Industrial Injury/Illness Leave. An employee who is absent from District service because of an injury or illness that arose out of and in the course of employment, and for which temporary disability benefits are received under the worker's compensation laws, shall be entitled to a leave of absence under the following conditions:
a. Allowable leave of absence shall be for up to sixty (60) working days for the same injury or illness, unless extended upon application.
b. Each employee who received a work related injury or illness that requires medical attention or absence from work for more than the day of the occurrence must complete a written report of injury on a form to be provided by the District. This written report must be submitted to the immediate administrator within two (2) working days after the occurrence if the employee is physically able to do so. The site administrator shall, as a result of his or her own investigation, complete the Employer's Report of Occupational Injury or Illness, and shall attach the employee's report thereto. The employee must also report as soon as possible for examination and treatment by a physician who is on the District's Emergency Medical Panel. An employee may be required at any time during this leave to be evaluated by a physician designated and paid for by the District.
c. An employee absent under this Section shall remain within the State of California unless the District authorizes travel outside the State.
Industrial Injury/Illness Leave. An employee who is absent from Employer service because of an injury or illness that arose out of and in the course of employment, and for which temporary disability benefits are received under the worker's compensation laws, shall be entitled to a leave of absence under the following conditions:
a. Allowable leave of absence shall be for up to six (6) months for the same and/or related injury or illness. An additional leave may be granted by mutual agreement.
b. An employee absent under this section shall be paid in full for the first day of the occurrence.
c. Each employee who received a work-related injury or illness that requires medical attention or absence shall fill out an incident or worker's compensation report provided by the Employer, in accordance with the law.
Industrial Injury/Illness Leave