Technical Bid Sample Clauses
Technical Bid. The following documents are to be furnished by the bidder along with Technical Bid as per the tender document:
(a) Duly filled format of Technical Bid & required document proof as per Chapter – I.
(b) Copy of constitution or legal status of the bidder manufacturer / Sole proprietorship / firm / agency etc.
Technical Bid. (i) The bidders are advised to upload the scan copy of technical bid duly sealed and signed at along with documentary proof of Tender processing fees and EMD on or before the last date and time of online submission of tender document.
(ii) Contractors not submitting any one or more documents mentioned above and elsewhere in this document shall not be eligible to participate in the online price bidding.
Technical Bid. The technical bid should consist of all technical details/brochures along with commercial terms and conditions, financial standings as TECHNICAL BID with Tender No. and date and time of closing and the bidder’s name and address. No prices should be included in technical bid.
Technical Bid. 1. Deviation(s) to technical specifications, if any in Form T1
2. Check list in Form T2 3. Detailed technical documentation, reference to various industry standards to which the products/services included in vendor’s offer conform, and literature concerning the proposed solution, Certificates like ISO, Microsoft, ROHS, TCO, FCC etc. in Form T3 (Bidder’s format)
4. Other information, if any required in the bid document in Form T4 (Bidder’s format).
5. Un-Priced Form F1 The financial bid should provide cost calculations corresponding to unit price of each item of the schedules in Form F1(on e-procurement website only).
Technical Bid. The following documents are to be furnished by the bidder along with Technical Bid as per the tender document:
a. Copy of drug license for supply of Medical Gas.
b. Proof of primary manufacture of liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) through Air Liquefaction process.
c. Proof of testing process as per Indian Pharmacopeia IP-2014.
d. Supplier should be supplying to minimum 5 Government Hospitals in India & valid documents from any one of them to be produced.
e. Experience Certificate – Supplier should have an experience of minimum 10 year with their own, manufacture, maintenance & transport of liquid medical oxygen (necessary document must be furnished).
f. Duly filled format of Technical Bid as per Annexure – II.
g. Copy of constitution or legal status of the bidder manufacturer / Sole proprietorship / firm / agency etc.
h. Financial Status: - Bidder must have an average annual turnover of Rs. 300 Crore during the last 3 financial years (Documentary proof like financial statement /Balance sheet from Chartered Accountant/ equivalent statutory authority to be submitted).
i. The technical bid should be accompanied by Demand draft of Rs. 1,08,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Eight Thousand Only) (Refundable) against EMD. The Demand Draft EMD should be prepare separately and drawn in favour of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur.
j. Copy of Income Tax Return Acknowledgement for last Three years.
k. Copy of IT PAN Number.
l. Copy of GSTIN Registration Certificate.
m. Duly Signed Tender document and their annexures.
n. All other document mentioned in tender document.
Technical Bid. The following documents are to be furnished by the bidder along with Technical Bid as per the tender document:
i. Valid Registration Certificate of the firm of the Govt. / State Govt.
ii. Copy of Constitution or Legal Status of the Bidder / Manufacturer / Sole Proprietorship /Firm / Agency etc.
iii. Xxxx signed Xxxxxx Acceptance Form as per Annexure-II.
iv. Duly filled format of Technical Bid as per Annexure-I.
x. Xxxx signed copy of “List of Quoted Items” as per Xxxxxxxx-XX.
vi. Scanned Copy of all the undertakings and other Documents as per NIT.
vii. Manufacturer Authorization Certificate must be attached by Xxxxxx as per Xxxxxxxx-XXX.
Technical Bid. To qualify in the Technical Bid the firm must fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria as under and the firm in this regard must submit / attach the following documents in support of their eligibility criteria:
a) Details of the Bidder and Key Person for any communication regarding Rate Contract [Name, Designation, Type of Firm (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Company, PSU etc.), Contact Number, eMail Address and Office Address] must be submitted.
b) Technical Information and Undertaking as per Contract Form [ANNEXURE-I].
c) Manufacturer’s Authorization Certificate [ANNEXURE-II], if the bidder is quoting on behalf of the Foreign Company.
d) Tender Acceptance Form [ANNEXURE-III].
e) Non-Blacklisting Certificate [ANNEXURE-IV], that the firm has not been blacklisted in the past by any Government / Private Institution on ₹ 100/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper.
f) No Deviation Certificate [ANNEXURE-V] on ₹ 100/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper.
Technical Bid. To qualify in the Technical bid the firm should have the minimum eligibility criteria as under and the firm in this regard must submit the following documents in support of their eligibility criteria –
(a) Duly filled format of Technical Bid as per Chapter 4.
(b) Profile of the organization.
(c) Valid Trade License/Incorporation certificate (if any)
(d) Should have experience in supply of similar nature of items in Govt. Hospitals/Govt. Medical Colleges/PSU’s Hospitals/Autonomous Bodies.
(e) Copy of constitution or legal status of the sole proprietorship/ firm/agency etc.
(f) Financial status: - The Bidder should have an average annual turnover of Rs. 15 lakhs for last three assessment years 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24. Copies of Turnover Certificate, profit & loss account and balance sheets duly authenticated by a Chartered Accountant for the last three years should be enclosed.
(g) The technical bid should be accompanied by Court Fees of Rs. 8.25/- or IPO Rs. 10/- alongwith all necessary documents mentioned in the tender document.
(h) Copy of Income Tax Return Filed Acknowledgements for last 3 (three) assessment years 2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24.
(i) Copy of PAN Card.
(j) Copy of GST registration certificate.
(k) Certified Dealer/Distributor/Manufacturer/firm may participate in the Tender. In this connection the bidder must submit a Notarized Undertaking in Stamp Paper worth Rs. 100/- mentioning that the products which are quoted in the tender is genuine & original. If any discrepancies found during the contract period against approved items, the contract will be cancelled and legal action will be taken against bidder.
(l) Valid Drug License (wherever applicable)
(m) Brochures, original technical catalogue with detailed specification and picture of the product offered (if any).
Technical Bid. 1. Deviation(s) to technical specifications, if any in Form T1
2. Check list in Form T2 3. Detailed technical documentation, reference to various industry standards to which the products/services included in vendor’s offer conform, and literature concerning the proposed solution, Certificates like ISO, Microsoft, ROHS, TCO, FCC etc. in Form T3 (Bidder’s format)
Technical Bid. The bidder shall enclose digitally singed and stamped, (lead member in case of Consortium) copy of the Bid Document except BOQ. Besides this all other associated/requited documents shall be submitted duly numbered and digitally signed/stamped by the bidders. All applicable Annexure/Proformas shall be dully filled by the Bidder. The scanned copy of instruments (i.e. BG/FDR/BC) of Cost of Bid Form, Bid Security Amount and E-Biding Processing Fee shall be enclosed by the bidder with the technical Bid.