Indirect Rates. Provide a table of indirect costs detailing your computations and application of the indirect expense rates being proposed. The narrative should include:
11.6.1 The name of each cost burden center and the allocation base.
11.6.2 If a forward pricing rate agreement (FPRA) has been negotiated, provide a complete copy; along with the current contact information for the cognizant entity that signed the agreement.
11.6.3 If current indirect expense billing rates are provisionally approved by the cognizant audit agency, provide a copy of the approval of the current proposed indirect rates.
11.6.4 If an FPRA or provisional billing rates approval do not exist, provide the following: Beginning and ending date for the rates proposed. Rate calculations for each rate. The final rates for the three previous fiscal years.
Indirect Rates. Indirect rates such as fringe, overhead, and general and administrative (G&A) that have not been approved by a U.S. Government agency in a NICRA (Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement) may not be charged in this agreement. If the organization does not have a NICRA, then all costs should be direct charged appropriately, and the applicant should include its allocation methodology and supporting costs. All costs charged to the project shall be directly related to the implementation of the proposed activities. If the offeror will include fringe benefit or overhead rates, the offeror should include documentation to justify the rates charged, for example a U.S. Government agency approved Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA). FHI 360 has a 20 percent cost share requirement under this award. Applicants are expected provide cost share at a target rate of 20 percent at minimum. Cost share can be comprised of any of the following: use of capital funds from non-U.S. Government sources; contribution of donated equipment or other material resources from non-U.S. Government sources; use of volunteer or reduced rate labor. All cost share contributions are to be monetized and included in the monthly financial reporting. All cost share shall meet the requirements outlined in 22CFR226.23. Applicants must submit their cost share proposal as part of their application.
Indirect Rates. Describe the allocation base and pool for each indirect rate proposed in Attachment 8. Provide FPRA or Forward Pricing Rate Recommendation (FPRR), if established for your company. If no FPRA or FPRR has been established, provide a cost-element breakdown of each pool and base.
Indirect Rates. The following information shall be submitted to substantiate the price reasonableness and cost realism of indirect rates:
Indirect Rates. The Offeror should identify the indirect rates used in the proposal. The Offeror should include a projection of indirect rates that assumes the award of the contracts in their business base. Any changes to a current FPRA due to the award, variation of the business base or other factors should be fully described and justified. Discuss the application of these rates in the proposal. In addition, provide summary-level definitions for each major indirect rate account, explaining what costs are included in each overhead pool. The indirect accounts may include, but are not limited to, engineering overhead, manufacturing overhead, general and administrative (G&A), material handling overhead, and Cost of Money (COM). Describe the development of composite indirect rates, which represent a combination of company labor categories, functional elements, or calendar year accounts.
Indirect Rates the offeror shall state whether these rates represent a Forward Pricing Rate Proposal (FPRP), FPRR, or FPRA and note the date of the agreement. Additionally, the offeror shall include copies of any FPRP, FPRR or FPRA that is used as a basis for the proposed indirect rates. Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Provisional Billing Rates are not a substitute for those rates referenced above, but if an offeror does not have FPRP, FPRR or FPRA, it may submit its DCAA Provisional Billing Rates. If Provisional Billing Rates are provided as the basis for proposed indirect rates, the offeror shall also provide the detailed pool & base information for all proposed indirect rates;
Indirect Rates. Offerors shall provide detail analysis to justify the proposed indirect expenses for the CLINs shown in Section B of the solicitation. Provide a table which displays the proposed indirect rates for all CR CLINs (e.g. unburden rates, overhead, G&A and any other applicable rates). Provide a total indirect rate roll-up summary. Provide one of the following:
(1) Identify the allocation base for each rate. Provide detailed breakout of indirect expense pools and associated basis used to develop the rates. Provide calculations showing the development of composite and/or average rates from contractor fiscal year to contract fiscal year. Also provide narrative that describes the offeror’s rationale used to develop each indirect expenses. Provide a breakout between all other considerations and assumptions made in developing the proposed indirect rates. OR
(2) Provide Government approved rates (e.g. DCAA, DCMA approved rates).
Indirect Rates. Indirect rates such as fringe, overhead, and general and administrative (G&A) that have not been approved by a U.S. Government agency in a NICRA (Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement) may not be charged in this agreement. If the organization does not have a NICRA, then all costs should be direct charged appropriately, and the applicant should include its allocation methodology and supporting costs. All costs charged to the project shall be directly related to the implementation of the proposed activities. If the offeror will include fringe benefit or overhead rates, the offeror should include documentation to justify the rates charged, for example a U.S. Government agency approved Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA). FHI 360 has a 20 percent cost share requirement under this award. Applicants are expected provide cost share at a target rate of 20 percent at minimum. Cost share can be comprised of any of the following: use of capital funds from non-U.S. Government sources; contribution of donated equipment or other material resources from non-U.S. Government sources; use of volunteer or reduced rate labor. All cost share contributions are to be monetized and included in the monthly financial reporting. All cost share shall meet the requirements outlined in 22CFR226.23. Applicants must submit their cost share proposal as part of their application. Contact Information Please include contact information for the person responsible for communication regarding the applications, negotiation of the purchase order, and administration of the purchase order. Contact information includes: Name and title of main contact person Street and mailing addresses Phone/fax numbers E-mail addresses of key individuals. Any additional relevant/organizational information should also be provided. The offeror should read the instructions carefully before submitting an application. Any discrepancy in following these instructions or contract provisions may disqualify an application without recourse on an appeal for reconsideration at any stage. Although present plans are to enter into discussions with those applicants most highly ranked following evaluation, FHI 360 reserves the right to award without discussions. Hence, applications should be submitted initially on the most favorable terms, from a price and technical standpoint, which the applicant can submit to FHI 360.
Indirect Rates a. Indirect Rate Supporting Documentation. If a FPRA or FPRR does not exist, the Offeror shall provide the incurred rates for each proposed indirect and general and administrative (G&A) pool for the prior three years, indicating the beginning and end dates for each FY. If the incurred rates are provided for the prior three years, the Offeror shall complete the following chart: Rate Year Year Year Incurred Rate Estimated Indirect Rate at Start of Year Incurred Rate Estimated Indirect Rate at Start of Year Incurred Rate Estimated Indirect Rate at Start of Year Fringe Overhead G&A Cost of Money *Rate column shall be modified based on the Offeror’s indirect rates
b. This rate information shall reflect those of the Offeror's most recently completed FY even if the rates are considered preliminary and have not been submitted to DCAA for audit. The Offeror shall note whether the incurred rates have been audited by DCAA or any other independent organization, and shall specifically state which indirect rates have been finalized by DCAA/DCMA. Each Offeror shall provide a copy of the provisional billing rate letter from DCAA/DCMA for itself and shall ensure that the Government receives this information for any major cost- reimbursable subcontractors. The information shall be provided to the Contract Specialist and Contracting Officer listed under L.1.2 of the solicitation Each Offeror shall provide a narrative detailing the major cost drivers for proposed indirect rates that are lower than historical rates. If an Offeror, or any of its subcontractors, proposes to cap any of its indirect rates, it shall identify each capped rate and shall propose a legally binding and enforceable clause which shall be included in the resultant contract award. Any proposed clause shall include a process for verification by the Government.
Indirect Rates. The Company’s indirect rates for Government contracts (i.e., manufacturing overhead, and general and administrative (G&A) expense) are calculated in conformance with FAR Part 31.203.