Floating. 33 A. Any nurse who voluntarily wishes to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, 34 must notify his or her manager, in writing on a form provided by the Hospital. Where 1 necessary to allow the nurse to voluntarily float, appropriate training will be provided by 2 the Hospital, with the approval of the manager of the receiving department. 4 The Hospital has the right to determine the number of Float Nurses it needs in a 5 calendar year. The Hospital shall exercise this right based on a reasonable estimation 6 of floating needs for the calendar year. In the event that the number of nurses providing 7 notification of their willingness to be a Float Nurse exceeds the number of Float Nurses 8 needed by the Hospital, selection will be made on the basis of seniority from among 9 those already cross-trained and then on the basis of seniority among those requesting 10 to be cross-trained. 12 1. To be a Float Nurse, the following criteria must be met: 14 a. The nurse must be currently cross-trained or, with the 15 Hospital’s agreement, be willing to be cross-trained to independently take 16 a patient care assignment on another unit(s). 18 b. When the Hospital determines that floating is necessary to a 19 particular unit, and after the training described above, the nurse will float 20 to the unit(s) to which he or she has been cross-trained to independently 21 take a patient care assignment. 23 c. The nurse may be floated to units other than those units for 24 which he or she has been trained, but will not be expected to 25 independently take a patient care assignment on such unit(s). 27 d. The nurse must float at least five (5) times per quarter, when 28 requested by the Hospital. 30 e. The Hospital will make good-faith reasonable efforts to notify 31 a nurse at least two hours before the shift that he or she will be floated, 32 when it is known to the Hospital. In any event, the Hospital will inform the 33 nurse as soon as possible. 1 2. A Float Nurse will not be assigned MDO time for more than one (1) 2 full shift per week, and will not be assigned more than 144 MDO hours (other 3 than voluntary MDO time) in a calendar year in accordance with Article 17.B.1(g). 4 A voluntary MDO shall not count toward either of these limits. A voluntary MDO 5 shall not be granted, however, if the Hospital has determined a need for the Float 6 Nurse to float to another unit. 8 B. When a nurse who is not a Float Nurse is requested to float to a unit other 9 than the unit or units where the nurse regularly works, the nurse will be given a primary 10 patient assignment if the nurse is qualified for such assignment. A nurse may always 11 be required to float in a role to assist other nurses. 13 C. If a nurse is floated to another unit but required to remain immediately 14 available to return to the nurse's primary unit, the nurse will not be given a primary 15 patient assignment in the unit to which he or she has floated. 17 D. If a nurse who is not a Float Nurse believes that he or she is not qualified 18 for a specific assignment with a primary patient load, the nurse should indicate in writing 19 the reasons why and give them at the time of the request to the appropriate manager or 20 designee for the record. If a nurse provides the written statement described in this 21 paragraph, the nurse will not be required to float to a specific assignment with a primary 22 patient load at that time.
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Samples: Professional Services
Floating. 33 4 A. Any nurse who voluntarily wishes to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, 34 must 5 notify his or her manager, in writing on a form provided by the Hospital. Where 1 6 necessary to allow the nurse to voluntarily float, appropriate training will be provided by 2 7 the Hospital, with the approval of the manager of the receiving department. 4 9 The Hospital has the right to determine the number of Float Nurses it needs in a 5 10 calendar year. The Hospital shall exercise this right based on a reasonable estimation 6 11 of floating needs for the calendar year. In the event that the number of nurses providing 7 12 notification of their willingness to be a Float Nurse exceeds the number of Float Nurses 8 13 needed by the Hospital, selection will be made on the basis of seniority from among 9 14 those already cross-trained and then on the basis of seniority among those requesting 10 15 to be cross-trained.
12 16 1. To be a Float Nurse, the following criteria must be met:
14 17 a. The nurse must be currently cross-trained or, with the 15 Hospital’s 18 agreement, be willing to be cross-trained to independently take 16 a patient care 19 assignment on another unit(s).
18 21 b. When the Hospital determines that floating is necessary to a 19 22 particular unit, and after the training described above, the nurse will float 20 to the 23 unit(s) to which he or she has been cross-trained to independently 21 take a patient 24 care assignment.
23 26 c. The nurse may be floated to units other than those units for 24 which 27 he or she has been trained, but will not be expected to 25 independently take a 28 patient care assignment on such unit(s).
27 30 d. The nurse must float at least five (5) times per quarter, when 28 31 requested by the Hospital.
