Interruptible Capacity Sample Clauses
Interruptible Capacity. 6.1 If the Customer makes an Injection Request for injection at a rate that exceeds its Firm Injection Capacity, such Request shall, to the extent it exceeds its Firm Injection Capacity, be a request for “Interruptible Injection Capacity”. Subject to Article 12.4.3 (Interruptible Injection Capacity Fee), Interruption, and pro rate Registered Injection Capacity in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Schedule C, GSB shall allocate to and between Storage Customers who have requested Interruptible Injection Capacity, any unused Firm Injection Capacity of other Storage Customers as well as any Injection Capacity that is created by Withdrawal Requests of Storage Customers.
6.2 If the Customer makes a Withdrawal Request for withdrawal at a rate that exceeds its Firm Withdrawal Capacity, such Request shall, to the extent it exceeds its Firm Withdrawal Capacity, be a request for “Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity”. Subject to Article 12.4.4 (Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity Fee), Interruption, and pro rate Registered Withdrawal Capacity in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Schedule C, GSB shall allocate to and between Storage Customers who have requested Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity, any unused Firm Withdrawal Capacity of other Storage Customers as well as any Withdrawal Capacity that is created by Injection Requests of Storage Customers.
6.3 If the Customer (through Request or Register Transfer) causes its Gas-in-Storage to exceed its Registered Space for any Hour, such actions shall be a request for “Interruptible Space”. Subject to Article
Interruptible Capacity capacity not guaranteed by GRTgaz as to its use. For information, the main factors affecting the availability of Interruptible Capacity are as follows: Level of consumption, which greatly depends on temperature Network configuration, which includes the functioning of underground gas storage facilities.
Interruptible Capacity. UK shall allow the injection at the entry point and the withdrawal at the exit point on the interruptible basis. TAG GmbH shall have the right to interrupt the transportation service, in whole or in part. In such a case, the contractually agreed hourly flow rate shall be made available to the balance responsible party over a certain period of time only partly or not at all (in both cases: ”interruption“).
Interruptible Capacity. The Storage Customer may use the following Maximum Interruptible Volume Capacitiesy, Interruptible Injection Capacity and/or Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity: Maximum Interruptible Volume Capacity: [ ][XXX] kWh Maximum Interruptible Injection Capacity: [ ][XXX] kWh/Hour Yes Maximum Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity: [ ][XXX] kWh/Hour No Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: single Formatted: Body Text, Justified, Line spacing: single Formatted: Body Text, Line spacing: single If the Storage Customer has access to Interruptible Volume Capacity, Interruptible Injection Capacity and/or Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity,T the Storage Customer accepts that a any Nomination for a specific Hour made in by the Storage Customer exceess ofding the Storage Customer's Firm Capacity made available to the Storage Customer in that Hour, subject to all Storage Agreements concluded with GSD and adjusted for any concluded Transfers,contractual capacities (including any Transfers) shall be regarded by GSD as a request for Interruptible Capacity in xxxxx Hour Nominations on interruptible terms, see the RGS. If the Storage Customer has access to Interruptible Volume Capacity, Interruptible Injection Capacity and/or Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity, the following maximum Interruptible Capacities shall apply to the Storage Customer's Nominations: The terms and conditions for using Interruptible Capacities are described in RGS, Clause Error! Reference source not found.5.35.3 and, in addition, may be applied under the circumstances described in RGS in Clauses 5.6, 5.9, 8.5.3 c), , 8.5.4 b) and 8.8 and 10 e). . Used Interruptible Capacities shall be chargedare payable in accordance towith RGS RGS, Clauses 9.1 b), 5.6 and 10 e) in RGS. Maximum Interruptible Volume Capacity: [ ] kWh Maximum Interruptible Injection Capacity: [ ] kWh/Hour Maximum Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity: [ ] kWh/Hour
Interruptible Capacity. The Storage Customer may use Interruptible Volume Capacity, Interruptible Injection Capacity and/or Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity: Yes No If the Storage Customer has access to Interruptible Volume Capacity, Interruptible Injection Capacity and/or Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity, the Storage Customer accepts that any Nomination made by the Storage Customer exceeding the Storage Customer's contractual capacities (including any Transfers) shall be regarded as Nominations on interruptible terms, see the RGS. If the Storage Customer has access to Interruptible Volume Capacity, Interruptible Injection Capacity and/or Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity, the following maximum Interruptible Capacities shall apply to the Storage Customer's Nominations: Maximum Interruptible Volume Capacity: [ ] kWh Maximum Interruptible Injection Capacity: [ ] kWh/Hour Maximum Interruptible Withdrawal Capacity: [ ] kWh/Hour
Interruptible Capacity. 4.1 On and from the Effective Date, the Supplier may submit to the Transporter Capacity Transfer Requests in order to effect the transfer of Capacity to the Customer in accordance with the terms or this Agreement.
