INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. Placing of instructions: You may give us instructions in writing (including fax), by email or other electronic means or orally (including by telephone), unless we tell you that instructions can only be given in a particular way. If you give instructions by telephone, your conversation will be recorded (see clause 14.
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 5.1 Placing of instructions: You may give us instructions for Transactions by electronic means on the electronic trading system, or orally (including by telephone), unless we tell you that instructions can only be given in a particular way. If you give instructions by telephone, your conversation will be recorded. If any instructions are received by us by telephone, computer or other medium we may ask you to confirm such instructions in writing or by other electronic means. We shall be authorised to follow instructions notwithstanding your failure to confirm them in writing or by other electronic means. In this Agreement "instructions" and "orders" have the same meaning.
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 37.1 Placing of instructions: Unless expressly agreed upon otherwise, by us all dealing Instructions must be given to us electronically via our Online Trading Facility, although we may at our sole discretion accept instructions from you in writing (including fax), by e-mail or other electronic means, or orally (including by telephone through our dealing department at the designated phone number specified on our Online Trading Facility or as otherwise notified to you in writing (“Instructions”), unless we tell you that Instructions can only be given in a particular way. We may, in our absolute discretion, require confirmation (in such form as we may specify) of any dealing Instruction, as appropriate. If you give Instructions by telephone, your conversation may be recorded. We shall be authorized to follow Instructions notwithstanding your failure to confirm them in writing. A dealing Instruction or Order given by you to us shall not take effect until it is actually received by us. In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, “Instructions” and “Orders” shall have the same meaning.
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 5.1 Placing of instructions: You may give us instructions in writing (including fax), by email or other electronic means or orally (including by telephone), unless we tell you that instructions can only be given in a particular way. If you give instructions by telephone, your conversation will be recorded. If any instructions are received by us by telephone, computer or other medium we may ask you to confirm such instructions in writing. We shall be authorised to follow instructions notwithstanding your failure to confirm them in writing. Instructions for the simultaneous sale and purchase of a financial instrument on behalf of the same beneficial owner may not be given under this Agreement. In this Agreement "instructions" and "orders" have the same meaning.
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 8.1 Placing of instructions: You may give us instructions in writing (including fax), by email or other electronic means or orally (including by telephone), unless we tell you that instructions can only be given in a particular way. We will not be liable for any action we take in good faith, pursuant to receipt of instructions from you, nor will we be responsible for verifying the accuracy of instructions received from you. If you give instructions by telephone, your conversation will be recorded. If any instructions are received by us by telephone, computer or other medium we may ask you to confirm such instructions in writing. We shall be authorised to follow instructions notwithstanding your failure to confirm them in writing. Instructions for the simultaneous sale and purchase of a security on behalf of the same beneficial owner may not be given under this Agreement. In this Agreement "instructions" and "orders" have the same meaning.
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 37.1 Placing of instructions: Unless expressly agreed upon otherwise, by us all dealing Instructions must be given to us electronically via our Online Trading Facility, although we may at our sole discretion accept instructions from you in writing (including fax), by e-mail or other electronic means, or orally (including by telephone through our dealing department at the designated phone number specified on our Online Trading Facility or as otherwise notified to you in writing (“Instructions”), unless we tell you that Instructions can only be given in a particular way. We may, in our absolute discretion, require confirmation (in such form as we may specify) of any dealing Instruction, as appropriate. If you give Instructions by telephone, your conversation may be recorded. We shall be authorised to follow Instructions notwithstanding your failure to confirm them in writing. Instructions for the simultaneous entering into a Contract for the purchase and a Contract for the sale of a certain Financial Instrument on behalf of the same beneficial owner may NOT be given under this Agreement. A dealing Instruction or Order given by you to us shall not take effect until it is actually received by us. In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise, “Instructions” and “Orders” shall have the same meaning.
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 4.1. You may give us instructions for Trades via the Trading Platform, or by such other means as we may from time to time specify to you in writing. In such circumstances:
4.1.1. when you do so you are offering to enter into a Trade with us at the price we quote as adjusted (if applicable) within your specified Price Tolerance when you complete all obligatory fields and click the relevant button; and
4.1.2. when we receive your offer we will provide you with an electronic acknowledgement but you and we will be bound by a Trade only when details of the Trade are reported as executed on the Trading Platform. If you do not see details of the executed Trade on the Trading Platform, please contact us immediately to confirm the status of the Trade. After we execute the Trade we will send you a Trade Confirmation as described in clause 12.
