MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. 22.01 Employers engaged in masonry construction, including refractory and acid-resistant work, agree that they will not submit proposals for such work without including the use of Xxxxx Tenders as defined in the Trade Appendix for Masonry Tenders. In the event that such proposals are questioned or not accepted, the Employer shall notify the Union forthwith and assist the Union to meet with all interested parties to secure the Xxxxx Tenders' work for the members of the Union before the job commences.
MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. PAY EQUITY ..........................................................................................................
MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. When contractors other than masonry contractors decide to perform their own masonry work on any project and utilize their Labourers as Masonry Tenders, the Labourers shall be paid in accordance with the Masonry Labourers Collective Agreement for Cape Breton Island and all conditions (monetary) shall apply.
MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. When contractors other than masonry contractors decide to perform their own masonry work on Industrial projects and utilize their Labourers as Masonry Tenders, the Labourers shall be paid in accordance with the Masonry Labourers Collective Agreement for Cape Breton Island and all conditions (monetary) shall apply. The following guidelines will govern the classification designation for members newly joining or transferring into Local 1115 following the effective date of this Agreement: 2nd Level Apprentice: Documented evidence of performance within the construction sector is less than 3,000 hours. 1st Level Apprentice: Documented evidence of performance within the construction sector is less than 2,000 hours. Wages and benefits for the above classifications shall be per the attached wage tables. It is understood that the sole discretion and responsibility for determining the initial classification merits of new members will fall upon Local 1115. Once designated a classification Local 1115 members will shift classification based upon the documented accumulation of the hours worked within the construction sector referred to in this Article. It is agreed that all Local 1115 Apprentice Labourers will provide Local 1115 officials with documented evidence of accumulated hours worked in the construction sector. This evidence will be documented within an hour book provided to the member by Local 1115. The member will be responsible for having the Employer verify the total of accumulated hours on layoff, termination or upon request. Furthermore, the member is responsible for providing to Local 1115 officials the hour book upon the completion of the hours worked requisite for classification shifting or upon completion of employment with a given Employer, whichever comes first. It is agreed that a Local 1115 member’s position will not be terminated by an Employer on the basis of said member having accumulated the requisite hours for completion of apprenticeship. Upon attainment of Journeyperson status, an Employee shall receive the appropriate rate of pay from the first day worked following the attainment of Journeyperson status.
MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. It is agreed that wage rates, terms and conditions for Masonry Construction work will be done under the ICI provincial Agreement.
MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. 3.1 Are the external walls constructed from masonry materials? Yes No (go to section 4) 3.2 Is there any form of cladding or finish present over the outer masonry layer? Yes No (to report additional wall systems go to section 4, otherwise go to section 5) 3.3 Select external facing materials present over the outer masonry layer from those listed below Aluminium composite materials Metal sheet panels Other metal composite materials Render system Brick slips Stone panels Glass Tiling systems High Pressure Laminate (HPL) Timber Other (please specify) 3.4 Select materials used for insulation between external facing material and masonry layer from those listed below Mineral wool Phenolic foam Glass wool Polyisocyanurate (PIR) or Polyurethane (PUR) foam Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) or Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) None Other (please specify) 3.5 Are these walls likely to ignite and spread fire easily? Consideration should be given to the combustibility of the external facing material, combustibility of any insulation, and any defects with the design and construction methods (e.g., issues with cavity barriers). Yes No (to report additional wall systems go to section 4, otherwise go to section 5) 3.6 Outline the reasons why the walls are likely to ignite and spread fire easily below Identify the location of the walls, or sections thereof, which are likely to ignite or spread fire easily below. In some instances, the risk of external fire spread will be uniform across a building, in others, the risk will be limited to areas where specific materials have been used (for example, certain floors or elevations). If there are additional non-masonry external wall systems to report, then continue to section 4, otherwise go to section 5. Although only presented once below, the questions in section 4 below should be answered once for each different external wall system incorporated into the building design – i.e., section 4 may need to be repeated. This is to allow clear differentiation between multiple external wall systems and their associated risk.
MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. A. Exterior masonry walls (if used) shall be designed for climate requirement of location and must be absolutely watertight. Masonry units and mortar shall be manufactured using a waterproofing product such as “Dry Block” additive by X.X. Xxxxx.
MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. Central Illinois Builders agrees that all brick forklifts being utilized to service or tend more than six