Funeral Leave A. In the event of death in the immediate family, a permanent unit member shall qualify for funeral leave with pay for up to three (3) consecutive workdays (24 hours) for participation in funeral services or arrangements. B. For the purpose of this section, “immediate family” is defined as: spouse, child or stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, grandparent, brother, sister, parents or stepparents of spouse, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, and grandparents of spouse. A. Funeral pay will be provided to accommodate absences occurring only on regularly scheduled workdays at the employee’s base rate of pay. Funeral leave will not be granted for any period during which the employee is already in a paid or unpaid leave status (unpaid leave status is interpreted as being military leave, disciplinary suspension, voluntary unpaid leave, absence without leave). B. Eligibility is further conditioned upon submission by the employee of a certificate as to the purpose and validity of leave usage. C. Leave requests meeting the conditions of these sections will be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor and, if requested, the employee shall further submit proof of death and relationship. D. Requests for funeral leave with pay will not be approved for absences not taken within a seven (7) calendar day period of the date of the funeral. A. In the event of the death of an employee’s relative and not in the immediate family, as defined above, leave time with pay up to one eight (8) hour workday may be taken for funeral purposes. No more than twenty-four (24) hours may be taken in any one (1) calendar year as funeral leave in keeping with this section. B. In the event a unit member should require additional time in excess of the allowances established in the above provisions, such additional time may be charged against vacation credits, with the approval of the supervisor. Section 4: Use of funeral leave will not be charged against accumulated sick leave balances. Section 5: In addition to funeral leave, in the event of the death of a spouse and/or a child of the employee, two (2) days’ sick leave may be used by the employee as additional bereavement leave.
General Leave Notwithstanding any provision for leave in this Agreement, the Employer may grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee requesting leave for an emergency or other unusual circumstances. A leave of absence may also be granted for any other reason in which case approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All requests and approvals for leave shall be in writing. Upon request, the Employer will give reasons orally for withholding approval.
General Leaves When no other leaves are available, a leave of absence may be granted to an employee on a paid or unpaid basis at any time upon any terms acceptable to the District and an employee.
Civil Leave A. A bargaining unit member subpoenaed to appear in court for a work-related matter or serve on jury duty shall be granted leave without loss of pay. A copy of the court summons, subpoena, or letter from the court requesting the bargaining unit member’s presence must be submitted to administration. B. When a bargaining unit member is scheduled to be absent and such appearance in court is negated or the bargaining unit member is excused in such time to return to his/her work site for the remainder of his/her workday, then he/she is required to do so.
Legal Leave 1The University shall grant leave of absence with pay to a member of faculty who is called to serve as a juror or a witness in a court of law in a matter in which he/she is not a party or an accused.
Personal Leave Days Section 1. All employees after completion of six (6) months of service shall be entitled to receive personal leave days in the following manner: (A) All full time employees shall be entitled to twenty-four (24) hours of personal leave with pay each fiscal year; (B) Part-time, seasonal, and job share employees shall be granted such leave in a prorated amount of twenty-four (24) hours based on the same percentage or fraction of month they are hired to work, or as subsequently formally modified, provided it is anticipated that they will work 1,040 hours during the fiscal year; Section 2. Should any employee fail to work 1,040 hours for the fiscal year, the value of personal leave time used may be recovered from the employee. Section 3. Personal leave shall not be cumulative from year to year nor is any unused leave compensable in any other manner. Section 4. Such leave may be used by an employee for any purpose he/she desires and may be taken at times mutually agreeable to the university and the employee.
TERMINAL LEAVE Any employee who is separated from State service for any reason including layoff shall receive within seven (7) days a lump sum payment for the number of hours of accrued annual leave at the employee's annualized hourly rate of pay.
Casual Leave Employees may be granted casual leave with pay to a maximum of two (2) hours for the following purposes:
Annual Leave 17.1 An employee shall be entitled to four weeks annual leave for each twelve months’ service with the Company, exclusive of public holidays. Annual leave accumulates monthly on a pro rata basis. 17.2 The annual leave entitlement for each part time employee shall be calculated pro rata according to the ordinary hours he or she actually works. 17.3 The time of giving and taking of leave shall be by mutual arrangement between the Company and the employee concerned. 17.4 The Company may direct an employee to take annual leave during any shut down, including any such shut down over the Christmas and New Year period, provided the employee has an accrued annual leave balance that will at least cover the period of the shut down. 17.5 The Company may direct an employee to take up to a quarter of his or her total accrued annual leave entitlement if the employee’s accrued annual leave entitlement exceeds 8 weeks. 17.6 Payment for annual leave shall be made at the relevant minimum rate of pay in clause 19 – Minimum wages, plus a loading of 17.5 per cent on that rate of pay. 17.7 The Company may allow annual leave to be taken by an employee before the right thereto has accrued due. 17.8 An employee has no entitlement to the payment of the loading, when annual leave is taken wholly or partly in advance, until an entitlement accrues due and the loading is then payable in respect of the period of such leave and is calculated on the relevant minimum rate of pay in clause 19 – Minimum wages, payable at the accruing of the entitlement. 17.9 Where leave has been granted to an employee before the leave has accrued due, the Company may deduct the balance of the payment to the employee for that leave period from whatever remuneration is payable to him or her upon the cessation of employment. 17.10 An employee whose employment is terminated by the Company or who lawfully leaves the employment shall be entitled to a pro rata payment calculated on his or her relevant minimum rate of pay in clause 19 – Minimum wages, for the period in respect of which annual leave has not been taken, provided that the loading in clause 17.6 shall only be paid in respect of paid out annual leave for employees who have been employed for a minimum 12 months with the Company.
Medical Leave Pursuant to applicable provisions of the Civil Service Rules, County Code, and other law, medical leaves of absence will be granted by the employee’s Department Head upon request only upon submission of a doctor’s certificate or other satisfactory medical evidence of the employee’s need for such leave.