Gasification Sample Clauses
Gasification. System For this innovative XL project, start-up of the gasification system will occur at the end of the commissioning phase and in any event no later than three years following the execution of the Department of Energy Cooperative Funding Agreement for this project. For the purposes of this FPA, the term “start-up” refers to the gasification system unless otherwise noted. This start-up date will trigger the 180-day period for performance testing as may be required by the site-specific MACT II.
Gasification. The heating values of gases produced by oxygen blown gasification fall in the range of 200 to 400 Btu/SCF. The Hydrogen (H2) content of these fuels are normally above 30% by volume and have HI/CO mole ratio between 0.5 to 0.8. Oxygen blown gasification fuels are often mixed with steam for thermal NO(x) control, cycle efficiency improvement and/or power augmentation. When utilized, the steam is injected into the combustor by an independent passage. Due to high hydrogen content of these fuels, oxygen blown gasification fuels are normally not suitable for Dry Low NO(x) (DLN) applications. (See Table 2) The high flame speeds resulting from high hydrogen fuels can result in flashback or primary zone re-ignition on DLN pre-mixed combustion systems. Utilization of these fuels shall be reviewed by GE.
Gasification. CHP Gasification: BTL NEDO project: test (pilot) plant Present status of biomass gasification in Japan: Norway (there was no Task member personally present on the meeting): Gasification for Biofuels (GASBIO) – main objectives: STOP – Stable Operation conditions for biomass combustion plants.
Gasification of wood and crop residues and fermentation of the resulting synthesis gas to ethanol. The crop residues, about 700 TPD of wood and citrus peel (energy cane in future), will be gasified in a two-stage gasifier to produce synthesis gas that will be biologically converted to ethanol. The fermentation cultures prefer CO to H2. The USDOE award is up to $33 MM over four years. The commercial demonstration plant will be Located in LaBelle, Florida, USA. The plant will produce 7 MM gal/yr ethanol, and also co-products such as hydrogen and ammonia, based on market requirements. It is estimated that the plant will produce 6.25 MW of excess electricity.
Gasification. Capacity of LNG Facility: The maximum quantity of LNG that can be gasified during one Day at the LNG Facility (MWh/Day). LNG Vessel's Injection Capacity: The maximum quantity of LNG that can be disburdened per hour from an LNG vessel to the LNG Facility (MWh/h). Depends on the technical specifications of the LNG vessel. LNG Facility Disburdenment Capacity: The maximum quantity of LNG that can be disburdened per hour from an LNG vessel to the LNG Facility (MWh/h). Depends on the technical specifications of the LNG Facility.
Gasification. Contract
Gasification. Company is not authorized to recycle, reclaim, recover, sell, distribute, or use the beneficial use materials, their components, or residues in any way other than at a gasification facility meeting the requirements set herein and in Exhibit “C.5” attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. If this option is not selected, then Exhibit “C.5” shall not apply to this Agreement.
Gasification is a re-growing interest in China because of gas demand. Research developments Developments regarding fuel gas production (e.g. bioethanol or polygeneration) were presented. Gasification for carbon-based products were presented. In total, 84 biomass gasification plants are running in China, and more than 20 plants are under construction presently. Feedstock: herb/medicine residues Further, gasification of brewing waste, of solid waste slurry, of MSW as well as high-temperature gasification of MSW and mobile small-scale waste gasification presented. The details can be found in the presentation.
Gasification. Coal 1 Coal Handling Cyclone 8 Sulfur 8 Gypsum Fuel Gas to Burner Air Coal Crusher/ Dryer GTI DSP Slag Handling 12 ZnO Polishing 16 Bed Syngas to Liquids 17 AACRP Dehydration 18A Product Recovery 18C Product Upgrading 19 Naphtha/ Diesel ASU 18 F-T Liquids 20A Power Generation w/ Quench 13 Water Gas Shift Syngas Cooling/ Fuel Gas Heating 14 Water Separation HRSG Gas Turbine Steam Turbine GTI POx Reaction Conditions Pilot Performance Data
Gasification of black liquor represents a new and better approach for the chemical recovery process and eliminates many of the deficiencies of the conventional Xxxxxxxxx recovery furnace and fluid bed combustion technologies. Gasification benefits to the paper industry include: increased efficiency in energy conversion and chemical recovery, elimination of the smelt-water explosion hazard, reduced maintenance costs, and significantly lower environmental emissions including particulate, SO2, TRS, NOx, VOC, and greenhouse gases. The benefits are particularly attractive to semi-chemical non-sulfur processes that require higher cost auxiliary fossil fuel to sustain combustion of the black liquor. Actual benefits to the Big Island facility include significant reductions in SO2, NOX, VOC, and particulates Georgia-Pacific has been working with StoneChem, Inc. to evaluate the PulseEnhanced™ Steam Reforming chemical recovery system. This technology uses a non-combustion process to convert the organics in the spent pulping liquor to a hydrogen-rich gas fuel, leaving the chemicals (sodium carbonate) for reuse. The gas fuel can then be used as low emission energy source for the gasification unit and as an alternative fuel, replacing natural gas.