Formal Study. A sabbatical leave may be granted for a request involving twelve (12) semester units per term (or equivalent) taken at a regionally accredited institution. Such units must be approved by the Salary and Leaves Committee as likely to improve the applicant’s teaching effectiveness, strengthen the College’s academic program, or otherwise bring a clear benefit to students.
Formal Study. The employee must pursue a full-time program of graduate study in residence in an accredited institution of higher learning including foreign universities and file a transcript of courses completed within 45 days following the employee's return to active service.
Formal Study. Applicants must describe the program of study to be undertaken, the objectives sought, and the methods to be used in attaining such objectives.
Formal Study. An applicant who applies for professional leave under this Section shall agree to undertake at least twelve (12) upper division or eight (8) graduate units, or a total of ten (10) upper division and graduate units per semester, or a doctoral dissertation study in an accredited university of higher learning. Evidence of the successful completion of the formal study program shall be filed in the form of a transcript, certified by an approved institution, of work taken and grades earned.
Formal Study for earning credit toward an advanced degree on a planned program beyond the Master's Degree at an accredited college or university.
Formal Study. An applicant who applies for leave for formal study shall agree to undertake a full load of at least twelve (12) upper division or eight (8) graduate units or a total of ten (10) upper division and graduate units per semester in an accredited university or institution of higher learning.
Formal Study. Study/Travel Occupational Experience Creative Work Research
Formal Study. Los Angeles Community College District
(1) Limited to six (6) semesters or a maximum of seventy-two (72) semester units or their equivalent.
(2) Payment, in accordance with E.3. above shall only be made for courses completed with a grade of "C" or better ("Credit" is acceptable, if the class is taken on a credit/no-credit basis).
Formal Study. A minimum of 6 points or credits per semester in the individual’s own field or work or closely related field.
Formal Study. Applicants for sabbatical leave under this section shall agree to undertake a prescribed course of study, full time, in accordance with college or university requirements.