Illness Leave Sample Clauses
Illness Leave. Employees on an illness leave shall use all of their available entitlement time (i.e., vacation and paid or unpaid personal days) prior to using excused unpaid time.
Illness Leave. A. Illness is defined as any pronounced deviation from a normal health state which makes it disadvantageous to the District and/or detrimental to the employee for him/her to be at work. This definition shall include emergency medical, dental, optical, and prosthetic work.
B. A new employee must render service before being entitled to illness leave.
C. An employee who is absent from duty because of illness, injury, or quarantine shall be allowed illness leave pay under the following conditions:
1. Each employee who receives an initial regular appointment will be credited as of the date of his/her appointment with twelve (12) working days of full-pay illness leave and eighty-eight (88) days of half-pay illness leave for employees assigned to a twelve (12) month position and ten (10) working days of full-pay illness leave and ninety (90) half- pay days of illness leave for all employees assigned other than a twelve (12) month position.
a) An employee serving an initial probationary period shall not be eligible to be paid for more than five (5) days of full-pay illness leave until the first day of the pay period after completion of 130 days of paid service in regular assignments. Half-pay illness leave shall not be paid during this time.
b) Thereafter, he/she will be credited annually with twelve (12) working days of full-pay illness leave if he/she is assigned to a twelve (12) month position, or ten (10) working days of full-pay illness leave and up to ninety (90) working days of half-pay illness leave, if he/she is assigned to other than a twelve (12) month position, as of the first day of the pay period in which July 1 falls.
c) There shall be no limit to the year-to-year accumulation of unused full-pay illness leave privileges.
2. No half-pay illness leave shall be allowed until after all full-time illness leave is exhausted.
3. The number of working days of half-pay illness leave to be credited is the difference between accumulated working days of full-pay illness leave and one hundred (100) days, provided that the accumulated working days of full-pay illness leave are less than one hundred (100) days.
4. A day of paid illness leave for an employee assigned to a position for less than eight (8) hours a day or forty (40) hours a week shall consist of the number of hours in his/her basic daily assignment as determined by the District. Authorization to work additional hours beyond the basic daily assignment shall not increase illness leave benefits. It is un...
Illness Leave. 5.7.1 Full-time Unit Members on ten (10), eleven (11), or twelve (12) month contracts shall be entitled to ten (10), eleven (11), or twelve (12) days leave, respectively, with full pay for each School year for (a) illness, accident, quarantine, injury, (b) diagnosis, care, or treatment of an existing health condition of, or preventive care for, an employee or an employee’s family member, or (c) if they are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking which precludes the Unit Member from performing his/her assigned duties. Part-time Unit Members under contract who work less than full-time shall be entitled to that portion of the ten (10) days leave as the number of hours per week of scheduled duties relates to the number of hours for a full-time faculty member in a comparable position. Unit Members not utilizing the full ten (10) days of sick leave in any one (1) year shall have the amount not utilized accumulated from year to year.
5.7.2 If the total amount of accumulated sick leave is less than one hundred ten (110) days, the Unit Member will be granted additional non-accumulated sick leave at reduced salary. The number of days of reduced sick leave benefits granted will be computed by subtracting the number of accumulated sick leave days from one hundred ten (110) days. The amount of reduced salary will be computed in the following manner: The Unit Member's daily salary will be reduced by an amount equal to the cost of a substitute employed to fill the position during the leave, or fifty percent (50%) of the Unit Member's daily rate, whichever amount is larger. These reductions and compensations will be assessed on a daily basis.
5.7.3 Contract Unit Members teaching overload or summer session classes and Unit Members employed on the Part-time Salary Schedule are eligible for illness leave benefits at the rate of one (1) hour for each eighteen (18) hours of teaching after the time at which they have commenced service in each of the terms or semester of the assignment. Sick leave days will be credited to the Unit Member at the beginning of the term or session. Unused sick leave shall be accumulated from year to year so long as the Unit Member is in continuous service to the District. Continuous service shall be defined as having been employed at least one (1) semester or summer session of the previous calendar year. Substitution does not qualify as continuous service to the District.
Illness Leave. An employee shall be granted a leave of absence because of illness, or injury, or quarantine of the employee. The employee shall be required to certify the reason for absence by completing the appropriate form. Also, the District may verify any claim under this Section when it reasonably suspects abuse or deems it necessary for health and safety reasons. An employee absent from duty under this Section for more than five (5) consecutive working days shall be required to submit a signed attending physician's statement or appropriate health form to the immediate administrator and may be referred by the District for health approval prior to readmission. An approved extended mandatory illness leave shall not exceed fifty-two (52) calendar weeks for any given illness or injury.
