APPLICATION AGREEMENT. This Exhibitor Application and Contract (this “Agreement”), completed in its entirety and accompanied by the requested information and materials, constitutes an application for exhibit space in Informa Markets Art, LLC dba Art Wynwood. It is subject to review and approval by Art Miami. All applications will be accepted or declined at the sole discretion of Art Miami.
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. This Exhibitor Application and Contract (this “Agreement”), completed in its entirety and accompanied by the requested information and materials, constitutes an application for exhibit space in Aqua Art Miami. It is subject to review and approval by Aqua Art Miami. All applications will be accepted or declined at the sole discretion of Aqua Art Miami.
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. The following Application Agreement will be signed by you and all co-applicants prior to signing a Lease Contract. While some of the information below may not yet apply to your situation, there are some provisions that may become applicable prior to signing a Lease Contract. In order to continue with this application, you'll need to review the Application Agreement carefully and acknowledge that you accept its terms.
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. I hereby understand and agree that my participation in the Marco Island Christmas Island Style Boat Parade is voluntary and at my own risk. I hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Marco Island Christmas Island Style Committee, its employees, agents, volunteers and all sponsors with respect to any claims, damages, or loss including but not limited to any personal injury or property damage which I, my vessel, or my passengers may cause it, suffer in any way, or which may be occasioned to me those in my vessel, or to my vessel as a result of my parade participation. Boat Owner’s Signature Date Captain’s Signature Date
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. Please ensure that all sub-items are signed before submitting this application form together with the printout of your online application. Apart from the mandatory fields, it is up to you which information you provide and with which information you present yourself as a candidate for the scholarship. In the selection process, however, we can only take into account the information in your favor that we have and which has been substantiated by appropriate evidence. Therefore, we recommend that you fully answer the non-binding questions in the online form as completely as possible. In the online form under the item Further Selection Criteria you will find, among others the options "Caring for relatives", "Taking care of your own children" as well as "Migration background". HAW Hamburg understands relatives as the spouse or the life partner according to the Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz, a relative in ascending line or siblings. According to its own statutes, HAW Hamburg understands children who live in the same household than you.
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. This Agreement applies to all work undertaken by the Company in respect to all employees who are engaged pursuant to the Parent Award and on construction work within the regions of the Northern Division. If the Company has secured work outside of these Regions, any employee who normally works within the Regions: a) Will be paid at the rates outlined in this Agreement if specifically requested by the Company to work on that site b) May be offered work at that location at the rates that apply for that area and if applicable, taking into account Clause 25, Distant Work c) May determine that redundancy would be more appropriate. d) It is agreed that all work done in the "County of Cumberland" will be under the Sydney agreement. In the event of any inconsistency between any award or industry agreement and this Certified Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail.
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. 1. This Agreement applies to all investments made in accordance with the law of the State in which investments are made. 2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, this Agreement shall apply to all investments made by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party before and after the entry into force of this Agreement. 3. This Agreement may be refined and supplemented by agreement signatories.
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. I/We have completed this application and accompanying documents honestly and as accurately and completely as possible. I/We understand that this information will be covered in the home study. I/We also understand that acceptance of this application by Adoption S.T.A.R. begins the adoption process and does not represent a commitment that Adoption S.T.A.R. will place a child with me/us. Throughout the adoption process, I/we commit to being open and honest in providing necessary information.
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. The Rules provide an expedited procedure for the admission of securities which are already quoted on certain qualifying markets. Issuers of such securities are known as fast- track applicants. We declare that: a. we have complied with our obligation to publish a prospectus or public document under applicable laws; b. we comply with the admission requirements of the Rules applicable to fast-track applicants and confirm that: (a) we complied with the admission requirements of our Qualifying Market, and are compliant with that market’s continuing obligations and (b) we have a website where our regulatory announcements for the preceding 6 months, and our financial statements for the last period for which an auditor's report was prepared, as well as our historic admission or listing document, are available for inspection in English; c. we acknowledge and accept that Aquis Stock Exchange has the right to determine applications at its absolute discretion, and that this may lead to the rejection of the application notwithstanding our compliance with continuing obligations as set out at b above; d. we acknowledge and accept that, while Aquis Stock Exchange aims to provide reasons to the Applicant in respect of a rejected applicant, it is under no obligation to do so; e. we have paid the applicable application fee, (or enclose a cheque or banker’s draft in respect of the same); f. we acknowledge and accept that the application fee is non-refundable; and g. we have engaged the services of a RIS for the purpose of the dissemination of regulatory announcements. We declare that: a. we have complied with our obligation to publish a prospectus or public document under applicable laws; b. we have complied with the applicable admission of the Rules and in particular, unless a prospectus has been published in relation to the application, have complied with the obligation to publish an Aquis Stock Exchange admission document which fulfils the information requirements of the Rules and provides all information that a reasonable investor could reasonably require to make an informed assessment of the Applicant and its Securities; c. we confirm that we will supply you with all such other information and documentation in relation to us, or our Securities, as you may require in order to assess our application; d. we acknowledge and accept that Aquis Stock Exchange retains the right to obtain reasonable expert or technical advice from third parties at the Applicant’s expense in relat...
APPLICATION AGREEMENT. Applicant (“You” or “Your”), acknowledge and agree to abide by the following application process for the Owner (“We” or “Us”): You will complete, sign and submit this application. The information and identity information submitted in this application will preliminarily be used and verified by all means possible, including an Identity Verification, Criminal Record and Credit Reporting Agencies, Income History and any other information obtained during the application process Approval Qualifiers Terminology (all details for qualifications can be found below in the Qualifying Criteria Agreement Section) - Based upon the preliminary review of this application, you will be determined to be one of the following: i. accepted with “Accelerated Qualifier” or “AQ” ii. accepted with “Conditional Acceptance Tier 1”, or “Standard Application Tier 1”, or “Tier 1”