Junior Assignment Sample Clauses
Junior Assignment. 1. To protect the integrity of the schedule, the Company may junior assign a Flight Attendant to work on her/his scheduled day(s) off.
2. A Regular Lineholder may not be Junior Assigned to sit Reserve or Ready Reserve.
3. A Flight Attendant will be junior assigned in inverse seniority order, starting with the most junior qualified and available Flight Attendant (legality and regulation limitations/requirements apply) in the domicile. If there is no such Flight Attendant, the Company may junior assign the most junior qualified and available Flight Attendant in another domicile.
4. A Flight Attendant may not be Junior Assigned more than four (4) times in a bid period. A Flight Attendant who receives a Junior Assignment in excess of this limit must so notify Crew Scheduling at the time of the assignment. Her/his failure to do so will be considered a voluntary waiver of the limit with respect to the specific Junior Assignment.
5. A Flight Attendant who is Junior Assigned will be paid in accordance and as outlined in Section 3.
6. A Flight Attendant who is Junior Assigned will be provided call out time equal to that provided to Reserve Flight Attendants at her/his base.
7. A flight which was scheduled at the time of assignment to terminate prior to Midnight (0000) and actually terminating no later than two AM (0200) shall be considered to have completed within the same calendar day as the flight originated.
Junior Assignment. 1. To protect the integrity of the schedule, the Company may junior assign a Flight Attendant to work on her/his scheduled day(s) off. A Regular Lineholder may not be Junior Assigned to sit Reserve or Ready Reserve.
2. A Flight Attendant will be junior assigned in inverse seniority order, starting with the most junior qualified and available Flight Attendant (legality and regulation limitations/requirements apply) in the domicile. If there is no such Flight Attendant, the Company may junior assign the most junior qualified and available Flight Attendant in another domicile.
3. A Flight Attendant may not be Junior Assigned more than three (3) times in a bid period. A Flight Attendant who receives a Junior Assignment in excess of this limit must so notify Crew Scheduling at the time of the assignment. Her/his failure to do so will be considered a voluntary waiver of the limit with respect to the specific Junior Assignment.
4. A Flight Attendant who is Junior Assigned will be paid a premium at the rate of one hundred fifty percent (150%) for the trip.
Junior Assignment. 1. When necessary to protect the integrity of flight schedules, Crew Scheduling may assign uncovered flying to a legal and available Flight Attendants on their scheduled day off. The following process shall be followed:
a. Provided all reserves, FX day Flight Attendants and Flight Attendants on duty are not available for the assignment.
b. The Company will begin by attempting to contact Flight Attendants who are on a day off for the open assignment in inverse seniority order. Once contact is made with the most junior Flight Attendant contactable who is legal and available, she/he will be given the assignment.
c. Positive, verbal contact must be made with the Flight Attendant in order for the Junior Assignment to be considered an assignment.
2. Junior assignments may not be made more than twenty-four (24) hours before the check-in time of the trip.
3. A Flight Attendant will not be junior assigned more than two (2) time in a bid month without his or her consent.
4. A Flight Attendant who is junior assigned will receive junior assignment pay.
5. A Flight Attendant will not be junior assigned for reserve duty.
Junior Assignment. 1. When necessary to protect the integrity of flight schedules, Flight Attendants on their scheduled day off may be assigned open flying not otherwise covered, by assigning the flying to the most junior available Flight Attendant in the domicile; if none is available, then to the most junior available Flight Attendant systemwide.
2. Junior assignments may not be made more than twenty-four (24) hours before the section is scheduled to be flown.
3. A Flight Attendant will not be junior assigned more than three (3) days in a month and not more than ten (10) days in a year, except that a Flight Attendant scheduled to receive the minimum days off in a month will not be junior assigned more than two (2) days. A Flight Attendant available for flight duty for less than one-half (1/2) of a month who has prorated minimum days off may only be junior assigned one (1) day.
4. A Flight Attendant will not be junior assigned for reserve duty.
5. A Flight Attendant will not be junior assigned on a Golden Day.
6. Compensation for junior assignment is as noted in Section 3.G.
Junior Assignment. As directed by the company, any flying assigned to a Flight Attendant on a day off.
Junior Assignment. 1. Junior Assignment (JRA) – An IFC who is required to work an assignment on her/his scheduled day off that is not part of a reassignment. Such assignment must be legally scheduled.
2. IFCs may be assigned for JRA duty by the following methods of Positive Contact only:
a. Telephone contact at the IFC's primary telephone number. IFCs must provide their primary number to Crew Services.
b. In person only by members of Crew Services, Inflight Management, or Airports Crewmembers.
Junior Assignment. 1. Absent a significant operational irregularity, Junior Assignments will be made the calendar day prior to the assignment in the following order.
a. To available and qualified reserves or volunteers based in within the domicile; then to
b. The most junior legal and qualified Flight Attendant first within the same hub system domicile, then system wide. then to
c. The most junior Flight Attendant, while on scheduled days off, in the following order:
i. Within the domicile; then
ii. Within the same hub system; then
Junior Assignment. 1. When necessary to protect the integrity of flight schedules, Crew Scheduling may assign uncovered flying to a legal and available Flight Attendants on their scheduled day off. The following process shall be followed:
a. Provided all reserves, FX day Flight Attendants and Flight Attendants on duty are not available for the assignment.
b. The Company will begin by attempting to contact Flight Attendants who are on a day off for the open assignment in inverse seniority order. Once contact is made with the most junior Flight Attendant contactable who is legal and available, she/he will be given the assignment.
Junior Assignment. An involuntary duty assignment given to a Flight Attendant on a scheduled day off.
Junior Assignment. A Junior Assignment is assigned flying or other duty performed on a Flight Attendant’s scheduled Day(s) Off. A Flight Attendant may be Junior Assigned based on a Company Airline Client’s operational needs. Junior Assignments will be assigned in reverse Seniority order of the Flight Attendants eligible to be Junior Assigned. A Flight Attendant cannot be Junior Assigned if they are on an authorized leave of absence or on vacation. Prior to Junior Assigning a Flight Attendant, if time permits, volunteers will be contacted to perform the flight or other assigned duty.