Local Production and Content. In the case of designated sectors, where in the award of bids, local production and content is of critical importance, such bids will contain specific bidding condition that only locally produced goods, services or works or locally manufactured goods, with a stipulated minimum threshold for local production and content will be considered.
Local Production and Content. This tender concerns a “designated sector” as per regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 as Fabricated Structural Steel and Steel Lattice Towers have been designated for local production with a threshold of 100%. The environmental policy is the driver for implementing and improving the organization’s environmental management system so that it can maintain and potentially improve its environmental performance. The policy should therefore reflect the commitment of top management to comply with applicable laws and to demonstrate continual improvement. The policy forms the basis upon which the organization sets its objectives and targets. The policy should be sufficiently clear to be capable of being understood by internal and external interested parties and should be periodically reviewed and revised to reflect changing conditions and information. Top management includes people on site, at head office, or any member of a controlling group designated to be management of the organization. A site or an operating unit does not need to document its formal adoption of a corporate environmental policy if the corporate policy, as defined by its scope, applies to the site or operating unit. In addition, the corporate policy will need to be adequately specific to the site or operating unit.
Local Production and Content. The Department of Trade and Industry may, in consultation with the National Treasury-
Local Production and Content. This tender does not concern a “designated sector” as per regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011; however, Eskom has set the local content threshold at 100%. This is not an evaluation criterion but will be incorporated into the contract The SD&L undertakings below do not form part of scoring but will form part of contractual obligations The main contractor will be required to propose development in the following areas; Tenderer to indicate number of Jobs to be created and/or retained from this contract; Communities based local to site (villages around site) should be prioritized for employment. Successful tenderers will be required to skill candidates as indicated below. This will be incorporated in the contract. Safety Officer 1 The environmental policy is the driver for implementing and improving the organization’s environmental management system so that it can maintain and potentially improve its environmental performance. The policy should therefore reflect the commitment of top management to comply with applicable laws and to demonstrate continual improvement. The policy forms the basis upon which the organization sets its objectives and targets. The policy should be sufficiently clear to be capable of being understood by internal and external interested parties and should be periodically reviewed and revised to reflect changing conditions and information. Top management includes people on site, at head office, or any member of a controlling group designated to be management of the organization. A site or an operating unit does not need to document its formal adoption of a corporate environmental policy if the corporate policy, as defined by its scope, applies to the site or operating unit. In addition, the corporate policy will need to be adequately specific to the site or operating unit.
Local Production and Content. In the case of designated sectors, where in the award of Bids, local production and content is of critical importance, such Bids will contain a specific bidding condition that only locally produced goods, services or works or locally manufactured goods, with a stipulated minimum threshold for local production and content will be considered. Does this requirement fall under any designated sector as prescribed by the DTI? Yes No If yes, specify the sector Specify minimum threshold applicable
Local Production and Content. Regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 pertaining to the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act number 5 of 2000 provide for the designation of the sectors in line with national development and industrial policies for local production.
Local Production and Content. Provision of all categories of electrical connections, strengthening, indirect infill, post connections as well as electrification of schools and clinics service might have some components that are part of the designated sector. The exact designated sector components and the percentages would be implemented at the task order stage and it will form part of the contract. However in the case where the task order does not concern a “designate sector” as per regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations the contractors/ service providers are expected to propose local content percentage or accept Eskom’s local content threshold of 100%. The results there of will be negotiated and will form part of the contract.
Local Production and Content. (Attach additional pages if more space is required)
Local Production and Content. This tender does not concern a “designated sector” as per regulation 9 of the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011; however, Eskom has set the local content threshold at 100%. This is not an evaluation criterion but will be incorporated into the contract
Local Production and Content. Only locally produced or locally manufactured Conductor with a stipulated minimum threshold of 90% for local production and content will be considered. Conductor 90% Tenderers need to complete and submit Annexure F1-F4 hereto as evidence of compliance with this requirement. Standard Bidding Document – SBD6.2. Annexure C (Local Content Declaration Summary Schedule). Annexure D (Import Declaration – supporting schedule to Annexure C) and Annexure E (Local Content Declaration – supporting schedule to Annexure C) The Declaration Certificate for Local production and Content (SBD6.2) together with Annexure C (Local Content Declaration: Summary Schedule (must be completed, duly signed and submitted by the tenderer at the closing date and time of the tender, failure to submit will result in disqualification. The tenderer will be required to meet all these requirements before an order is awarded. Acknowledgement of Eskom rules – signed (Annexure B). Health and Safety Plan consisting of Incident Management, SHE Communication, Emergency Management. Base line risk assessment including Driving. Valid Letter of Good Standing. SHE Policy signed by the CEO / Director. Category 3 Quality Requirement Form A - to be completed and signed by the supplier Quality Management Specification – to be read and understood Recommended templates- CQP and ITP Refer below for the category 3 requirements