FIRST RESPONDERSIn addition to items in section C, D and H relating to first responders, support the following: 1. Education of law enforcement or other first responders regarding appropriate practices and precautions when dealing with fentanyl or other drugs. 2. Provision of wellness and support services for first responders and others who experience secondary trauma associated with opioid-related emergency events.
FIRST RESPONDERSIn addition to items C8, D1 through D7, H1, H3, and H8, support the following: 1. Current and future law enforcement expenditures relating to the opioid epidemic. 2. Educate law enforcement or other first responders regarding appropriate practices and precautions when dealing with fentanyl or other drugs.
FIRST RESPONDERS. 1. Law Enforcement – Participating Local Governments may also use their share of funds for law enforcement expenditures relating to the opioid epidemic. 2. Educating first responders regarding appropriate practices and precautions when dealing with fentanyl or other drugs. 3. Increase Electronic Prescribing to Prevent Diversion and Forgery.
FIRST RESPONDERS. The fire departments of the Cities and the County have first responder programs. The first responder programs in each City’s jurisdiction and in the County’s jurisdiction will respond to all emergency calls within their respective jurisdictions, and shall have primary responsibility for patient care until said patient care is transferred to The Shelby County Fire Department. The Incident Commander on the scene shall have full scene control and all radio traffic to dispatch shall be handled as directed by said Incident Commander.
FIRST RESPONDERS. “First Responders” means police, sheriff, fire, emergency, medical and hospital emergency rooms, and 911 call centers.
FIRST RESPONDERS. Firefighters, law enforcement and/or security personnel, emergency medical technicians, and EOD personnel (for suspected explosive CBRNE events) that provide the initial, immediate response to a CBRNE incident.
FIRST RESPONDERS. 1. Education of law enforcement or other first responders regarding appropriate practices and precautions when dealing with fentanyl or other drugs. 2. Provision of wellness and support services for first responders and others who experience secondary trauma associated with opioid-related emergency events.
FIRST RESPONDERS a. LVH will partner with and coordinate LVEMS’ activities and services with any and all First Responder groups in the City or in the Municipalities. Currently there are First Responders operating in the Town of Xxxxxx. b. First Responder medical direction will be provided by LVH. As of the effective date such First Responder medical direction will be provided by LVH’s affiliate Regions Hospital. In addition, LVH will provide on-going continuing education training of First Responders through Regions Hospital at no charge. The First Responders will have the opportunity to operate under the LVH license. LVH will also provide the First Responders with disposable medical supplies as needed. c. LVH shall provide Active Shooter and Explosives training to City First Responders. d. First Responders will perform all services that fall within the scope of their certification and training consistent with the requirements of Wisconsin law.
FIRST RESPONDERSThe Contractor shall coordinate the transfer of Individual information, including initial assessments and care plans, with MCO’s, other BH-ASOs, and Tribes and non-Tribal IHCPs, as needed when an Individual moves between regions or gains or loses Medicaid eligibility, to reduce duplication of services and unnecessary delays in service provision.


  • Incident Response Operator shall have a written incident response plan that reflects best practices and is consistent with industry standards and federal and state law for responding to a data breach, breach of security, privacy incident or unauthorized acquisition or use of any portion of Data, including PII, and agrees to provide LEA, upon request, an executive summary of the written incident response plan.

  • Timely and Sustained Response Interconnection Customer shall ensure that the Small Generating Facility’s real power response to sustained frequency deviations outside of the deadband setting is automatically provided and shall begin immediately after frequency deviates outside of the deadband, and to the extent the Small Generating Facility has operating capability in the direction needed to correct the frequency deviation. Interconnection Customer shall not block or otherwise inhibit the ability of the governor or equivalent controls to respond and shall ensure that the response is not inhibited, except under certain operational constraints including, but not limited to, ambient temperature limitations, physical energy limitations, outages of mechanical equipment, or regulatory requirements. The Small Generating Facility shall sustain the real power response at least until system frequency returns to a value within the deadband setting of the governor or equivalent controls. An Applicable Reliability Standard with equivalent or more stringent requirements shall supersede the above requirements.

  • Supportive Services 2.1. Case Management Access Shelter Providers are required to have case management available to participants on site. Participation within case management is voluntary to program participants, however all participants must be offered case management and must be engaged on an ongoing basis to encourage participation. Shelter Providers should recognize that it may take multiple contacts before a participant is ready to engage. Shelter Providers must ensure case management services are participant-centered to individual needs. Programs must provide space for the provision of case management that works to create as much privacy and confidentiality as possible.

  • Online Services Microsoft warrants that each Online Service will perform in accordance with the applicable SLA during Customer’s use. Customer’s remedies for breach of this warranty are described in the SLA.

  • Notice of Separation When an employee’s resignation is presumed in accordance with Section 27.2 above, the Employer will separate the employee by sending a separation notice to the employee by certified mail to the last known address of the employee. Such notice will include information regarding eligibility for continuation of medical benefits.

  • Beta Services From time to time, We may invite You to try Beta Services at no charge. You may accept or decline any such trial in Your sole discretion. Beta Services will be clearly designated as beta, pilot, limited release, developer preview, non-production, evaluation or by a description of similar import. Beta Services are for evaluation purposes and not for production use, are not considered “Services” under this Agreement, are not supported, and may be subject to additional terms. Unless otherwise stated, any Beta Services trial period will expire upon the earlier of one year from the trial start date or the date that a version of the Beta Services becomes generally available. We may discontinue Beta Services at any time in Our sole discretion and may never make them generally available. We will have no liability for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with a Beta Service.