Reserve Flight Attendants Sample Clauses
Reserve Flight Attendants. The Union will reimburse the Company at the full hourly rate applicable to that Flight Attendant, plus 23% to cover the cost of benefits, FICA, etc., using the formula of four (4) hours for each reserve day dropped.
Reserve Flight Attendants. A. Reserve lines will be published in accordance with Section 7. The Company will maintain an adequate number of Flight Attendants on reserve reasonably necessary to fill the needs of the Company, as determined by the Company.
B. A Flight Attendant scheduled for reserve is required to contact Crew Scheduling no later than 2100 on the day before beginning her/his block of reserve days.
Reserve Flight Attendants a) At home Reserve Flight Attendants for whom there is at least two hours call out time available;
b) Reserves already on a trip whose legalities may permit the assignment of additional time;
Reserve Flight Attendants. (1) Eighty-five (85) credited hours will constitute the monthly maximum for a Reserve on her/his Reserve duty days. A Reserve Flight Attendant must notify Crew Scheduling at any time during the month, but not later than 0900 the day prior to her/his next reserve duty day, if she/he wishes to maintain the eighty-five (85) hour maximum.
(2) A Reserve Flight Attendant who does not notify Crew Scheduling of her/his desire to maintain the maximum will be deemed to have elected to extend her/his maximum beyond eighty-five (85) hours, and may be scheduled above eighty-five (85) hours until she/he notifies Crew Scheduling that she/he is calling out of time. Such notification must be made no later than 0900 the day prior to her/his next scheduled reserve duty day.
(3) Time picked up from another Flight Attendant on a Reserve’s red-circle days off in accordance with Section 8-Reserve, shall not be included when determining the maximums set forth in (1) and (2) above.
Reserve Flight Attendants. General
a. A Reserve Flight Attendant not assigned to duty may request to be released from her/his reserve period early on the last day of a block of reserve days.
b. All assignments given to Reserve Flight Attendant must be in accordance with this Agreement and all applicable FARs.
c. A Reserve Flight Attendant may be assigned to reserve out of domicile, at any location, for a period not to exceed one block of reserve days per bid period, inclusive of position into and out of domicile (“TDY”).
d. Duty time for a Reserve Flight Attendant begins at the commencement of their on call period, the scheduled or actual time that she/he reports for a flight assignment or Airport Ready Reserve period, whichever is later.
e. A Reserve Flight Attendant who has not been given an assignment by the end of her/his on-call period on her/his last day of reserve shall be automatically released until her/his next on-call period or other assignment.
f. It is the responsibility of a Reserve Flight Attendant to make certain that her/his phone is in working order at all times (including that she/he receives a good quality of service in her/his present location), unless out of the control of the Reserve Flight Attendant (including but not limited to service outage, with qualifying documentation provided, such as communication from service provider) and that she/he has provided Crew Scheduling with a correct, working phone number where the Reserve Flight Attendant can be reached. If a Flight Attendant has one (1) number listed, the Company will attempt that number at least twice; if a Flight Attendant has two (2) numbers listed, the Company will attempt each number at least once. Such calls will be attempted by Crew Scheduling within twenty (20) minutes. The two
Reserve Flight Attendants a. Eighty-five (85) credited hours will constitute the monthly maximum for Reserve Flight Attendants. All Reserve Flight Attendants shall be scheduled or assigned in such manner as to afford them, in order of their seniority, an opportunity to be credited as close to the maximum as possible, unless she/he has indicated otherwise in accordance with Section 8.C.2. (e.g.- “call me last”.)
b. Reserve Flight Attendant Option to Extend Monthly Maximum A Reserve Flight Attendant shall have the option of extending her/his monthly maximum credited hours to ninety-five (95)/ one hundred (100) hours on her/his Reserve Duty days.
c. Reserve Flight Attendant Option to Exceed Monthly Maximums Any Reserve Flight Attendant may voluntarily exceed eighty-five (85) or ninety-five (95)/one hundred (100) credited hours by picking up additional flying on her/his days off in accordance with Section 7.K.2.a.(5) and/or Section 8.B.1.b. Such Flight Attendant shall be ineligible for the compensation provisions of Section 7.G. (double pay) for any hours over ninety-five (95) and she/he shall be required to maintain her/his minimum days off in accordance with Section 8.F.1. Further, such Flight Attendant shall not be eligible for the trip(s) dropping provisions in Subsection 3 below, and will be expected to remain available to complete all such flying.
Reserve Flight Attendants. (i) A Reserve Flight Attendant may alter or deviate from the original deadhead flight assignment only if the deadhead is the final leg of a trip and he/she has previously contacted Crew Scheduling.
