Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action Sample Clauses
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action a. Prior to any such discipline being imposed, the Charter School Administrator shall provide the employee with a written Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action, which shall include a brief summary of the facts supporting the proposed disciplinary action.
b. The employee shall have five (5) working days to submit a written and/or oral response to the Charter School Administrator or his/her designee.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. A permanent Unit Member subject to proposed disciplinary action shall be given a written notice of the proposed disciplinary action. The notice of proposed disciplinary action shall be served on the Unit Member at least ten (10) working days prior to the effective date of discipline. Notice may be served by personal delivery or by certified mail to the employees’ last known mailing address of official record with the District. The notice shall be deemed served when it is delivered in person to the Unit Member, or if service is by certified mail, when it is deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid. The notice of proposed disciplinary action shall include at least the following: A statement of the proposed disciplinary action and its effective date. A statement of the cause or causes for such action as set forth above. A statement of the specific acts or omissions upon which the causes are based. Such statement may incorporate by reference the acts and omissions described in attached documents. A statement that the materials upon which the proposed action is based are attached. A statement of the Unit Member’s right to respond to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources or designee, either orally or in writing, prior to the stated effective date of the proposed discipline, and a statement that any response will be considered prior to the finalization of the proposed discipline, provided such response is submitted not later than seven (7) working days after service or notice to the Unit Member. A statement of the Unit Member’s right to request a meeting with and appear personally before the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources or designee prior to the stated effective date of the proposed discipline (Xxxxxx meeting), provided such request is submitted to the Vice Chancellor or designee not later than seven (7) working days after service of the notice to the Unit Member, and the date, time and place of the meeting in the event a timely request is submitted. A statement that the Unit Members shall have the right to CSEA representation or to assistance by a representative of his or her own choosing.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. In order to institute disciplinary action the appointing authority or his/her designee shall serve notice of the proposed disciplinary action in accordance with the following procedures. Except as otherwise provided herein or when emergency or other special circumstances require immediate action, a notice of proposed disciplinary action (other than for written reprimands) shall be delivered to the employee, either personally or by the United States Postal Service, commercial deliver service to the employee’s current address on record, no less than five (5) calendar days prior to the effective date of any punitive action against the employee. The employee will be provided with a “Release of Information” form that they may sign authorizing the County to provide the Union with all materials upon which the action is based. The County will notify the Union and mail the materials to the Union within two (2) working days. The notice of proposed disciplinary action shall include the following:
A. The nature of the disciplinary action;
B. The effective date of the action;
C. The causes for the action in ordinary, concise language with the dates and places thereof, when known;
D. A statement that identifies the material upon which the action is based and states that it is available for inspection; and
E. A statement advising the employee of his/her right to respond either verbally or in writing to the appointing authority or his/her designee imposing the disciplinary action prior to the effective date, the right to be represented in that response, and that members of the bargaining unit are represented by SEIU Local 521, and the address and telephone number of the Union office. In the preparation and/or presentation of his/her response to the notice of proposed disciplinary action, the employee has the right to representation in accordance with the law. The Union may bring an additional xxxxxxx for training purposes in accordance with the Union Rights Article.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. Before disciplining an employee, the District shall provide the employee with written notice of any proposed disciplinary action either personally or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice shall include:
(1) A statement of the nature and extent of the proposed disciplinary action.
(2) The effective date of the proposed disciplinary action.
(3) A statement of the causes upon which the proposed discipline is based, including a copy of any documents relied upon.
(4) A statement in ordinary and concise language of all the specific facts or omissions upon which the proposed disciplinary action is based.
(5) A statement advising the employee of his or her right to respond, either orally or in writing, to the proposed disciplinary action and of the manner and time within which said response must be given.
(6) A statement that if the employee’s response is not given in accordance with the manner and time outlined, the employee’s right to provide a pre- disciplinary response shall be waived, and the discipline will proceed as proposed.
(7) A statement that the employee is entitled to Union representation in this matter if he/she so requests.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. 16.6.1 The Chancellor or designee may initiate disciplinary action against a worker by serving the worker with a Notice of Discipline. The Notice shall be in writing and signed by the Chancellor. It shall include a statement of the specific charges against the worker, shall be written in ordinary and concise language describing the specific acts and omissions on which the disciplinary action is based and shall include the cause and any rules and regulations which have been violated. It shall also include the nature of the discipline to be imposed and its effective date, a statement of the worker's right to appeal the action, and a statement of the worker's right to union representation.