4.2 The Supplier shall ensure than each Capacity Transfer Request is submitted in accordance with the Code of Operations and shall specify all the information required by the Transporter to process any such Request.
4.3 Promptly following the submission by the Supplier of a Capacity Transfer Request, the Customer shall:
(a) notify the Transporter of its acceptance of such Request in order to ensure that the Transporter does not reject the Request due to delay on the part of the Customer;
(b) provide all such information as the Supplier and/or the Transporter may reasonable require to facilitate the Capacity Transfer and to ensure the continued use of the Interruptible Capacity during the Transfer Period; and
(c) subject to Clause 12.1 and by no later than the Start Date, put in place and maintain in favour of the Supplier, financial security in accordance with Clause 12 for an amount not less than the IC Security Amount.
4.4 Unless otherwise agreed, each Capacity Transfer successfully effected in accordance with this Agreement shall be confirmed by way of a Trade Confirmation in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) within twenty four (24) hours of the Capacity Transfer being accepted by the Transporter, the Supplier shall fax to the Customer a Trade Confirmation recording the details of the Capacity Transfer;
(b) if the Customer is satisfied that the Trade Confirmation accurately reflects the terms of the Capacity Transfer, the Customer shall sign and return the Trade Confirmation by fax to the Supplier within twenty four (24) hours of receipt of the Trade Confirmation;
(c) if the Customer is not satisfied with the Trade Confirmation, the Customer shall inform the Supplier of any inaccuracies. The Supplier shall, if it agrees that the Trade Confirmation is inaccurate issue a new Trade Confirmation and the provisions of Clause 4.4(a) shall apply;
(d) if the Customer does not return the Trade Confirmation, duly signed, in accordance with Clause 4.4(b), or notify the Supplier or any inaccuracies in accordance with Clause 4.4(c), the Customer shall be deemed to accept the Trade Confirmation;
(e) if the Customer has not received a Trade Confirmation from the Supplier within twenty four (24) hours of a Capacity Transfer being accepted by the Tr...
Interruptible Capacity. LAVWMA’s “Interruptible Capacity” refers to that capacity which exceeds LAVWMA’s Firm Capacity of 19.72 MGD and which is restricted to the difference between EBDA’s Design Capacity of 189.1 MGD and the actual total combined instantaneous flow from all EBDA member agencies plus LAVWMA’s Firm Capacity of 19.72 MGD which occurs at any particular time. LAVWMA’s Interruptible Capacity is thus variable and dynamic as the actual flow rate changes continuously throughout any given hour, day, and season. As an example, assuming an EBDA Design Capacity of 189.1 MGD, if the combined actual flow from all EBDA member agencies reaches 169.4 MGD, then the LAVWMA capacity to discharge treated wastewater into the EBDA system beyond its Firm Capacity of 19.72 MGD would be zero and, hence, interrupted.
Interruptible Capacity. 11.1 In case Customer has already contracted interruptible capacity on an entry or exit point in the GUD network for a period that overlaps the period for which capacity is allocated to Customer at the same entry or exit point within the IOS under this precedent agreement, Customer may upgrade the overlapping interruptible capacity into firm capacity by indicating this in Appendix A. For the avoidance of doubt, Customer shall pay the tariff for the firm capacity and Customer shall be released from the payment of the tariff for the respective interruptible capacities within the respective period and to the extent of the upgraded capacity.
11.2 In the current regulatory framework in the Netherlands as of 1 October 2009, GTS does not have the ability to allow upgrading of interruptible capacity contracted by Customer. The Dutch regulator is currently investigating the subject, which may result in a new decision of the regulator. If such a new decision is published, IOS Parties will investigate if it is relevant for any interruptible capacity that has already been contracted by Customer, insofar this interruptible capacity overlaps the capacity requested by Customer within the scope of the IOS.
Interruptible Capacity. Subject to the CAM NC rules, IUK may offer interruptible capacity in addition to firm capacity via the timetabled auctions on PRISMA. We aim to meet all nominations, however interruptions to interruptible capacity may occur under certain circumstances.12
Interruptible Capacity. All interruptible capacity within the pipeline has currently been sold under the STA however from 1 October 2018, IUK may offer interruptible capacity in addition to firm capacity under the IAA. We aim 6 Some maintenance can only be safely carried out when the system is not in use, and the IAA provides that IUK can cease operations to carry out this work for 15 days each Gas Year. IUK will consult the market and adjacent TSOs when selecting dates for this work, and Shippers will be provided with sufficient notice of any maintenance period.