Letter of Concern. Should the Department determine that the Provider or any Subvendor is in violation of any requirement of this Agreement, the Department shall notify the Provider of the deficiency through a “Letter of Concern”. The Provider shall contact the designated Department’s representative within three (3) business days of receipt of the Letter of Concern and shall indicate how such concern is unfounded or how it will be addressed. If the Provider fails to timely contact the designated representative regarding a Letter of Concern, the Department shall move forward, requiring the provider to develop an independent Corrective Action Plan.
Letter of Concern. A Letter of Concern shall report the specific acts or omissions upon which the concern is based and shall specify the administrator’s expectation for improvement. It shall not be placed in the unit member’s personnel file, except as attachments to a written reprimand. The unit member shall have the right to attach his/her statement of rebuttal to any Letter of Concern. Such statements of rebuttal shall remain with the Letter of Concern if attached to a letter of reprimand. A Letter of Concern shall also include a statement explaining that if the act/omission occurs again, further disciplinary action may be taken with the unit member.
Letter of Concern. A Letter of Concern is issued as a disciplinary action for infractions that the Department considers more serious than those for which a verbal warning is issued but less serious than those for which probation is imposed. The IISP is required to submit a written plan of action to the Department describing in detail what is being done to ensure the prevention of future violations.
Letter of Concern a letter that outlines specific concerns with actions of the employee and recommendation for corrections of those actions.
Letter of Concern. If the issue/behavior is not resolved in the time frame set in the letter of coaching, then a meeting will be held with the employee and local site Association Representative (AR) or another NEA representative. The employee will also be issued a letter of concern. In the letter of concern, the issues and expectations are defined, a time frame is set for correction and the employee is advised in the letter that further discipline may apply if the time frame is not met. The employee and the AR or another NEA representative may collaborate with the supervisor at a meeting as described in Section III of this Article to define the time frame and a plan regarding how to achieve the required expectations. The employee signs the letter and receives a copy. This letter is forwarded to Human Resources for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file, along with the prior letter of coaching.
Letter of Concern. This letter will be sent when there is a pattern of reports or information not being provided to IQS as specified in this Agreement or reports to the Department or other similar situations. The School will be required to respond within 10 days and provide the information requested.
Letter of Concern. The building administrator may issue the teacher a letter of concern. Depending upon the behavior being addressed, this letter may or may not be preceded by an oral warning. In the letter, the building administrator will include a brief review of any prior disciplinary action taken. The performance standard, policy, or practice that has been violated should be named. In addition, the building administrator will explicitly outline any corrective action that must be taken to resolve the concern. When appropriate, the building administrator should summarize the support that will be provided to the teacher to assist him or her in meeting the expectation(s). The letter of concern should be based only on facts and information of record, not hearsay or unfounded conclusions. It must include the statement that failure to follow the directive(s) of the letter could result in disciplinary action. The teacher must sign the letter with a statement that makes clear his or her signature acknowledges receipt of the letter and its included directives. It must be noted in the letter that copies will be provided to the appropriate Human Resources Generalist and Executive Director, and a copy will be placed in the teacher’s personnel file.
Letter of Concern. When an administrator has specific concerns about an employee’s performance, a letter of concern shall be given to the employee. This letter shall contain the following:
i. Date
ii. Documentation of prior meetings and/or discussions illustrating the specifics of the concern, including the following:
1. At least one (1) written formal observation
2. A minimum of four (4) documented observations (formal or informal)
3. Written documentation of other pertinent meetings involving administrators and/or parents
4. List of components in the professional practice domains needing improvement
iii. Outline of available support (as defined in the Master Contract) which may include the following:
1. Mentor
2. Instructional Coaches
Letter of Concern a) A letter of concern shall result from a minor offence whose nature and degree of severity are such that a repetition of the offence within a period of two (2) years would in itself constitute potential grounds for a letter of warning.
b) All letters of concern shall also remind the member that a repetition of the offence within two (2) years may result in a letter of warning.
c) Every letter of concern shall state the particulars of the offence and shall include a statement of any remedial action the member is required to take.
Letter of Concern letter of direction. When a letter of concern/letter of direction is placed in a unit member’s personnel file, the unit member must be notified and has the right to respond in writing (within 10 days) and have such response attached to the letter.