Measurement and Evaluation Sample Clauses

Measurement and Evaluation. Grantee will communicate, monitor and track progress, demonstrate impact, document lessons learned, and be accountable and transparent to Metro, partners and benefiting communities by doing the following: • Review the Multiple Accounts Evaluation (MAE) framework at the beginning of the grant cycle, prioritize measurement efforts, collect qualitative and quantitative project data, and incorporate it into the tasks and deliverables throughout the grant cycle. Quarterly Reports: These reports are required by all grantees, to be delivered by the dates listed in ZoomGrants. Quarterly reports should contain: • Qualitative Data: The purpose of qualitative data is to help illustrate the impact of a project (the how and why), based on background information, descriptive text and visuals. Stakeholder engagement can be vital part of the qualitative process. We encourage grantees to engage with stakeholders or seek advice from RTO on this topic. If the project includes conducting a survey, contact RTO staff for assistance and provide a report to RTO grant manager at least two weeks before official release. • Quantitative Data: The purpose of quantitative data is to help illustrate the impact of a project based on comparable values. When calculating vehicle miles reduced, emissions reduced, gas savings or other numeric MAE metrics, use tools provided by RTO to ensure consistent methods. If collecting automated data (for example, bike/ped counters), contact RTO staff regarding format, data cleaning, and shareability. • Data can be collected internally or from outside sources, and creative reports, visuals, and stories are encouraged. Use of past Metro reports as sources is also encouraged. Quantitative data should be combined with qualitative data to create a well-rounded project summary. See the ZoomGrants Library for more help, or contact RTO for more information. End of Year One Check In: No later than one year after the grant begins, the grantee shall update the RTO grant manager with details confirming that the groundwork is set for this grant project to deliver measured results (for example, a baseline survey has been conducted). End of grant project report: Grantee shall produce a final project report and the RTO Story Form in a timely manner. These products shall be consistent with initial grant application and the MAE framework outcomes highlighted in the scope of work.
Measurement and Evaluation. 12.1 WORK TO BE MEASURED NOT APPLICABLE 12.2 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Delete this Sub-clause and replace with the following: The Works shall be measured in accordance with the Method of Measurement and in accordance with the descriptions of items and preambles stated in the Bill of Quantities.
Measurement and Evaluation. The Works shall be measured, and valued for payment, in accordance with this Clause. The Contractor shall show in each application under Sub-Clauses 14.3 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates], 14.10 [Statement on Completion] and
Measurement and Evaluation. 25.1 The Contractor shall submit to the engineer a report of the part of work which has been completed on the date stated in particular conditions. The Engineer shall measure the quantity of any said part of works within 14 days after receiving the report and the not less 24 hours notice shall be given to the contractor before carrying out the measurement. The Contractor shall promptly either attend or send other qualified representative to assist the engineer in making the measurement and supply any particulars requested by the engineer. In case the contractor fails to attend or send representative, the measurement made by the engineer shall be accepted as accurate. 25.2 The measurement carried out by the Engineer shall not be accepted if the engineer does not give the notice to the contractor on the aforesaid date. In case that the Engineer does not make the measurement within 14 days as soon as applicable after receiving the report, the quantity stated in the report shall be accepted as accurate on the 15th day since the submission. 25.3 The quantity of the Works which is not calculated in accordance with the scope of the drawings or due to the Contractor’s default, then it shall not be accepted as accurate.
Measurement and Evaluation. Project team will conduct measurement and evaluation (M&E) activities following completion of the installation. M&E activities will continue on an ongoing basis, in coordination with academic, utility, and industry partners. First year activities will culminate in a case study of system design, performance, and “smart grid” integration.
Measurement and Evaluation 

Related to Measurement and Evaluation

  • Performance Evaluations Employee performance shall be evaluated and communicated on a yearly basis as required under County policy. Performance evaluations are used to demonstrate to employees that they are valued; record how an employee’s performance meet the requirements of the job; create a job history record; identify employee strengths and areas for enhancement; assist the employee and supervisor in an effort to attain the highest level of performance; and reinforce performance standards. Every effort will be made to include substantiated information within an employee’s performance evaluation. Non-recurring discipline history which is more than two (2) years old will not be referenced in performance evaluations. The County shall ensure employee performance evaluations are conducted in accordance with County and departmental policy. Performance evaluations and disciplinary matters shall only be conducted by County employees. When an employee who does not agree with the overall rating he/she receives on his/her written performance evaluation, he/she shall discuss and attempt to resolve the differences with his/her immediate supervisor. If discussion with his/her immediate supervisor does not result in resolution of the differences, the employee may file a written request to meet with the next level of management. Said request shall state the unresolved issues and the specific changes in the written performance evaluation the employee is seeking. The appropriate manager shall meet with the employee to discuss the unresolved issues. If the issues are not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction following discussion with the appropriate manager, the employee may within thirty (30) working days file a written request for a meeting with the department head. Within fourteen (14) working days of receipt of a written request stating the unresolved issues and the desired changes in the written performance evaluation, the department head shall meet with the employee to discuss the issues. Within ten (10) working days of said meeting, the department head shall respond in writing to the employee. The decision of the Department Head shall be final and not subject to the grievance procedure. An employee may submit a written response to his/her evaluation that shall be placed in his/her personnel file.

  • Performance Evaluation The Department may conduct a performance evaluation of Contractor’s Services, including Contractor’s Subcontractors. Results of any evaluation may be made available to Contractor upon request.