30 33 e. The Hospital will make good-faith reasonable efforts to notify 31 a 34 nurse at least two hours before the shift that he or she will be floated, 32 when it is 1 known to the Hospital. In any event, the Hospital will inform the 33 nurse as soon as 2 possible.
1 4 2. A Float Nurse will not be assigned MDO time for more than one (1) 2 full 5 shift per week, and will not be assigned more than 144 MDO hours (other 3 than voluntary 6 MDO time) in a calendar year in accordance with Article 17.B.1(g). 4 A voluntary MDO 7 shall not count toward either of these limits. A voluntary MDO 5 shall not be granted, 8 however, if the Hospital has determined a need for the Float 6 Nurse to float to another unit.another
8 11 B. When a nurse who is not a Float Nurse is requested to float to a unit other 9 than 12 the unit or units where the nurse regularly works, the nurse will be given a primary 10 13 patient assignment if the nurse is qualified for such assignment. A nurse may always 11 14 be required to float in a role to assist other nurses.
13 16 C. If a nurse is floated to another unit but required to remain immediately 14 available 17 to return to the nurse's primary unit, the nurse will not be given a primary 15 patient 18 assignment in the unit to which he or she has floated.
17 20 D. If a nurse who is not a Float Nurse believes that he or she is not qualified 18 for a 21 specific assignment with a primary patient load, the nurse should indicate in writing 19 the 22 reasons why and give them at the time of the request to the appropriate manager or 20 23 designee for the record. If a nurse provides the written statement described in this 21 24 paragraph, the nurse will not be required to float to a specific assignment with a primary 22 25 patient load at that time.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
Floating. 33 A. Any Within thirty (30) days following ratification of this Agreement, each nurse who voluntarily wishes to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, 34 must notify his or her manager, in writing on a form provided by the Hospital, as to the nurse's willingness to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, to float to areas specified by the Hospital. Where 1 necessary Thereafter, each year in December, any nurse willing to allow the nurse to voluntarily float, appropriate training become or remain a Float Nurse shall provide such notice in writing. Any change in status resulting from such notice will be provided by 2 effective for the Hospitalnext calendar year, with the approval after receipt of the manager of the receiving departmentwritten notice. 4 The Hospital has the right to determine the number of Float Nurses it needs in a 5 calendar year. The Hospital shall exercise this right based on a reasonable estimation 6 of floating needs for the calendar year. In the event that the number of nurses providing 7 notification of their willingness to be a Float Nurse exceeds the number of Float Nurses 8 needed by the Hospital, selection will be made on the basis of seniority from among 9 those already cross-trained and then on the basis of seniority among those requesting 10 to be cross-trained.
12 1. To be a Float Nurse, the following criteria must be met:
14 a. (a) The nurse must be currently cross-trained or, with the 15 Hospital’s agreement, be willing to be cross-trained to independently take 16 a patient care assignment on another unit(s).
18 b. (b) When the Hospital determines that floating is necessary to a 19 particular unit, and after the training described above, the nurse will float 20 to the unit(s) to which he or she has been cross-trained to independently 21 take a patient care assignment.
23 c. (c) The nurse may be floated to units other than those units for 24 which he or she has been trained, but will not be expected to 25 independently take a patient care assignment on such unit(s).
27 d. (d) The nurse must float at least five (5) times per quarter, when 28 requested by the Hospital.
30 e. (e) The Hospital will make good-faith reasonable efforts to notify 31 a nurse at least two hours before the shift that he or she will be floated, 32 when it is known to the Hospital. In any event, the Hospital will inform the 33 nurse as soon as possible.
1 2. A Float Nurse will not be assigned MDO time for more than one (1) 2 full shift per week, and will not be assigned more than 144 MDO hours (other 3 than voluntary MDO time) in a calendar year in accordance with Article 17.B.1(g17.B.1(f). 4 A voluntary MDO shall not count toward either of these limits. A voluntary MDO 5 shall not be granted, however, if the Hospital has determined a need for the Float 6 Nurse to float to another unit.
8 B. When a nurse who is not a Float Nurse is requested to float to a unit other 9 than the unit or units where the nurse regularly works, the nurse will be given a primary 10 patient assignment if the nurse is qualified for such assignment. A nurse may always 11 be required to float in a role to assist other nurses.
13 C. If a nurse is floated to another unit but required to remain immediately 14 available to return to the nurse's primary unit, the nurse will not be given a primary 15 patient assignment in the unit to which he or she has floated.
