Grievances Filed by the Federation Sample Clauses

Grievances Filed by the Federation. The Federation may also file grievances concerning matters pertinent only to Federation rights and privileges granted by this Agreement. Such grievances shall be filed at the level of the superintendent, or his/her designee.
Grievances Filed by the Federation. Before filing a formal written grievance, the Federation shall make a reasonable attempt to resolve it by means of an informal conference with the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.
Grievances Filed by the Federation. Before filing a formal written grievance, the Federation shall make a reasonable attempt to resolve it by means of an informal conference with the Assistant Superintendent Human Resources. 19.3 Formal Level If an employee or the Federation wishes to initiate a formal grievance, the employee or Federation must do so within ten (10) business days after the occurrence of the act or omission giving rise to the grievance by presenting such grievance in writing to the immediate administrator. If neither the grievant nor the Federation had actual or constructive knowledge of the occurrence of the grievable act or omission, then the ten (10) business day time limit shall begin to run on the date upon which either the grievant or Federation knew or could have known of the occurrence. 43 provided to the Federation. business days after receiving the grievance and such action will terminate Level I. A copy shall be provided to the Federation.

Related to Grievances Filed by the Federation

  • Grievances and Appeals a. If you have questions about any pediatric dental services received, please first discuss the matter with your Dental Provider. However, if you continue to have concerns, please call Delta Dental’s Customer Service Center. You can also email questions by accessing the “Contact Us” section of the dental plan website at

  • Group Grievance Where a number of employees have identical grievances and each employee would be entitled to grieve separately they may present a group grievance in writing signed by each employee who is grieving to the Administrator or her designate within ten (10) days after the circumstances giving rise to the grievance have occurred or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the employee(s). The grievance shall then be treated as being initiated at Step No. 1 and the applicable provisions of this Article shall then apply with respect to the processing of such grievance.

  • Informal Grievance 1. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the event giving rise to a grievance, the grievant shall present the grievance informally for disposition by the immediate supervisor or at any appropriate level of authority within the department. 2. Presentation of an informal grievance shall be a prerequisite to the institution of a formal grievance.

  • Policy Grievance – Employer Grievance The Employer may institute a grievance alleging a general misinterpretation or violation by the Union or any employee by filing a written grievance with the Bargaining Unit President, with a copy to the Labour Relations Officer within twenty (20) days after the circumstances have occurred. A meeting will be held between the parties within ten (10) days. The Union shall reply within ten (10) days after the meeting, and failing settlement, the matter may be referred to arbitration. (a) Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated, either of the parties may, after exhausting the grievance procedure established by this Agreement, notify the other party in writing of its decision to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration, and the notice shall contain the name of the first party's appointee to an Arbitration Board. The recipient of the notice shall, within ten (10) days, inform the other party of the name of its appointee to the Arbitration Board. The two appointees so selected shall within ten (10) days of the appointment of the second of them, appoint a third person who shall be the Chairperson. If the recipient of the notice fails to appoint a nominee, or if the two nominees fail to agree upon a Chairperson within the time limit, the appointment shall be made by the Minister of Labour for Ontario upon the request of either party. (b) Within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of notice referred to in Article 8.12(a) above, either party may require a process for a sole arbitrator where the grievance concerns: i) a job posting ii) a short term layoff

  • Statement of Grievance The grievance shall contain a statement of: (a) The specific situation, act or acts complained of as an agreement violation; (b) The inequity or damage suffered by the employee; and (c) The relief sought.

  • Employer Grievance The Employer may institute a grievance by delivering the same in writing to the President of the Local Union and the President shall answer such grievance in writing within five working (5) days. If the answer is not acceptable to the Employer, the Employer may, within ten (10) working days from the day the President gives her answer, give ten (10) working days notice to the President of the Local Union of its intention to refer the dispute to arbitration.

  • Form B - Contractor’s Annual Employment Report Throughout the term of the Contract by May 15th of each year the Contractor agrees to report the following information to the State Agency awarding the Contract, or if the Contractor has provided Contract Employees pursuant to an OGS centralized Contract, such report must be made to the State Agency purchasing from such Contract. For each covered consultant Contract in effect at any time between the preceding April 1st through March 31st fiscal year or for the period of time such Contract was in effect during such prior State fiscal year Contractor reports the: 1. Total number of Employees employed to provide the consultant services, by employment category. 2. Total number of hours worked by such Employees.

  • Consolidation of Grievances In order to avoid the necessity of processing numerous similar grievances at one time, similar grievances shall be consolidated whenever possible.


  • Submitting Loop Makeup Service Inquiries Comcast Phone may obtain LMU information by submitting a mechanized LMU query or a Manual LMUSI. Mechanized LMUs should be submitted through BellSouth's OSS interfaces. After obtaining the Loop information from the mechanized LMU process, if Comcast Phone needs further Loop information in order to determine Loop service capability, Comcast Phone may initiate a separate Manual Service Inquiry for a separate nonrecurring charge as set forth in Exhibit A of this Attachment. Manual LMUSIs shall be submitted according to the guidelines in the LMU CLEC Information Package, incorporated herein by reference, as it may be amended from time to time, which can be found at the following BellSouth website: xxxx:// . The service interval for the return of a Manual LMUSI is three (3) business days. Manual LMUSIs are not subject to expedite requests. This service interval is distinct from the interval applied to the subsequent service order.