Steps of Progressive Discipline Sample Clauses
Steps of Progressive Discipline. A. The steps of progressive discipline shall be followed by the District except when the Superintendent and/or designee determine that the misconduct justifies the skipping of steps of progressive discipline.
Steps of Progressive Discipline. The administration will use the following steps of progressive discipline for all offenses:
Step 1. Verbal reprimand Step 2. Written reprimand
Steps of Progressive Discipline. Discipline includes verbal warnings, written warnings, written reprimands, and suspensions.
Steps of Progressive Discipline. Step One – Verbal warning(s) – Verbal notification to the bargaining unit member. A verbal warning may be reduced to writing. Notwithstanding Article XV.
Steps of Progressive Discipline. 1. The steps of progressive discipline shall be followed by the district except when the Superintendent and/or designee determine that the misconduct justifies the skipping of steps of progressive discipline. The administrator shall meet with the unit member within 30 shared working days (working days for both the administrator and unit member) of when the administrator became aware of incident(s) or event(s) that might result in disciplinary action.
Steps of Progressive Discipline. Step 1: Oral Counseling Oral Counseling shall normally be the first step in all discipline procedures. It shall be a meeting between the administrator and unit member. A Conference Summary Memo shall report the specific acts or omissions upon which the concern is based and shall specify the administrator’s expectation for improvement. The unit member shall have the right to attach his/her statement of rebuttal to the Conference Summary Memo. Such statements of rebuttal shall remain with the Conference Summary Memo if attached to a Letter of Reprimand. The Conference Summary Memo shall also include a statement explaining that if the act/omission occurs again, further disciplinary action may be taken with the unit member. No written record shall be placed in the unit member’s personnel file, except as attachments to a written reprimand.
Steps of Progressive Discipline. The administration will use the following steps of progressive discipline in the disciplinary process. In the case of a serious infraction, progressive discipline may begin at any step:
Step 1. Verbal reprimand Step 2. Written reprimand
Steps of Progressive Discipline. A. Verbal Warning - At this step there is no formal written communication with the employee. This step is concerned with advising the employee that the actions or behaviors are inconsistent with policies or workplace standards; ensuring that the employee has the relevant policies or standards and understand them; advising the employee how her/his behavior is to be corrected and why. An employee may receive verbal warnings one or more times, depending on the similarity and relationship between events. It is left to the manager/supervisor’s discretion to determine when verbal warnings are no longer appropriate.
B. Written Warning - Discipline at this level will usually be the result of the employee not responding to previous verbal warnings or the nature of the action/behavior is more serious. This documentation, copy of which will be sent to the Union, will usually follow a meeting between supervisor and employee and shall include:
1) An identification of the action/behavior that was discussed.
2) A statement that this action/behavior is unacceptable.
3) Confirmation that the employee will not repeat similar actions or behaviors.
4) An indication that future events may result in moving to the next step in the corrective counseling process.
C. Suspension Without Pay - At this stage, previous disciplinary action has not produced the desired change in behavior/action or the event is sufficiently serious to warrant this level of discipline immediately. Suspension shall be the remainder of the shift in which it occurred plus one (1) full day to five (5) full days and the employee shall be removed from their role, based on the severity of the actions/behaviours. Documentation shall include all items in
Steps of Progressive Discipline. The following sections provide information on each of the steps typically used in the progressive discipline process. The supervisor should use reasonable judgment to decide what step or combination of steps, up to and including termination, should be used to address the issue(s). Contact and work with the Human Resources Department when determining the level of discipline, if any, which may be required. For Steps 2 through 4, the supervisor shall advise the professional staff member of his/her the right to request NCCCAP representation at any meetings regarding performance improvement and/or termination.
Steps of Progressive Discipline. Progressive discipline shall consist of the following steps; informal discussion (which may be documented in writing), written warning, written reprimand, suspension without pay and termination. Grievance procedures for discipline actions shall only be available in the event of suspension pursuant to 18.5; however, progressive discipline may be raised as a defense in any formal action to suspend and/or dismiss.
a. Informal Discussion - Discussion between appropriate administrative personnel and bargaining unit member
b. Written Warning - Written warnings issued to the bargaining unit member constitute the first level of formal discipline and are communications between the appropriate administrative personnel and the member. Written warnings will not be placed in the member’s personnel file unless there is a subsequent written reprimand, in which case any previous written warning(s) may be appended to the reprimand and placed in the member’s personnel file.