17 D. If a nurse who is not a Float Nurse believes that he or she is not qualified 18 for a specific assignment with a primary patient load, the nurse should indicate in writing 19 the reasons why and give them at the time of the request to the appropriate manager or 20 designee for the record. If a nurse provides the written statement described in this 21 paragraph, the nurse will not be required to float to a specific assignment with a primary 22 patient load at that time.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Floating. 33 A. Any Within thirty (30) days following ratification of this Agreement, each nurse who voluntarily wishes to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, 34 must notify his or her manager, in writing on a form provided by the Hospital, as to the nurse's willingness to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, to float to areas specified by the Hospital. Where 1 necessary Thereafter, each year in December, any nurse willing to allow the nurse to voluntarily float, appropriate training become or remain a Float Nurse shall provide such notice in writing. Any change in status resulting from such notice will be provided by 2 effective for the Hospitalnext calendar year, with the approval after receipt of the manager of the receiving departmentwritten notice. 4 The Hospital has the right to determine the number of Float Nurses it needs in a 5 calendar year. The Hospital shall exercise this right based on a reasonable estimation 6 of floating needs for the calendar year. In the event that the number of nurses providing 7 notification of their willingness to be a Float Nurse exceeds the number of Float Nurses 8 needed by the Hospital, selection will be made on the basis of seniority from among 9 those already cross-trained and then on the basis of seniority among those requesting 10 to be cross-cross- trained.
12 1. To be a Float Nurse, the following criteria must be met:
14 a. (a) The nurse must be currently cross-trained or, with the 15 Hospital’s agreement, be willing to be cross-trained to independently take 16 a patient care assignment on another unit(s).
18 b. (b) When the Hospital determines that floating is necessary to a 19 particular unit, and after the training described above, the nurse will float 20 to the unit(s) to which he or she has been cross-trained to independently 21 take a patient care assignment.
23 c. (c) The nurse may be floated to units other than those units for 24 which he or she has been trained, but will not be expected to 25 independently take a patient care assignment on such unit(s).
27 d. (d) The nurse must float at least five (5) times per quarter, when 28 requested by the Hospital.
30 e. (e) The Hospital will make good-faith reasonable efforts to notify 31 a nurse at least two hours before the shift that he or she will be floated, 32 when it is known to the Hospital. In any event, the Hospital will inform the 33 nurse as soon as possible.
1 2. A Float Nurse will not be assigned MDO time for more than one (1) 2 full shift per week, and will not be assigned more than 144 MDO hours (other 3 than voluntary MDO time) in a calendar year in accordance with Article 17.B.1(g17.B.1(f). 4 A voluntary MDO shall not count toward either of these limits. A voluntary MDO 5 shall not be granted, however, if the Hospital has determined a need for the Float 6 Nurse to float to another unit.
8 B. When a nurse who is not a Float Nurse is requested to float to a unit other 9 than the unit or units where the nurse regularly works, the nurse will be given a primary 10 patient assignment if the nurse is qualified for such assignment. A nurse may always 11 be required to float in a role to assist other nurses.
13 C. If a nurse is floated to another unit but required to remain immediately 14 available to return to the nurse's primary unit, the nurse will not be given a primary 15 patient assignment in the unit to which he or she has floated.
17 D. If a nurse who is not a Float Nurse believes that he or she is not qualified 18 for a specific assignment with a primary patient load, the nurse should indicate in writing 19 the reasons why and give them at the time of the request to the appropriate manager or 20 designee for the record. If a nurse provides the written statement described in this 21 paragraph, the nurse will not be required to float to a specific assignment with a primary 22 patient load at that time.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Floating. 33 A. Any nurse who voluntarily wishes to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, 34 must notify his or her manager, in writing on a form provided by the Hospital. Where 1 necessary to allow the nurse to voluntarily float, appropriate training will be provided by 2 the Hospital, with the approval of the manager of the receiving department. 4 The Hospital has the right to determine the number of Float Nurses it needs in a 5 calendar year. The Hospital shall exercise this right based on a reasonable estimation 6 of floating needs for the calendar year. In the event that the number of nurses providing 7 notification of their willingness to be a Float Nurse exceeds the number of Float Nurses 8 needed by the Hospital, selection will be made on the basis of seniority from among 9 those already cross-trained and then on the basis of seniority among those requesting 10 to be cross-trained.
