Contracting Arrangements. Each partner organisation will manage the contracting of specific services for which it is identified as the responsible organisation, in line with its own internal processes.
Contracting Arrangements. 6.2.1 For the purposes of the Integrated commissioning process, either Partner can undertake commissioning on behalf of itself and the other Partner and hold a contract, based upon a best fit decision at the time. Each organisation briefing the other Partner via the Partnership Board on issues relating to the core elements of each contract.
6.2.2 The following core elements will form the integrated contract management approach for the purposes of the agreement: • Contact Negotiation • Operational Provider Management • Contract Performance Management • Contract Review
6.2.3 These core elements will operate across Dementia in accordance with the following principles detailed below: Dementia Council &CCG Contract Leads Council& CCG Contrac t Leads Provider Dementia Lead Council & CCG Contract Leads CCG Commission ing Manager Council Dementia workstrea m lead Council Social Care Commission er - Dementia Council &CCG Contract Leads For the purposes of developing the integrated commissioning approach, procurement requirements and opportunities for 2020/21 will be reviewed in Quarter 4 of 2019/20. In 2019/20 and future years, procurement delivery will take place in Quarters 1,2 & 3 with contract negotiation in Quarter 3 across each workstream.
6.2.4 The Contracts which will form part of this Scheme are set out at Appendix B - provided always that the parties acknowledge that this list will be amended as additional contracts are commissioned over the duration of this Agreement.
Contracting Arrangements. The Lead agency will: • contract with Provider(s) for the provision of the Services on terms agreed with the other Partners; • comply with all relevant legal duties and guidance of both Partners in relation to the Services being commissioned; • where Services are commissioned using the NHS Standard Form Contract, perform the obligations of the “Commissioner” and “Co-ordinating Commissioner” with all due skill, care and attention and where Services are commissioned using any other form of contract to perform its obligations with all due skill and attention; • undertake performance management and contract monitoring of all Service Contracts; • make payment of all sums due to a Provider pursuant to the terms of any Services Contract; and • keep the other Partner and the JSCG regularly informed of the effectiveness of the arrangements including the Better Care Fund and any Overspend or Underspend in a Pooled Fund or Non Pooled Fund. • Information about eligibility for and access to provided services is included in each of the summary descriptions.
Contracting Arrangements. 7.1 The list of relevant Services Contracts or parts thereof will be recorded in the Expenditure Plan. Each Partner shall ensure that copies of signed Services Contracts are maintained and available for inspection by the other Partner upon request.
7.2 The financial and operational risks of each Services Contract shall be managed by the Partner acting as Lead Commissioner. These risks shall be reported on as part of the regular financial reporting to the Commissioning Partnership Board as it determines.
7.3 The Lead Commissioner shall have the authority to agree the form and details of each Services Contract for commissioned Services using reasonable terms within their normal operating procedures with the aim of managing risk to both Partners to this Agreement.
7.4 In the event of the Partners deeming a joint Services Contract being the most appropriate contracting mechanism, the Partners shall jointly agree the form and details of each Services Contract for commissioned Services using reasonable terms with the aim of managing risk to both Partners to this Agreement.
7.5 The Partners will work together and operate Services Contracts in accordance with the obligations set out in Schedule 4 (Joint Working Obligations). Services Contract variations, extensions, renewals and terminations in full or in part shall be subject to approval by the Commissioning Partnership Board. The Lead Commissioner shall ensure that appropriate notice is given to the Commissioning Partnership Board and the other Partner prior to such variations, extensions, renewals or terminations being undertaken.
7.6 On expiry or termination of this Agreement, Services Contracts will remain with the Lead Commissioner of the Individual Scheme as set out in the Expenditure Plan.
7.7 Services Contracts shall only be assigned or novated to the other Partner on the written agreement of both Partners.
Contracting Arrangements. 6.2.1 For the purposes of the integrated commissioning process, either Partner can undertake commissioning on behalf of itself and the other Partner and hold a contract, based upon a best fit decision at the time. Each organisation briefing the other Partner via the Partnership Board on issues relating to the core elements of each contract.
Contracting Arrangements. The Council team will issue placement agreements and / or purchase orders that explicitly meet NHS contracting and payment requirements.
Contracting Arrangements. The relevant CCG will hold the contracts for Joint Funded CHC Packages in each CCG area. The Local Authority will hold the contracts for Residential and Nursing Care (Local Authority).
Contracting Arrangements. The relevant CCG will hold the contracts for IAPT and D2A spending in each CCG area, and the Local Authority shall hold the contracts for Moving on Beds.
Contracting Arrangements. 6.2.1. Contracts will continue to be held and managed by the Partner that holds the contract at 1st April 2017.
6.2.2. Where changes are proposed to contracts that are included in the arrangements, authority to agree these changes will be in accordance with each Partner’s governance arrangements and scheme of delegation for the joint arrangements where appropriate. Any changes to contracting arrangements will explicitly consider any changes to the risks held by each Partner and whether or not these risks need to be shared.
6.2.3. The Lead Commissioner shall agree terms in accordance with its own organisation’s Scheme of Delegation and the Scheme of Delegation for the Arrangements where appropriate.
6.2.4. The Partners will not enter in to, or hold itself out, as having the authority to bind other Partners into contracts unless the contract is expressly noted as a joint contract and Partners enter this agreement by mutual consent.
Contracting Arrangements. The relevant CCG will hold the contracts for Integrated Care / Community Teams and ICES (Health) in each CCG area. The Local Authority will hold the contracts for Reablement, ICES and Telecare (Social Care), and Dementia Care.