Legitimacy. 5.1.1. Whether traders who would like to be registered with the Company holds enough or very ample amount of experience in trading with the financial markets, the Company is authorized to give clients advice on investment and portfolio management which is included in this Agreement.
5.1.2. The Company requires a brief examination of the Client’s knowledge and background in online trading which will be obtained from the Client through assessment to ensure the Client’s capability to understand the business and risks posed by currency pairs and online trading. These restrictions, however, would only be applicable to the Company’s services where actual investment or money is needed and therefore does not apply to demo or trial accounts.
5.1.3. Comments, opinions, and statements coming from the Company’s website, subsites, social media sites, forum sites posted or written by any of the Company’s representatives should not be taken as advice in regard to the services offered by the Company whether the statement has been made prior or after the Client’s date of registration.
Legitimacy. Given the extreme sensitiveness of the know-how and technical and commercial information to which Xxxxxxx has access in the framework of his/her functions and the extremely competitive and sensitive nature of the Company’s activities, the parties expressly agree on the necessity of the non-competition and non-solicitation obligation in order to protect the Company’s legitimate interests. Moreover, Xxxxxxx acknowledges that, in light of his/her training, the provision does not hinder his/her capacity to find new employment.
Legitimacy. 1) 武汉多肽不存在超越经营范围、未经授权或非法的行为、协议。 Wuhan has no unauthorized, illegal conducts or agreement or that is beyond its business scope.
2) 对于武汉多肽在执行中的有利害关系的文件,如果要求盖章的,均已经依法盖章,并予以保存。 For documents in execution by Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx that have a stake, if seal is required, have been stamped with seal according to laws and preserved. 第十五条 协议
Legitimacy. 5.1.1. Whether traders who would like to register with the Company hold a very ample amount of experience or not in trading with the financial markets, the Company is not authorized to give a client advice on investment and portfolio management that are not included in this Agreement.
5.1.2. The Company requires a brief examination of the Client’s knowledge and background in online trading which will be obtained from the Client through assessment to ensure his/her capability to understand the business and risks posed by currency pairs and online trading. These restrictions, however, would only be applicable to the Company’s services where actual investment or money is needed and therefore does not apply to trial accounts.
5.1.3. Comments, opinions, and statements coming from the Company’s Website, subsites, social media accounts, or forum sites as posted or written by any of the Company’s representatives should not be taken as advice in regard to the services offered by the Company, whether or not the statement has been made prior or after the Client’s date of registration.
Legitimacy. The authority to process your data is this Contract, the consent obtained from the Customer, the legislation applicable to the supply of electricity, gas and similar products and services and any other that might be applicable to it at any given time. The processing may also be based on the legitimate interests of IBERDROLA regarding the supply of energy and its own related products and services, loyalty programmes, including sporting, cultural and charitable activities in which IBERDROLA participates, the drawing up of profiles in order to offer products or services similar to those contracted. This data may also be communicated to third-party companies for the performance of administrative procedures for the purposes of customer acceptance, fraud prevention, debt collection and managing the security of the supporting information systems. If for any process regarding managing the Contract it should be necessary for the Customer to provide the personal data of persons other than the contract holder, the Customer must first and expressly inform them of the content of this clause and obtain their prior consent to the processing of their data.
Legitimacy. 1. At common law, illegitimate children were “filius nullius” – Children of no one.
2. Legitimate children (parents married when born or conceived) automatically receive all rights, benefits, protections flowing from parent-child relationship
a) Support
b) Inheritance
c) Public benefits (i.e. worker’s comp.)
d) Right to sue for wrongful death
3. Chief disability of illegitimacy was lack of inheritance rights.
4. Illegitimate children are “persons” entitled to equal protection (Xxxx).
5. Inviduous discrimination against illegitimates cannot be permitted (child has no control or responsibility over status) (e.g. id. – illegitimate children may file wrongful death suit for loss of mother, no reason to let xxxxxxxxx go free).
6. State courts might interpret statutes regarding “children” as only covering legitimates (see id.).
7. Some laws discriminating against illegitimates remain constitutional (Xxxxxx – inheritance law requiring proof or acknowledgment of paternity within two years of upheld as rationally related to an important government objective of administrative convenience, and child could be protected from discrimination by father).
8. Classifications based on illegitimacy are subject to intermediate scrutiny that is not “toothless.” (Trimble) Must be substantially related to permissible state interests. (Xxxxx – avoiding fradulent assertions of paternity in adminstration of estates a permissible end)
9. Law that gives illegitimate no chance of avoiding discrimination is likely to be struck (Trimble – Illinois statute that requires intermarriage of parents for inheritance rights too broad, violates EP).
10. See UPC 2-114 (CB 271); Uniform Parentage Act (CB 1079).
11. Certain rights flow from being a child’s parent (Xxxxxxx X.):
a) Child’s care
b) Right to child’s services and earnings
c) Right to direct child’s activities
d) Right to decide regarding control, education, and health of child
e) Right and duty to prepare child for additional obligations (i.e. good citizenship)
12. The right to rear one’s biological child is not a “fundamental liberty” rooted in traditions and conscious (id. – W has affair, has child by xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxx has no constitutional right to participate in the child’s life).
13. Traditional marital family is constitutionally protected. At common law, a child born to a married couple was presumed legitimate, and could not be declared otherwise without independent proof that H was incapable of reproduction or had no access to W ...
Legitimacy. 5.1 Your Company shall acquire and keep the authoritative licenses and permissions which are necessary to the performance of the Agreement and required by law or the government. Such licenses and permissions include, but not limit to: licenses and permissions for purchase, distribution, advertisement, storage and marketing within the Authorized Region.
5.2 According to LENOVO's requirements, Your Company shall display to LENOVO the certificates regarding your distribution capacity, which include, but not limit to: corporation status registered and annually checked by the Industry and Commerce Administration Bureau and the photocopy of the legal representative's ID card. Your Company shall also guarantee the authenticity, legitimacy and continuous validity of such documentations.
5.3 Your Company shall observe the relevant laws and LENOVO's newly released channel cooperation policies. You shall not do anything that may bring harm to LENOVO and its brands.
5.4 Your Company shall only sell the Products supplied by LENOVO in mainland China. As those Products may be bound by certain export restriction laws, including the American ones, Your Company shall observe all the applicable export restriction laws and regulations. According to such laws, Your Company shall not provide certain Products to the restricted countries, entities or individuals, nor to the entities and individuals that are engaging in prohibited activities in any form. Such Products shall not be used in the restricted fields, either. Hence, Your Company shall keep up with relevant laws. Your Company agrees to defend and compensate for LENOVO in order to keep LENOVO from the damages caused by Your Company in case you have breached this article.
Legitimacy. 5.1.1. Whethertraderswhowouldlike to be registered with the Companyholdsenough or very ampleamount of experience in tradingwith thefinancialmarkets, the Company is not autho- rized to give clientsadvice on investmentand portfoliomanagementwhich is not included in this Agreement.
Legitimacy. Although it is important what political myths say, it is even more significant what they do, and it is the creation of the connection between the ruling and the ruled. Political myths create a narrative that explains the posi- tion of the rulers and turn their power into justified authority. Being grounded in the past, these myths expound the roots of the authority, explaining why those who are in power have in fact the right to do so. To put it simply, political myths create the legitimacy for political rule.
Legitimacy. In case where the Bank is required to suspend this Agreement or any Transactions pursuant to provisions or order of competent authorities, the Bank may close-out or settle any and all Transactions herein immediately. The Customer shall be responsible for the losses caused and shall not claim any rights or make any requests against the Bank as a result of this.