Leveraged Funding Sample Clauses

Leveraged Funding. (a) The Recipient must obtain the funding from the sources set out in the table immediately below (Leveraged Funding), which the Recipient must use to carry out the Project in accordance with this Agreement and for no other purpose: (b) Despite anything express or implied to the contrary in this Agreement, before the Recipient is entitled to any payment under this Agreement, it has to provide evidence to the Department which proves to the satisfaction of the State, in its absolute discretion, that the Recipient has obtained the Leveraged Funding. If the Recipient does not obtain any part of the Leveraged Funding (that part being the Shortfall), the State may reduce the amount it is to pay the Recipient under this Agreement by the amount of the Shortfall.
Leveraged Funding. The School of Engineering will provide matching funds to the faculty development program. The matching funds, totaling $150K, will be distributed over the three years of the program and will
Leveraged Funding. It is estimated in the Budget Narrative that the shortfall would be
Leveraged Funding. An association in Huehuetenango, ADINUT, drafted and submitted a project proposal to FIDA on reducing the impact of climate change. The proposal is currently being reviewed for approval. Component 2: Broadened Participation in Value Chains FY2015 Targets Description Life of Project FY2015 Target First Quarter Results (Oct- Dec 2014) Second Quarter Results (Jan- Mar 2015) Cumulative Total to Date FY2015 Progress % Total number of partnerships between producer groups and savings and loan organizations as a result of Project coordination, assistance or support this quarter 12 6 2 -.- 2 33% Total number of partnerships between producer groups and government entities (municipalities, ministries, public entities) as a result of Project coordination, assistance or support this quarter To be Determined 4 -.- -.- -.- -.- Total number of partnerships between producer groups and private sector entities (companies, business associations, foundations, NGOs, etc.) as a result of Project participation 23 3 2 -.- 2 67% Total number of producers receiving financing (loans, advances, etc.) as a result of Project coordination, assistance or support this quarter* * This result replaces “number of triangulated credit as a result of Project coordination, assistance or support.” Targets reviewed and modified in July 2014. 9,000 2,200 1,370 78 1,448 66% Total funding received by producers this quarter ($1.00 = GTQ7.80) To Be Determined $5,144,936 $1,124,687 $134,047 $1,258,734 24% Total number of organizations with women and youth in decision- making positions 40 59 71 23 94 120% Total number of agreements with municipal governments to support producer organization activities 4 1 -.- -.- -.- 0% Total funds leveraged and invested in Project activities (in GTQ) GTQ24,000,000 GTQ7,421,110 GTQ974,020 GTQ641,833 GTQ1,615,853 22% Total number of COCODES and/or COMUDES working with the Project *LOP target reviewed and modified in July 2014 45 27 8 -.- 8 30% Total number of producer organizations that increased membership as a result of RVCP strengthening activities. *Result reviewed and modified in July 2014 To be Determined 44 4 14 18 41% Total number of individuals graduated/trained at high school level with specialized studies in coffee and horticulture production *Result reviewed and modified in January 2015 120 13 13 -.- 13 100% Total number of 60 -.- 54 54 90% individuals graduated/trained at middle school level with specialized studies in coffee and horticulture production *New r...
Leveraged Funding. Cooperativa El Paraiso in Tejutla, San Marcos benefitted from GTQ150,000 in grant funds from the FEDECOAG Financial Stabilization Fund.
Leveraged Funding. In ranking research proposals, PSI will prioritize applications that leverages PSI’s granting dollars with additional funding. Specifically, PSI will give priority to applications that have funds from other granting funders and institutions, and not in-kind support. Research applications will be assessed on an equal weighting basis of scientific merit and clinical relevance. Please note that when all other considerations are equal, the research types will be funded in the following order of priority:
Leveraged Funding. The VCU School of Engineering funds approximately 27 Graduate Assistantships every semester for Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering PhD students. The Graduate Assistants generally perform duties such as grading papers or holding office hours. In addition, the MNE department receives approximately $3 million in extramural research funding including support for graduate students on research projects. These additional sources of student support are leveraged to create a robust graduate program where the students study and perform research in a rich collaborative community environment. Another manner to attract US students is the partnership with the Virginia Military Institute. Each year, the MNE Department hosts about 10 junior mechanical engineering students for a summer research experience with the faculty. These students have guaranteed admission in the program and we currently have eight students pursuing PhD degrees.
Leveraged Funding. Using Appendix B in the SR2B Grant Program Guidelines as a template, provide the Proposed Project’s cost estimate, funding plan, budget narrative and schedule. They should be based on engineering estimates of the most detailed design documents completed.
Leveraged Funding. The Recipient must use the Leveraged Funding to carry out the Feasibility Study in accordance with this Agreement and for no other purpose. Leveraged Funding must remain available to the Recipient at all times during the Term apart from the amounts of the Leveraged Funding which are expended by the Recipient in performing the Feasibility Study in accordance with this Agreement.
Leveraged Funding. The Recipient must obtain the funding from the sources set out in the table immediately below (Leveraged Funding), which the Recipient must use to carry out the Project in accordance with this Agreement and for no other purpose: