Inception Report a report, substantially based on the conditions of Clause 4 of the Technical Specification and Clause 4 of the Contract.
Inception Report. This report will describe in more detail the way the evaluation will be conducted and the methodology. It will provide proposed content of the questionnaires, interview questions, focus group outlines and the list of organisms and stakeholders to be consulted and also the number of interviewees and their positions and names (model - table n°3). This document will provide the Commission with the opportunity to check the feasibility of the method proposed and the extent to which it corresponds with the needs outlined in the terms of reference. Table n°3 Evaluation task Judgement criteria Indicators Data Sources Survey questions, interview questions, focus group outlines List of organisms to be consulted, interviewees, their positions and names Timetable of consultations Interim Report This report shall describe the work completed (most of the fieldwork should be finished): - list of reviewed documents, - number of questionnaire and interviews completed, - summary of preliminary results of the investigation, - validation of data, - the way the contractor intends to make the results of interviews comparable, - (if relevant) list of problems the contractor faced in his work in the framework of the specific contract, - a process advancement table with critical analysis on the progress of the fieldwork. Draft Final Report
Inception Report. To present the initial progress made by the evaluation team an Inception Report was developed. The report presented a roadmap for the evaluation and four draft evaluation tools: Online survey questionnaire for 2009 Preparatory Actions Online survey questionnaire for 2010 Preparatory Actions EU Sport Forum Observation Sheet Case Study Tool Kit The report suggested modifications to the original methodology, based on the evaluation team‟s initial research. The Inception Report was discussed at a meeting with DG EAC in Brussels on 18 February 2011 and a revised and final version was submitted on 3 March 2011.
Inception Report. Within 1 months of the starting date, the Consultants will submit an Inception Report, outlining the methodology to be adopted, providing a detailed work program and highlighting any change needed in the work program. Inception Report in six copies would be submitted.
Inception Report. (2) Working Paper on Treatment Capacity
Inception Report. (21 days after the start of the consultancy) The selected consultant will develop an inception report. Once agreed, the inception report will be the basis of agreement for work plan and budget between DFID and the consultant. The Inception Report should be submitted to DFID within 21 days of finalisation of the contract. The inception report should be not more than 50 pages, inclusive of a succinct executive summary and annexes. The final inception report after incorporating suggestions and comments will be submitted within a week of receiving suggestions for improvement from DFID and IFIRST
Inception Report. (Information requirements) Prior to the first Grant disbursement, the Beneficiary shall submit an Inception Report. Annual progress will be measured against the information provided in the Inception Report. The Inception report will include the information indicated in the following parts:
Inception Report. (up to 3 copies for each of the draft and final versions)
Inception Report. 5.1. NoBo shall prepare theInception Report and submit it to the Principal for review and coordination within thirty