4.2. We may in our sole discretion accept instructions for Trades (including closing only Trades when our Trading Platform is not in operation) by telephone or ‘live chat’, but not through other component of the Website such as e-mail. When we do so:
4.2.1. your instruction to Trade will constitute an offer to enter into a Trade at the price we quote. Trades placed by telephone or ‘live chat’ will only be accepted at the current Our Price;
4.2.2. you can place an Order only by dealing directly with an authorised dealer. We will not accept an Order left with other employees, on an answering machine or on a voice mail facility;
4.2.3. you and we will be bound by a Trade only when our authorised dealer confirms that the offer has been accepted.
4.3. You may place an electronic Order on the Trading Platform at any time or, subject to clause 4.2, you may place a telephone or ‘live chat’ Order with an authorised dealer during our Trading Hours. However, we will execute Trades only during times which are both our Trading Hours and the Market Hours for the relevant Market. Market Hours are stated in the Market Information. We will advise you of any change to our Trading Hours or Market Hours on the Website or Trading Platform, and where reasonably practicable we will provide you with no less than two Business Days notice of any such change.
4.4. Prices quoted by us (whether on the Trading Platform, by telephone, ‘live chat’ or otherwise) do not constitute a contractual offer to enter into a Trade at the prices quoted or at all. We reserve the right to refuse to enter into any Trade. Such situations include but are not limited to, when:...
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 11.1 Placing of instructions: You may give us instructions in writing (including fax), by email or other electronic means or orally (including by telephone), unless we tell you that instructions can only be given in a particular way. We shall be entitled to act for you upon instructions given or purporting to be given by you or any person authorised on your behalf without further enquiry as to the genuineness, authority or identity of the person giving or purporting to give such instructions. We shall not be obliged to accept instructions to enter a Transaction on your behalf.
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 33.1 Placing of instructions: Unlessexpressly agreed uponotherwise, by usall dealing instructions must be given to us electronically via our Online Trading Facility, althoughwe mayat our sole discretionaccept instructions from youin writing (including fax), by e-mail or other electronic means, or orally (including by telephone through our dealing department at the designatedphone number specified on our Online Trading Facility or as otherwise notified to you in writing, unlesswe tell you that instructions canonly be givenina particular way.We may, inour absolute discretion, require confirmation (in such form as we mayspecify) ofanydealing instruction,as appropriate. If yougive instructions by telephone,your conversation may be recorded. We shallbe authorizedto follow instructions notwithstanding your failure to confirm them in writing. Instructions for the simultaneousentering into a Contract for the purchase anda Contract for the sale of a certain Financial Instrument onbehalfofthe same beneficial owner may NOT be givenunder this Agreement. A dealing instruction or Order given by youto us shallnot takeeffect until it isactually received by us. In this Agreement, unlessthe context requiresotherwise, instructions and orders shall have the same meaning.
33.2 Right not to accept Instructions/Orders: We may (but shall not in any circumstances be obliged to) accept instructions to enter into a Transaction and/or Contract. We may at our absolute discretion refuse to accept any dealing instruction given byyouor on your behalf, in whole or inpart, and refuse to act on it, without giving any reason or being liable for any loss occurredthereby. Inaddition, a dealing instruction which, for any reason, is not received by us in a manner in which it canbe processed, including a failure ofour Online Trading Facility to accept or process such instruction, shall be deemed not to have been received by us. We reserve the right to refuse to enter into any Transaction and/or Contract. Such situations include but are not limited to, when:
a) Trades are placed outside of the market hours;
b) Trades are individually or in the aggregate larger thanthe maximum quantity or smaller than the minimum quantity we set for the market;
c) Your margin is insufficient to fund the proposed Transaction and/or Contract;
d) Our Price or the Transaction and/or Contract derives from a Manifest Error;
e) We believe the Transaction and/or Contract would be in breach of this Agreement or any legal or...
INSTRUCTIONS AND BASIS OF DEALING. 37.1 Placing of instructions: Unless we expressly agree otherwise, all dealing Instructions must be given to us electronically via our Online Trading Facility, though we may accept instructions from you in writing by e-mail as specified on our Online Trading Facility. We may, in our sole discretion, request confirmation (in any form we deem suitable) of any Transaction Instruction. We'll be able to carry out your instructions even if you don't confirm them in writing. This Agreement does not allow for the simultaneous entry into a Contract for the purchase and a Contract for the selling of a Financial Instrument on behalf of the same beneficial owner. If you provide us a dealing instruction or an order, it will not take effect until we receive it. Unless the context indicates otherwise, “Instructions” and “Orders” have the same meaning throughout this Agreement.