Illness Leave. 18.01 (a) Illness Leave means the period of time an Employee is absent from work with full pay by virtue of being ill or disabled.
Illness Leave. Upon exhaustion of paid sick days, the employee will be notified to apply for a leave of absence if he is not able to return to work. All accumulated sick days shall be used prior to an employee being placed on leave of absence for illness. Benefits shall continue to accrue during the period of paid sick leave. Subject to the approval of the carrier the employer shall assist the employee in making arrangements for the conversion of insurance policies to an individual basis.
Illness Leave. Each Faculty Member shall be credited illness leave at the beginning of each academic year. Unused illness leave may be accumulated indefinitely. This annual credit for illness leave need not be accrued prior to taking leave by the employee. Illness leave will be earned annually on the basis of days of service for full-time Faculty Members as follows:
Section 11.1.1 Accumulated illness leave may be used in any semester or session (Fall Semester, Spring Semester, Summer Session, and Winter Intersession) in which the unit member has a assignment.
Section 11.1.2 Accumulated illness leave shall be used based on the percentage of the Faculty Member’s daily assignment . For instructional faculty, daily assignment shall include classroom assignments; and office hours.
Illness Leave. Any teacher or his/her authorized agent may request illness leave under the following conditions.
(1) The teacher’s Sick Leave Bank is exhausted of useable days.
(2) The teacher, still being unable to report for duty, shall be considered an active employee without pay for a period of 90 calendar days by the Business Office. During these 90 calendar days, the Business Office will credit the teacher with one and one-half days of accumulative sick leave time for each 30 days and will continue to pay Blue Cross/Blue Shield Premiums, the Life Insurance Premium, the Optical Insurance Premium, and the Dental Insurance Premium.
(3) Fifteen calendar days prior to the expiration of the ninety calendar days, if the teacher, at that time, feels that he/she will be unable to return to active duty at the conclusion of the ninety-day period, he/she, or his/her authorized agent, may file a written request, accompanied by a written corroborative statement from the certified contract employee’s physician, with the Superintendent to be placed on an illness leave at the conclusion of the ninety-day period.
(4) Failure to specifically request an illness leave will automatically terminate the teacher’s employment with the Ecorse Public Schools.
(5) Each teacher who wishes to designate an authorize agent for the purpose of requesting an illness leave, shall sign the following statement to be placed on file: “In the case of incapacitating illness where I cannot request an illness leave on my own behalf, I name the bargaining agent’s President as my authorized agent for the purpose of requesting an illness leave in my behalf.” Teacher’s Signature
(6) Before returning to work, the employee must be certified by his/her physician as ready and able to return to his/her full work assignment. In addition, the Board may require that the employee be certified by a State Board certified physician at the Board’s expense.
Illness Leave. 1. In the event an Employee is away from his/her assignment because of personal illness verified by medical authority, including one designated by the Personnel Office if it deems it necessary, said Employee will be permitted to utilize his/her accumulated illness bank and his/her vacation bank.
2. In the event no further benefits are available to provide full pay, the Employee will be placed on an illness leave of absence for the extent of the illness up to a maximum of one (1) year and will be returned to his/her assignment or one of comparable stature provided he/she is approved for return by the medical examiner of the Employer as being in approximately the same state of health as existed prior to his/her illness.
3. If any illness or injury arises out of or in the course of his/her employment, an Employee is entitled to a leave of absence not in excess of two years from the date on which the absence began or two years from the claim for or payment of workers’ compensation, whichever is earlier.
4. In the event that the condition of an Employee's health or physical condition has been altered as a result of his/her absence, efforts shall be made to find a position commensurate with his/her physical capacity.
5. In the event that a disability extends past the 12-month period, the Employee, upon recovery, shall be able to exercise the option to return to a comparable position as soon as a vacancy occurs in the Bargaining Unit provided he/she is approved for return by the medical examiner of the Employer as being in approximately the same state of health as existed prior to his/her illness.
6. To return to work, the Employee shall:
a) Notify: (1) the designated department main office and (2) the designated Human Resources unit, at least two (2) weeks prior to the anticipated return date so arrangements may be made for a return to work physical examination, if so requested by the University.
Illness Leave. Superintendent shall accrue illness leave at the rate of one (1) day per month. Superintendent shall report to the Board in writing on a semi-annual basis his use of sick leave.