxx. • Develop trail alignment and profile from 0xx Xxxxxx to Depot. • Develop trail alignment from Depot to Constant Park. • Coordinate with City and BNSF on conceptual layouts. • Develop intersection geometry and curb ramps. • Develop inlet locations, drainage areas, and perform pipe design calculations and pipe profile development based on xxxxxxx’x equation via the use of spreadsheets based on APWA and City of Xxxxxxxx criteria. • Develop field check plan set for the proposed improvements from Depot to 00xx Xxxxxx and along 29th Street. Construction drawings will be prepared on 22" x 34" size sheets. The scale shall be as determined to be appropriate but will likely be 1”=20’. The field check submittal is anticipated to include: o Cover Sheet o Typical Sections/General Notes (3 sheets assumed) o Trail Plan and Profile Sheets (10 sheets assumed) o Driveway Profile Sheets (2 sheets assumed) o Cross Sections (25' intervals, 20 sheets assumed) • Prepare content and present at one (1) City Commission meeting and one (1) Transportation Commission meeting. • Calculate quantities and preliminary cost estimate. • Submit a PDF of field check plans to City for review. • Hold BNSF coordination meeting to discuss field check plans and continue coordination, permitting, and easement discussions. (Assume 3 attending) • Hold an initial utility coordination meeting to discuss project and possible conflicts. (Assume 3 attending) o Create exhibits and plan sets for utility coordination. • Hold an open house for public comments to review plans and easement/right-of-way needs. Develop and bring exhibits (assumes 2 copies of 4 exhibits at 22"x34" size). (Assume 3 attending) • Hold a meeting at the City offices to review field check plans, utility conflicts, and public meeting comments. (Assume 3 attending) • Prepare easement and right-of-way documents (legal descriptions and exhibits as necessary, assume 8 parcels) • City to handle right-of-way and easement negotiations and acquisitions. • Coordination with BNSF throughout field check phase.
Field Check Plans. Prepare field check plans that include preliminary cost estimates, to be submitted to the CITY, KDOT (where required), and utilities for review.
Field Check Plans. The following plan sheets will be prepared for the Field Check plan submittal. Title Sheet General Layout Sheet Typical Section Sheets Control and Reference Ties Sheet Plan and Profile Sheets Storm Sewer Plan and Profile Sheets Street Lighting Sheets Environmental Quality Sheets Erosion Control Layout Landscaping Layout Bridge Contour Map Bridge Construction Layout Typical Bridge Section and General Notes Retaining Wall Profile Typical Retaining Wall Section and General Notes Traffic Control Plan Sheet Drainage Area Map Cross Sections