16.6.2 The Notice shall name a Xxxxxx Officer for the purposes of Section 16.7 below.
16.6.3 A copy of these procedures shall be attached to the Notice along with the Disciplinary Action Appeal Form.
16.6.4 The Notice of Discipline shall be served upon the worker either in person or by certified mail at least seven (7) working days prior to the effective date of the sanction. A copy of the Notice shall be sent to ACE and to the chief xxxxxxx.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. Whenever the District intends to suspend a unit member, demote the unit member, reassign a unit member, or dismiss the unit member, the unit member shall be given a written notice of the proposed discipline, signed by the Chancellor or his/her designee, which sets forth the following:
1) The disciplinary action intended;
2) The specific charges upon which the proposed action is based;
3) A factual summary of the grounds upon which the charges are based;
4) A copy of all written materials, reports, and documents upon which the proposed discipline is based;
5) Notice of the unit member’s right to respond to the charges either orally or in writing to the appropriate manager (Xxxxxx Rights);
6) The date, time and person before whom the unit member may respond, in no more than seven (7) working days from the time the Notice is postmarked;
7) Notice that failure to respond at the time specified shall constitute a waiver of the right to respond prior to final discipline being imposed.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. Prior to the disciplinary action being taken, the administrator/supervisor shall 19 serve the employee personally or by certified mail (return receipt requested) with a Notice 20 of Proposed Disciplinary action. The Notice of Proposed Disciplinary action shall contain: 22 A statement of the nature of the proposed disciplinary action (suspension 23 without pay, demotion, reduction of pay step in class, or dismissal) and any and all 24 material upon which the action is based.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. (a) When the President or designee has reason to believe that a suspension or termination should possibly be imposed as a disciplinary consequence, the President or designee shall provide the Employee with a written Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action and the rationale for such action.
(b) Such Notice shall be sent certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Employee’s last known address, delivered to the Employee in person, or e-mailed to the Employee’s university e-mail address.
(c) In the event that the University reasonably believes that the Employee’s actions or presence on the job would adversely affect the orderly conduct and processes of the University, and/or jeopardize the safety or welfare of the Employee, faculty and staff, or students, the Employee may be placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of a proposed disciplinary action. Administrative leave is not discipline.
(d) Within twenty (20) days of receipt of the Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action, the Employee must submit a written response to the President ( or designee before the proposed action is taken.
(e) After receiving the written response or, if no response is received after twenty (20) days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action, the President or designee may issue a Notice of Disciplinary Action under Section 9.6.
(f) In certain instances, the President or designee may choose to include an ad hoc panel to evaluate the responses and any other material in order to provide a recommendation regarding the discipline, if any, that should be applied. The President or designee will request that members chosen for the panel identify any conflicts of interest that might arise from their service on the panel. The President or designee may excuse panel members for conflicts of interest. However, the President or designee will excuse any members of UFF’s Contract Enforcement Committee from serving on such a panel.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. A. A statement of the action proposed to be taken;
B. A copy of the charges, including the acts or omissions and grounds upon which the action is based;
C. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the City or department, a copy of said rule shall be included with the Notice;
D. A copy of materials upon which the proposed action is based;
E. A statement that the employee has seven (7) days to respond to the author of the Notice either orally or in writing. The employee or designated representative, upon whom a Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action has been served, shall have seven (7) days to respond to the author of the Notice orally or in writing before the proposed action may be taken. Upon application and for good cause, the author of the Notice may extend in writing the period to respond. If the employee’s or designated representative’s response is not timely filed, or the employee or designated representative has not requested an extension, the right to respond is lost.
Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action. The Superintendent or designee may initiate a disciplinary action as defined herein by filing a written notice of the proposed disciplinary action. Notice to a permanent employee of proposed disciplinary action shall be deemed sufficient when it is delivered in person to the employee or when it is deposited in the Certified Mail, postage prepaid and addressed to the last known address of the employee on file in the Human Resources office. Failure of the employee to retrieve delivered mail or respond to notifications by the U.S. Postal Service of attempted delivery shall not be grounds for voiding notification, or the staying of the timelines outlined in this article. For purpose of this article, once a notice is mailed, the official date of receipt shall be the third work day following the postmark date of the notice. Notice of the proposed disciplinary action shall include the following:
a. A statement of the specific acts and omissions upon which the proposed disciplinary action is based;
b. A statement of the cause(s) for the proposed disciplinary action pursuant to Article 15.4 and Education Code 45116;
c. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the district a statement of the rule or regulation;
d. A statement of the action proposed to the Board;
e. A statement that the employee has a right to request a pre-disciplinary (Xxxxxx) meeting within ten (10) working days after the employee receives notice;
f. A card, or paper, the signing and filing of which shall constitute a demand for the Xxxxxx meeting;
g. A copy of this policy;
h. A statement that the employee has a right to be represented at the Xxxxxx meeting. If the employee makes a timely request for a Xxxxxx meeting as specified in the notice of proposed disciplinary action, the employee will be afforded the opportunity to present any information that may have bearing upon the proposed action set forth in the notice of proposed disciplinary action. If the employee requests a Xxxxxx meeting, the District will provide notice of the time/date/location of the meeting and who will serve as the Xxxxxx officer. The Xxxxxx officer will be a District administrator with the authority to uphold, modify or rescind the proposed discipline. The employee may have an Association representative at the Xxxxxx meeting. Following the Xxxxxx meeting, the Xxxxxx officer will notify the employee of his/her decision to uphold, modify or rescind the proposed discipline. If disciplinary acti...