Shift Workers All shift workers (i.e. workers whose shift commences at or after the end of the ordinary day work hours) presenting for work when the temperature is at or over 35°C will remain on site in air conditioned amenities for a minimum two hours, holding themselves available to commence work should the temperature fall below 35°C.
Meal Breaks The timing of meal breaks on any particular job may be discussed between the Employer and the majority of employees at a particular site and varied by agreement. Occupational health and safety considerations will always prevail.
Meal Break a) Employees who work for more than five continuous hours are entitled to an unpaid meal break of 30 minutes each day. b) The time of taking meal breaks will be determined by the employer.
Trade Union Training Leave Subject to all qualifications in this clause, an employee appointed or elected as an accredited representative of the union to which he/she belongs will, upon application in writing to the Enterprise, be granted up to 5 days leave with pay each calendar year non-cumulative to attend courses conducted or approved by the Union.