12 1. To be a Float Nurse, the following criteria must be met:
14 a. The nurse must be currently cross-trained or, with the 15 Hospital’s agreement, be willing to be cross-trained to independently take 16 a patient care assignment on another unit(s).
18 b. When the Hospital determines that floating is necessary to a 19 particular unit, and after the training described above, the nurse will float 20 to the unit(s) to which he or she has been cross-trained to independently 21 take a patient care assignment.
23 c. The nurse may be floated to units other than those units for 24 which he or she has been trained, but will not be expected to 25 independently take a patient care assignment on such unit(s).
27 d. The nurse must float at least five (5) times per quarter, when 28 requested by the Hospital.
30 e. The Hospital will make good-faith reasonable efforts to notify 31 a nurse at least two hours before the shift that he or she will be floated, 32 when it is known to the Hospital. In any event, the Hospital will inform the 33 nurse as soon as possible.
1 2. A Float Nurse will not be assigned MDO time for more than one (1) 2 full shift per week, and will not be assigned more than 144 MDO hours (other 3 than voluntary MDO time) in a calendar year in accordance with Article 17.B.1(g). 4 A voluntary MDO shall not count toward either of these limits. A voluntary MDO 5 shall not be granted, however, if the Hospital has determined a need for the Float 6 Nurse to float to another unit.
8 B. When a nurse who is not a Float Nurse is requested to float to a unit other 9 than the unit or units where the nurse regularly works, the nurse will be given a primary 10 patient assignment if the nurse is qualified for such assignment. A nurse may always 11 be required to float in a role to assist other nurses.
13 C. If a nurse is floated to another unit but required to remain immediately 14 available to return to the nurse's primary unit, the nurse will not be given a primary 15 patient assignment in the unit to which he or she has floated.
17 D. If a nurse who is not a Float Nurse believes that he or she is not qualified 18 for a specific assignment with a primary patient load, the nurse should indicate in writing 19 the reasons why and give them at the time of the request to the appropriate manager or 20 designee for the record. If a nurse provides the written statement described in this 21 paragraph, the nurse will not be required to float to a specific assignment with a primary 22 patient load at that time.primary
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Floating. 33 8 A. Any nurse who voluntarily wishes to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, 34 must 9 notify his or her manager, in writing on a form provided by the Hospital. Where 1 10 necessary to allow the nurse to voluntarily float, appropriate training will be provided by 2 11 the Hospital, with the approval of the manager of the receiving department. 4 13 The Hospital has the right to determine the number of Float Nurses it needs in a 5 14 calendar year. The Hospital shall exercise this right based on a reasonable estimation 6 15 of floating needs for the calendar year. In the event that the number of nurses providing 7 16 notification of their willingness to be a Float Nurse exceeds the number of Float Nurses 8 17 needed by the Hospital, selection will be made on the basis of seniority from among 9 18 those already cross-trained and then on the basis of seniority among those requesting 10 19 to be cross-trained.
12 20 1. To be a Float Nurse, the following criteria must be met:
14 21 a. The nurse must be currently cross-trained or, with the 15 Hospital’s 22 agreement, be willing to be cross-trained to independently take 16 a patient care 23 assignment on another unit(s).
18 25 b. When the Hospital determines that floating is necessary to a 19 26 particular unit, and after the training described above, the nurse will float 20 to the 27 unit(s) to which he or she has been cross-trained to independently 21 take a patient 28 care assignment.
23 30 c. The nurse may be floated to units other than those units for 24 which 31 he or she has been trained, but will not be expected to 25 independently take a 32 patient care assignment on such unit(s).
27 1 d. The nurse must float at least five (5) times per quarter, when 28 2 requested by the Hospital.
30 4 e. The Hospital will make good-faith reasonable efforts to notify 31 a 5 nurse at least two hours before the shift that he or she will be floated, 32 when it is 6 known to the Hospital. In any event, the Hospital will inform the 33 nurse as soon as 7 possible.
1 9 2. A Float Nurse will not be assigned MDO time for more than one (1) 2 full 10 shift per week, and will not be assigned more than 144 MDO hours (other 3 than voluntary 11 MDO time) in a calendar year in accordance with Article 17.B.1(g). 4 A voluntary MDO 12 shall not count toward either of these limits. A voluntary MDO 5 shall not be granted, 13 however, if the Hospital has determined a need for the Float 6 Nurse to float to another unit.another
8 16 B. When a nurse who is not a Float Nurse is requested to float to a unit other 9 than 17 the unit or units where the nurse regularly works, the nurse will be given a primary 10 18 patient assignment if the nurse is qualified for such assignment. A nurse may always 11 19 be required to float in a role to assist other nurses.