(ii) Should a Reserve Flight Attendant decide to deviate from his/her scheduled deadhead, the deadhead leg will be removed and not paid. This will also end the Flight Attendant’s per diem.
(iii) If a Reserve Flight Attendant chooses to deviate from the original assigned deadhead assignment, he/she is responsible for his/her own travel and is still considered to be on duty at the arrival time of the originally scheduled deadhead flight unless released by Crew Scheduling. Example: Flight Attendant Xxxxx is on Reserve. She was scheduled for a Kansas City overnight with a deadhead home the next afternoon at 1615. Xxxxx would like to come home immediately after arriving in Kansas City. She contacts Crew Scheduling and invokes her option to deviate from her assignment. Xxxxx will be released and allowed to travel home and will be placed back on duty (Reserve) the following day at 1700 when she was originally scheduled to arrive at her base. DD. CHARTER FLYING
Reserve Flight Attendants. GENERAL
1. A “Reserve” is an Active Flight Attendant with assigned days on call but no assigned line of flying.
2. Reserve Lines will be constructed with two (2) or more consecutive days off. A Reserve may choose to waive down to a single Day Off via the Automated Bid System during the Reserve Automated Bid System process. Crew Planning may adjust a Reserve to a single Day Off only for transition periods.
3. Reserve Flight Attendants will enter a bid preference for and be awarded Reserve Lines with Reserve Shifts.
4. Reserve Lines will be constructed with a minimum of three (3) consecutive Reserve Shifts unless adjusted by Crew Resources for transition periods, which could result in a single day of Reserve duty.
5. Reserve Lines will be constructed with Recurrent Training as a pre-planned absence and will count toward the guarantee. Recurrent Training must be scheduled adjacent to a group consisting of three (3) or more consecutive Reserve days either prior to a block of Reserve days or following a block of Reserve days. Recurrent Training will not be scheduled in the middle of a block of Reserve days or scheduled to create a stand-alone Reserve day. Reserves attending Recurrent Training require a minimum of ten (10) hours Rest in Base before and after Recurrent Training.
6. A minimum of eleven (11) days free of duty will be scheduled in every Reserve Line. For each Flight Attendant crew Base that is open for the whole year, the minimum scheduled days off will be increased to twelve (12) for four Bid Periods per year. If Reserves in a Base will be scheduled with twelve (12) days off in a Bid Period, notice will be included in the bid packet for that Bid Period. A Flight Attendant awarded a Mixed Line will be scheduled with a minimum of eleven (11) days free from duty.
7. There will be eight (8) immovable days off scheduled per month, four (4) of which will be designated by the Flight Attendant as part of her/his monthly bid.
8. A Reserve Flight Attendant may be assigned scheduled and non-scheduled Trips as well as Ready Reserve duty.
9. Reserve codes utilized in the Automated Bid System and Preferential Bid System will be published in the monthly bid packet.
Reserve Flight Attendants. A Flight Attendant on the active reserve list will be permitted to use self sign-up provided the training is scheduled to be accomplished on the backside of a duty-free period. In the event that class dates prohibit such scheduling, the reserve Flight Attendant using self-sign-up will be considered to have consented to move a duty-free period(s) in order to accomplish the training and will be given the following options:
a. if class dates permit, s/he may schedule the training on the front end of a duty- free period and if not,.
b. s/he will determine which duty-free period(s) is to be moved in order to accomplish the training with first preference being given to attaching the training to the backside of a duty-free period and if that is not possible, c. s/he will be accommodated on another day of reserve availability
Reserve Flight Attendants. A. A Reserve Flight Attendant is one who does not hold a line of regular flight assignments and who is available to fly during assigned reserve periods.
B. Reserve lines will be published in accordance with Scheduling and Hours of Service Section. The Company will maintain an adequate number of Flight Attendants on reserve reasonably necessary to fill the needs of the operation.
C. Crew Scheduling will call a Flight Attendant with his/her reserve assignment.
1. A reserve assignment will be made no earlier than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the pairing’s departure.
2. A Reserve Flight Attendant is not required to answer or respond to a call from Crew Scheduling outside of a RSV.
3. A Reserve Flight Attendant who has been called by Scheduling during a reserve period by the Company for reserve assignment but who has not been reached personally must respond within fifteen (15) minutes of the phone call or she/he will be considered unavailable for contact.
4. A Reserve Flight Attendant will have at least a one and one half (1 ½) hours call-out time to an assignment. If a Flight Attendant is given less than one and one half (1 ½) hours to report to the airport, he/she shall make his/her best effort to report at the designated time. However, if the Flight Attendant does not arrive before one and one half (1 ½) hours, she/he will not be subject for discipline.