in the Netherlands Sample Clauses
in the Netherlands. ▪ An employee is a natural person who performs work in the Netherlands for an employer: - on the basis of a contract of employment within the meaning of Articles 7:610, 7:610(a) and 7:610(b) of the Dutch Civil Code, or - on the basis of a contract for work, except where this person runs his or her own business; or - as an assistant to a party accepting the contract for work as referred to in the previous indent. ▪ Companies active in the construction & infrastructure sector are: - construction & infrastructure companies, as defined in clause 10.2.2; - companies that carry out projects under own management, as defined in clause 10.2.3; - temporary employment agencies, as defined in clause 10.2.4; - training companies, as defined in clause 10.2.5.
in the Netherlands. Unlike the U.S., the Netherlands never was a country of immigration, until the immi- gration waves in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In the 1960s, so-called “guest workers,” mostly from Turkey and Morocco, immigrated to the Netherlands.Although these guest workers were supposed to stay only temporarily, many of them never remigrated and instead had their families reunified in the Netherlands. Besides guest workers and their families, another prominent category consists of immigrants from the former Dutch colonies in the Caribbean. After the independence of Surinam, nearly 300,000 Suri- namese, almost one-third of the Surinamese population, migrated to the Netherlands. A new wave of postcolonial migration began in the late 1980s, when residents of the Netherlands Antilles arrived. Because the Netherlands Antilles are still part of the King- dom of the Netherlands, Antilleans are Dutch nationals (Engbersen, Leerkes, and Snel, 2014). In the 1990s asylum seekers from countries like formerYugoslavia, former Soviet Union, and Iraq, came to the Netherlands, and during recent years, the open borders of the EU brought new immigrant groups from East European countries like Poland and Bulgaria, but these groups are still quite small ( Xxx Xxxxxxxx, 2013). Recently a new migration wave is occurring related to refugees, from Syria for example. Over the last 25 years, the attitude towards migrant groups has changed dramati- cally. Although the Netherlands used to have a reputation as a tolerant and multicul- tural country in which migrant groups were supposed to integrate “while maintaining the migrants ‘culture,’” Dutch multiculturalism was in fact not so much a choice for “equal recognition” but a pragmatic pacification strategy instead (Xx Xxxxx, 2011). In the 1970s and 1980s, persisting inequalities between ethnic groups gave rise to new policy based on affirmative action, with preferential treatment for migrant groups to improve their level of education, employment, and social integration. From the 1990s on, however, integration policy was gradually linked to social problems of public order and crime, leading to widespread support for anti-immigrant politicians who pointed out the “multicultural drama.”That caused the policy that emphasized preservation of the cultural identity of the minority groups to be replaced by a policy emphasizing assimilation and active citizenship (Engbersen, Xxxxxxx, and Snel, 2014). Even though the Netherlands was once seen as the most...
in the Netherlands de inkomstenbelasting (Income tax), - de loonbelasting (wages tax), - de vennootschapsbelasting (company tax) including the Government share in the net profits of the exploitation of natural resources levied pursuant to the Mijnwet 1810 (the Mining Act of 1810) with respect to concessions issued from 1967, or pursuant to the Mijnwet Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx 0000 (xxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Continental Shelf Mining Act of 1965), - de dividendbelasting (dividend tax), - de vermogensbelasting (capital tax) (hereinafter referred to as “Netherlands tax”).
in the Netherlands for taxable years and periods beginning after the end of the calendar year in which the notice of termination has been given;
in the Netherlands for any taxable year or period beginning after the end of the calendar year in which such notice is given;
in the Netherlands in respect of taxes for taxable years and periods beginning on or after the first day of January in the calendar year following that in which the notice of termination is given.
in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the fourth biennial International Conference of Infant Studies, New York. (chapter 3) Xxxx, X. X. (1997). Handleiding bij de vragenlijst voor gezinsproblemen. [Manual accompanying the Dutch Family Problems Questionnaire]. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sophia Kinderziekenhuis/Erasmus Universiteit, Afdeling Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie. (chapter 2, 3) Xxxx, X. X., Xxx xxx Xxxx, E. J. C. G., Xxxxxxxx, X. X., & Xxxxxxx, D. I. (1997). Behavioral and emotional problems in young preschoolers: Cross-cultural testing of the validity of the Child Behavior Checklist/2-3. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 25, 183-196. (chapter 2, 3) Xxxx, X. X., & Xxxxxxxx, X. X. (1991). Prevalence of problem behavior in Dutch children aged 2-3. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 83, 1-37. (chapter 1, 2) Xxxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxxx, X., & Xxxx, D. (1998). Intervention processes as predictors of outcomes in a preventive home-visitation program. Journal of Community Psychology, 26, 49-64. (chapter 1, 4, 5) Xxxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxxxxx, G., Xxxxx-Xxxxxx, X., & Xxxxxxx-Xxxxx, O. (1987). A developmental interpretation of young children’s noncompliance. Developmental Psychology, 23, 799-806. (chapter 3, 4) Xxxx, X., & Xxxxxx-Xxxx, X. (1994). Cumulative familial risks and low birth weight children’s cognitive and behavioral development. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 23, 360-372. (chapter 2, 3, 5) Xxxxxxxxx, X. X., Xxxxxx, D. R., & Xxxx, X. X. (1991). Preventive intervention and outcome with anxiously attached dyads. Child Development, 62, 1999-209. (chapter 4) Xxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxx, X. X., & Xxxxxxx, M. C. (2006). A meta-analysis of parent training: Moderators and follow-up effects. Clinical Psychology Review, 26, 86-104. (chapter 3) Xxxxxxx, X. X. (2000). Parenting and its effects on children: On reading and misreading behavior genetics. Xxxxxx, X. X., Xxxxxx, X. X., & Xxxxx, X. X. (2000). Relation of the therapeutic alliance with outcome and other variables: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 438-450. (chapter 1, 4) Xxxxxxxx, X. X., & Xxxxxx, A. M. (2001). Guidelines for evaluating parent training programs. Family Relations, 50, 77-86. (chapter 4) XxXxxxxx-Xxxx, X., Xxxx, R. E., Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx, X., Xxxxxx, X. X., Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx, X., & Xxxx, P. (2004). First-time mothers in home visitation services utilizing child development specialists. Infant Mental Health Journal, 25, 1-15. (chapter 3) Xxxxxxx, X. X. (1992). Doing harm by doing goo...
in the Netherlands in respect of taxes for taxable years and periods beginning on or after the first day of January in the calendar year following that in which the latter of the notification had been received.
in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the fourth biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New York, NY. Xxxxxxxx, X. X. (1989). A review of relevance [Review of the book Relevance: Communication and cognition]. Journal of Linguistics, 25, 455-472. Xxxx, M. B., & Xxxxx, X. X. (1988). Lovestyles and attachment styles compared: Their relations to each other and to various relationship characteristics. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 5, 439-471. Xxxxx, M., Xxxxxxx, C., & Xxxxxxxxx, S. (2000). Attachment over time. Child Development, 71, 707-720. Xxxxx, X., & Xxxxxx, X. X. (1970). The cardiac response to a perceptual cognitive task in the young child. Psychophysiology, 6, 411-420.
in the Netherlands. Specific support for outward investment from the Netherlands