Instruments and Procedures. For the one-on-one in-depth interviews, an interview guide was developed in order to ensure consistency in the conversations and produce reliable data. Each interview was administered face to face by either the Principal Investigator or a trained staff interviewer in a private venue. The overarching goal of the interview was to generate data that addressed barriers and facilitators of care as well as develop possible interventions adapted to the study population. Interviews were between 60 and 90 minutes in length. Questions in the guide addressed issues including circumstances surrounding HIV infection, maternal profile, disclosure of HIV status, presence and use of support factors, clinic or provider relationship, perception of stigma, knowledge of HIV care and adherence, reasons for non-adherence, and barriers to care. Sample questions included: To understand Testing History:
Instruments and Procedures. Evaluation instruments and procedures shall be mutually developed by a joint committee of the Association and representatives of the Board, subject to final approval by the Board. These instruments and procedures shall be completed by the beginning of the school year. Evaluations of each Association member shall be discussed with the member by the evaluator. The Administrator shall receive a written copy of each evaluation and a copy of same shall be placed in the Administrator’s personnel file to be held in confidence and treated in an ethical manner.