Formal Disciplinary Action Sample Clauses
Formal Disciplinary Action. The period of time when a written reprimand and/or possible suspension occurs.
Formal Disciplinary Action. (Step 3)
Formal Disciplinary Action. The Superintendent of Schools shall initiate the charges for disciplinary action. The Superintendent shall give the employee written notice of the specific charges against him/her in ordinary and concise language citing the specific acts and omissions upon which the disciplinary action is based, a statement of the cause for the action taken, and if it is claimed that the employee has violated any Board and/or administrative rule or regulation, such rule and or regulation shall be set forth in said notice. The notice shall contain a statement of the employee's right to a hearing on such charges and the time within which such hearing may be requested which shall be not less than five (5) days after service of the notice to the employee. The notice shall contain a card or paper, the signing and filing of which shall constitute a demand for hearing, and a denial of all charges.
Formal Disciplinary Action a written Reprimand, a Suspension or a Removal.
Formal Disciplinary Action. With the exception of a written letter of reprimand, the procedure for taking a formal disciplinary action is as follows:
Formal Disciplinary Action. Formal disciplinary action shall not be imposed unless proven under the normal “just cause” standard.
Formal Disciplinary Action. The procedure for taking a formal disciplinary action is for the Employer to issue a notice of proposed disciplinary action which will advise the Employee of the infraction or breach of conduct and why the Employer believes the Employee engaged in the misconduct. The notice of proposed disciplinary action will also advise the Employee when, where and how they may submit matters that they want the deciding official to consider before making a final decision on whether to impose discipline. Under normal circumstances, excepting situations that are contrary to law, rule or government wide regulation (i.e. Crime provision or Furlough), the Employee will be given a reasonable amount of time but not less than 24 hours for non-appealable actions and not less than 7 days for appealable actions to respond. The Employee may seek the assistance of the union and to have the union as a representative.
Formal Disciplinary Action where, after investigations have concluded, it is deemed necessary to continue with formal disciplinary procedures, the Employee will be issued with written correspondence detailing:
(i) the outcome of the investigation, including a decision as to which of the allegations were substantiated and a summary of the reasons; and
(ii) confirmation of what formal action will occur.
Formal Disciplinary Action.
a. Formal disciplinary action consists of oral admonishments, written reprimands, suspensions, reductions in grade, and removals. Even though these actions constitute formal discipline, only suspensions, reduction in grade and removal actions are considered adverse actions since they affect the pay of the technician.
b. Before disciplining a technician, the supervisor will gather all available facts and discuss them with the technician, informing the technician of the reason for the investigation. After considering the technician's response, the supervisor will then advise the technician if the discussion resolved the matter.
c. If an oral admonishment or letter of reprimand is decided upon the following procedure will apply.
(1) An oral admonishment:
(a) Is a disciplinary action that notifies a technician to desist from a certain course of action. The supervisor will describe the offense in sufficient detail to enable the technician to understand why the admonishment is necessary. The technician may have a Labor Organization representative if so desired. The supervisor will advise the technician of this right prior to the questioning and presentation of the admonishment.
(b) Will be annotated in pencil (date and subject) on the Employee Record Card. The admonishment may not be retained longer then twelve (12) months unless relevant to a continuing and reoccurring problem.
(c) In order to protect the confidentiality of the records (Employee Record Card), and to preserve the privacy of the individual, records will be maintained at the lowest level of supervision excluded from the bargaining unit and access will be limited to management/technicians concerned and individuals to whom the technician has given written permission.
(2) Written reprimand will:
(a) Normally be signed by the appropriate supervisor and coordinated with HRO for contract and regula- tory compliance.
(b) The technician may have a Labor Organization representative if so desired. The supervisor will advise the technician of this right prior to the questioning and presentation of the letter of reprimand.
(c) Describe the offense in sufficient detail to enable the technician to understand why the reprimand is necessary.
(d) Inform the technician that the letter will be filed as a temporary document in the Official Personnel Folder until a specific date. Retention period may not exceed eighteen (18) months unless relevant to a continuing and reoccurring problem.
(3) A grievance...
Formal Disciplinary Action. In circumstances under which non-disciplinary measures are unsuccessful, or in cases of serious misconduct, formal disciplinary action may be undertaken pursuant to this policy and process. Disciplinary Action is issued to a Resident as the result of Academic Deficiency or Misconduct. A program is not required to issue a Resident any form of non-disciplinary, remedial action as a prerequisite to recommending or taking Disciplinary Action. Serious Academic Deficiencies and/or Misconduct may warrant Disciplinary Action, up to and including dismissal, regardless of whether a Resident ever received or was subject to any prior form of remedial action.