Findings and Determinations Sample Clauses
Findings and Determinations. The Members of the Community Redevelopment Authority of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska (the “Authority”) hereby find and determine as follows:
(a) The City of Grand Island, Nebraska (the “City”), pursuant to the Plan Resolution (hereinafter defined), approved the City of Grand Island Redevelopment Area #1 Plan Amendment September 2018 (the “Redevelopment Plan”) under and pursuant to which the Authority shall undertake from time to time to redevelop and rehabilitate the Redevelopment Area (hereinafter defined).
(b) Pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan, the Authority has previously obligated itself and/or will hereafter obligate itself to provide a portion of the financing to acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, extend, rehabilitate, install, equip, furnish and complete, at the cost and expense of the Redeveloper, a Wing Properties portion of the improvements (as defined in the Redevelopment Contract hereinafter identified) in the Redevelopment Area (the “Project Costs”), including, without limitation) the cost of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, improving, extending, rehabilitating, installing, and completing the acquisition of the Project Site (as defined in the Redevelopment Contract), (collectively, the “Project”), as more fully described in the Redevelopment Contract (hereinafter defined).
(c) The Authority is authorized by the Redevelopment Law (hereinafter defined) to issue tax allocation notes for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses of the Project, the principal of which is payable from certain tax revenues as set forth in the Redevelopment Law.
(d) In order to provide funds to pay a portion of the costs of the Project, it is necessary, desirable, advisable, and in the best interest of the Authority for the Authority to issue a Tax Increment Development Revenue Note or other obligation in a principal amount not to exceed $159,800 (the “Note”).
(e) All conditions, acts and things required to exist or to be done precedent to the issuance of the Note do exist and have been done as required by law.
Findings and Determinations. The following paragraphs of this Article constitute a summary of the facts upon which EPA and Ecology are proceeding for purposes of Part Three of this Agreement. None of the facts related herein shall be considered admissions by any Party. This Article contains findings by EPA and Ecology, and shall not be used by any person related or unrelated to this Agreement for purposes other than determining the basis of this Agreement.
Findings and Determinations. 23. The following paragraphs of this Article constitute a summary of the facts upon which EPA and Ecology are proceeding for purposes of Part Two of this Agreement. None of the facts related herein shall be considered admissions by any Party. This Article contains findings by EPA and Ecology, and shall not be used by any person related or unrelated to this Agreement for purposes other than determining the basis of this Agreement.
A. In and/or before 1943, the United States acquired approximately 560 square miles of land, now known as the Hanford Reservation. The DOE and its predecessors have operated Hanford continuously since 1943, mainly for the production of special nuclear materials for the national defense.
B. On or about August 14, 1980, DOE submitted a Notice of Hazardous Waste Activity to EPA pursuant to Section 3010 of RCRA, identifying DOE as a generator, transporter and owner and operator of a TSD Facility. On or about November 1980, DOE submitted Part A of its permit application to EPA qualifying for interim status pursuant to Section 3005 of RCRA. DOE’s Part A has been modified by DOE and submitted to EPA and/or Ecology on several occasions. A revised Part A application submitted on May 20, 1988, related to activities involving Mixed Waste.
X. XXX operates and has operated since November 19, 1980, a hazardous waste management facility engaged in the treatment, storage, and disposal of Hazardous Wastes which are subject to regulation under RCRA and/or the Washington State Hazardous Waste Management Act, Ch. 70.105 RCW.
D. Since the establishment of the Hanford Site in 1943, materials subsequently defined as Hazardous Substances, pollutants and contaminants by CERCLA, materials defined as Hazardous Waste and constituents by RCRA and/or Ch. 70.105 RCW, have been produced, and disposed of or released, at various locations at the Hanford Site, including TSD Units.
24. Based upon the Finding of Fact set forth in Paragraph 23, and the information available, and without admission by DOE, EPA and Ecology have determined the following:
A. Pursuant to Sec. 6001 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. Section 6961, DOE is subject to and must comply with RCRA and the Washington State Hazardous Waste Management Act, Ch. 70.105 RCW.
B. The Hanford Site includes certain hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal Units authorized to operate under Section 3005(e) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 6925(e), and is subject to the permit requirements of Section 3005 of RCRA.
C. Certain was...
Findings and Determinations. It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the Agreement, in the form presented to the governing body of Lessee at this meeting, are in the best interests of the Lessee for the acquisition, purchase, financing and leasing of the Equipment.
Findings and Determinations. It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the Agreement (including the form of Schedule of Property and the form of Rental Payment Schedule, both attached thereto), in the form presented to the Board at this meeting, are in the best interests of the Lessee for the acquisition financing and leasing of the Equipment.
Findings and Determinations. It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the Schedule and the form of Rental Payment Schedule, in the form presented to the Board at this meeting, are in the best interests of the Lessee for the acquisition financing and leasing of the Equipment.
Findings and Determinations. The parties to this Agreement hereby find, determine and declare that the joint, coordinated and cooperative management, operation and maintenance of the Utility System pursuant to the terms and provisions of this Agreement:
1. Is necessary for the regular and businesslike operation of the Utility System consistent with prudent utility practices;
2. Will enable each of the Cities to make the most efficient use of its powers with respect to the management, operation and maintenance of its portion of the Utility System to meet the existing and future needs of the residents of and businesses in that City's community; and
3. Will provide the benefits of economies of scale and reliable utility service to xxxxxx further economic development in the Cities and will promote the general welfare of each community.
Findings and Determinations. The declarations, determinations and findings declared, made and found in the preamble and recitals to this Loan Agreement are hereby adopted, restated and made a part of the operative provisions hereof.
Findings and Determinations. It is hereby found and determined that the terms of the Agreement (including the form of Equipment Schedule and the form of Payment Schedule, both attached thereto), in the form posted on the agenda webpage for this meeting of
Findings and Determinations. The City finds and determines that development permitted or proposed under this Agreement is consistent with the Naples Comprehensive Plan (the "Comp Plan") and land development regulations (the "Naples Code"), and that this Agreement will: