Duty Assignment Sample Clauses

Duty Assignment. A duty assignment is a set of duties and responsibilities within recognized positions regularly scheduled during specific hours of duty.
Duty Assignment. A set of duties and responsibilities within recognized positions regularly scheduled during specific hours of duty.
Duty Assignment. ‌ If the nature of the treatment program allows the employee to continue to work during treatment, the City may maintain the individual's previous employment status. If an employee participates in an in-patient program which precludes continued employment, the employee shall be granted a leave to do so. At the end of such leave, the employee shall be returned to his former position with no loss of seniority and accumulated benefits. An employee may use accumulated sickness of disability benefits during the period of his/her treatment leave. Employees who voluntarily report to the Fire Department that they are taking Prescribed or over- the-counter medication that has adverse side effects which interfere with the employee's ability to perform his/her normal duties may be temporarily reassigned with full pay to other duties. Nothing in this Section shall prevent an employee from seeking treatment or taking a treatment leave more than one time in a year for inpatient treatment.
Duty Assignment. Each bargaining unit member shall be assigned to a regular shift and consecutive days off. The regular shift shall be defined as the assigned schedule. There shall be one shift bid per year in December. For the December shift bid, employees shall submit their preference for shift and days off assignments on Appendix 1. Chief of Police/Designee will post the available shift and days off, along with a bidding schedule and provide a thirty (30) day review period for the employees. They shall submit their preferences on Appendix 1 beginning on the first Wednesday in November but no later than the first Monday in December. The following Wednesday in December shall be the selection day. The newly assigned schedule shall begin on the first Sunday in January. The Chief of Police/Designee will administer the shift bid and make assignments, as follows: A. The Chief of Police/Designee will designate the available shifts and days off. B. Employees who have elected on Appendix 1 not to be contacted about their shift preferences shall have their shifts assigned in accordance with their preferences set forth on Appendix 1. C. Employees who have elected on Appendix 1 to be contacted either in person or by phone about their shift preferences must be available and respond during their shift selection window in order to be eligible to alter their initial written preferences. Failing to respond within the 30-minute window will result in the employee’s written preferences being implemented. D. When an employee’s shift preferences have been implemented, the administrator shall move on to the next senior employee in the unit. E. An employee’s failure to timely submit Appendix 1 shall result in the employee being placed at the bottom of the selection list. F. The results of each employee’s bid selection shall be posted by the administrator in a conspicuous location in the Police Department and reasonably contemporaneously with each selection made. G. One (1) designated union representative shall contact the membership and obtain their shift selection. One (1) additional shift bid may be conducted each year (January 1 – December 31) if necessary to realign shifts as a result of staffing changes.
Duty Assignment. Following a determination by a Substance Abuse professional that the employee is in need of assistance in resolving problems associated with alcohol misuse and/or use of illegal drugs or misuse of controlled substances, the employee shall comply with all requirements prescribed by the Substance Abuse Professional and shall remain in compliance with any and all prescribed and recommended rehabilitation and/or treatment programs. If the employee has violated the illegal drugs/controlled substances prohibitions he or she shall undergo it return-to-duty drugs/controlled substances test with a result indicating a verified negative result for drugs/controlled substances use and the Substance Abuse Professional shall inform the Human Resources Director that the employee may safely perform his/her regular duties before the employee may return to duty.
Duty Assignment. Duty Assignments are defined as the type or nature of work assigned to a Sergeant or Lieutenant by the Chief or chief's designee.
Duty Assignment. If the duty assignment for an employee is modified or changed as a result of a voluntary rehabilitation program, and the employee successfully completes his/her rehabilitation program, the employee may be returned to the regular duty assignment. Once treatment and follow‐up care is completed and two (2) years have passed with no further violations of this article, test results and evidence of the event will be purged from the personnel file.
Duty Assignment. Should the Company assign any duty that is scheduled to carry into a Pilot’s vacation period (excluding PVDs), he must be released prior to his vacation period, unless the Pilot accepts duty into his vacation period. If a Pilot is delayed into his vacation at an outstation due to weather or mechanical reasons, the Company will provide a relief crew on the next flight into the outstation, and the Pilot on vacation may depart on the first return flight. If the Company does not provide a relief crew on the next flight from a Domicile into the outstation, the Pilot on vacation may still depart on the first return flight. If the Pilot so elects, his vacation period will be extended by a number of days equivalent to the days he was delayed.
Duty Assignment. If the nature of the EAP or treatment program allows the employee to continue to work during treatment, the employer may maintain the individua l's previous employment status. If an employee participates in an in-patient program which precludes continued employment, the employee shall be granted a leave to do so. At the end of such leave, the employee shall be returned to his former position with no loss of seniority and accumulated benefits. An employee may use accumulated sickness or disability benefits during the period of his/her treatment leave. Employees who voluntarily report to the supervisor that they are taking prescribed or over-the- counter medication that has adverse side effects which interfere with the ability to perform his/her normal duties may be temporarily reassigned with full pay to other duties if other duties are available. If no duty is available within the limitations, the employee shall be allowed leave as provided in this agreement.
Duty Assignment. Peace Officer Duty Assignments are at the determination of the Sheriff. Peace Officer Unit Personnel interested in a change of duty assignment may submit requests for any duty assignment within the job classification at any time. Requests will be kept on file and given consideration in the event the duty assignment becomes available. These requests are not binding on the Sheriff in filling an opening and will be kept on file for one (1) year from date of submission. Duty assignments in the following areas shall be posted for ten (10) days; SWAT, Bomb Squad, Investigations, K-9, NRT, FTO and OIC.