Instructional Coaches a. Instructional Coaches shall be included in Article 1, “Recognition” of the Negotiated Agreement and shall be 192-day employees.
Instructional Coaches. 1. The instructional coach shall not have a formal evaluation role.
Instructional Coaches. A. Instructional coaches may select any other non-professional learning day for compensation for their trade time hours instead of the last scheduled professional learning day of the year. If at all possible coaches need to be a part of the last professional learning day. Unavoidable conflicts and emergency situations will be handled with instructional coaches the same way they are handled with all staff.
Instructional Coaches. An Instructional Coach is responsible for providing specialized instructional support to a department head, faculty member, or for providing direct instruction and tutoring to students.
Instructional Coaches. 45-1 The District and JCEA will form an Instructional Coaches Committee that consists of three (3) teachers and three (3) instructional coaches appointed by JCEA as well as three (3) principals and three (3) central administrators appointed by the District.
Instructional Coaches. A. Each affected building will establish and make available to staff a schedule of instructional coaches’ time which will be followed in a consistent manner and in compliance with the coaching model.
Instructional Coaches. Instructional Coaches are TOSA positions subject to funding by the district through grants and local funds. The program may be terminated if/when these funds are no longer available. The primary duty of the Instructional Coach is to support teachers in professional development with the goal of improving academic performance. In order to preserve the integrity of the instructional coaching program, a majority of their weekly schedule shall be in direct observation or work with teachers which includes, but is not limited to: modeling lessons, data input, printing and distribution of data, subbing teachers out to observe other teachers, and assisting in assessing students for program assessments and during state mandatory testing windows. To ensure that the coaches do not cross over into the responsibilities of the principal, the following restrictions shall apply:
Instructional Coaches. The Parties agree the priority of an Instructional Coach is to engage teachers in reflective practice to build capacity for understanding and improve instructional practices for the purpose of increasing student achievement. Every effort will be made to ensure this priority is maintained. No coach shall be assigned duties inconsistent with their job description or their status as a bargaining unit member.
Instructional Coaches. The purpose and role of certificated instructional coaches is to partner with teachers in continuous growth, as they strive to meet the varying needs of their students. Instructional coaches are peers, and not supervisors or evaluators, and as such the information exchanged or learned through the relationship will not be provided or used for evaluative purposes.
Instructional Coaches. Instructional coaches shall be assigned to a content area (STEM or Humanities) and either high school or middle school. Instructional coaches shall be assigned to support unit members according to staffing needs. To the extent possible, assignments will prioritize placing instructional coaches with unit members in aligned credential areas.