13 21 C. If a nurse is floated to another unit but required to remain immediately 14 available 22 to return to the nurse's primary unit, the nurse will not be given a primary 15 patient 23 assignment in the unit to which he or she has floated.
17 25 D. If a nurse who is not a Float Nurse believes that he or she is not qualified 18 for a 26 specific assignment with a primary patient load, the nurse should indicate in writing 19 the 27 reasons why and give them at the time of the request to the appropriate manager or 20 28 designee for the record. If a nurse provides the written statement described in this 21 29 paragraph, the nurse will not be required to float to a specific assignment with a primary 22 30 patient load at that time.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
Floating. 33 4 A. Any Within thirty (30) days following ratification of this Agreement, each nurse who voluntarily wishes to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, 34 must 5 notify his or her manager, in writing on a form provided by the Hospital, as to the 6 nurse's willingness to be a Float Nurse, as defined below, to float to areas 7 specified by the Hospital. Where 1 necessary Thereafter, each year in December, any nurse willing 8 to allow the nurse to voluntarily float, appropriate training become or remain a Float Nurse shall provide such notice in writing. Any 9 change in status resulting from such notice will be provided by 2 effective for the Hospitalnext calendar 10 year, with the approval after receipt of the manager of the receiving departmentwritten notice. 4 11 The Hospital has the right to determine the number of Float Nurses it needs in a 5 12 calendar year. The Hospital shall exercise this right based on a reasonable 13 estimation 6 of floating needs for the calendar year. In the event that the number 14 of nurses providing 7 notification of their willingness to be a Float Nurse exceeds 15 the number of Float Nurses 8 needed by the Hospital, selection will be made on 16 the basis of seniority from among 9 those already cross-trained and then on the 17 basis of seniority among those requesting 10 to be cross-trained.
12 18 1. To be a Float Nurse, the following criteria must be met:
14 a. (a) The nurse must be currently cross-trained or, with the 15 Hospital’s 20 agreement, be willing to be cross-trained to independently take 16 a 21 patient care assignment on another unit(s).
18 b. (b) When the Hospital determines that floating is necessary to a 19 23 particular unit, and after the training described above, the nurse will 24 float 20 to the unit(s) to which he or she has been cross-trained to 25 independently 21 take a patient care assignment.
23 c. (c) The nurse may be floated to units other than those units for 24 which 27 he or she has been trained, but will not be expected to 25 28 independently take a patient care assignment on such unit(s).
27 d. (d) The nurse must float at least five (5) times per quarter, when 28 2 requested by the Hospital.
30 e. . 3 (e) The Hospital will make good-faith reasonable efforts to notify 31 a 4 nurse at least two hours before the shift that he or she will be 5 floated, 32 when it is known to the Hospital. In any event, the Hospital 6 will inform the 33 nurse as soon as possible.
1 7 2. A Float Nurse will not be assigned MDO time for more than one (1) 2 full 8 shift per week, and will not be assigned more than 144 MDO hours (other 3 9 than voluntary MDO time) in a calendar year in accordance with 10 Article 17.B.1(g17.B.1(f). 4 A voluntary MDO shall not count toward either of these 11 limits. A voluntary MDO 5 shall not be granted, however, if the Hospital has 12 determined a need for the Float 6 Nurse to float to another unit.
8 13 B. When a nurse who is not a Float Nurse is requested to float to a unit other 9 than 14 the unit or units where the nurse regularly works, the nurse will be given a 15 primary 10 patient assignment if the nurse is qualified for such assignment. A nurse 16 may always 11 be required to float in a role to assist other nurses.
13 17 C. If a nurse is floated to another unit but required to remain immediately 14 available 18 to return to the nurse's primary unit, the nurse will not be given a primary 15 patient 19 assignment in the unit to which he or she has floated.
17 20 D. If a nurse who is not a Float Nurse believes that he or she is not qualified 18 for a 21 specific assignment with a primary patient load, the nurse should indicate in 22 writing 19 the reasons why and give them at the time of the request to the 23 appropriate manager or 20 designee for the record. If a nurse provides the written 24 statement described in this 21 paragraph, the nurse will not be required to float to a 25 specific assignment with a primary 22 patient load at that time.
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Samples: Professional Services