MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. 8.1.1 All work completed under the Contract shall be measured by the Project Manager according to United States standard measures, or as stated in this Contract. The method of measurement and computations to be used in determination of quantities of material furnished and of work performed under the contract shall conform to good Managing practice. These measurements shall be considered correct and final unless the Contractor has protested same to the Project Manager and has demonstrated the existence of an error by actual physical measurement before the work has progressed in a manner, which would prohibit a proper check. 8.1.2 All measurements of the area of the various surfaces, pavement and base courses will be made in the horizontal projection of the actual surface and no deductions will be made for fixtures or structures having an area of nine (9) square feet or less. All measurements of headers, curbs, fences and any other type of construction which is to be paid for by its length will be made in the horizontal projection of the actual driven length from toe to top of cutoff, and for piles, which will be by actual length. All materials which are specified for measurement by the cubic yard “Loose Measurement” or “Measured in the Vehicle” shall be hauled in approved vehicles and measured therein at the point of delivery. Approved vehicles for this purpose may be of any type or size satisfactory to the Project Manager, provided that the body is of such type that the actual contents may be readily and accurately determined. Unless all approved vehicles on a job are of a uniform capacity each approved vehicle must bear a plainly legible identification mark indicating the specific approved capacity. The Inspector may reject all loads not hauled in such approved vehicles.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. THE SECOND PARAGRAPH IS CHANGED TO: The Department will designate Items as Measured Items or as Proposal Items by having a suffix of M or P in the Item number respectively. The Department will measure quantities of Measured Items for payment. THE THIRD SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH IS CHANGED TO: The Department will not make additional or separate payment for work or portion of work unless specifically provided for in the “Measurement and Payment” Subsection.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. ‌ Materials paid for by the ton shall be weighed on public scales or other scales for which the State Division of Measurement Standards has issued a certificate of inspection which is available to the City Engineer. Full compensation for all expenses involved in conforming to the above requirements for weighing materials shall be included in the prices for the materials being weighed, and no additional allowance will be made therefore. The quantity of materials paid for by the lineal foot, square foot or square yard shall be determined by horizontal measurement.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. All work to be paid for at a corltract price per unit of measurement shall be measured by the Superintending Engineer in accordance with the methods setforth in the relevant specIfications. Quantities of rnaterial wasterJ or disposed off in a manner not called for under the contract, or rejected material whether placed- or not or materiats placed outside of the lines indicated on the plans or given by the: Superintending Engineering or material remaining on hand after completion of the work will not be measured or paid for. No compensation will be allowed for hauling back materials.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. All work to be paid for at a contract price per unit of measurement shall be measured by the Superintending Engineer in accordance with the methods set forth in the relevant specifications. Quantities of material wasted or disposed off in a manner not called for under the contract, or rejected material whether placed- or not or materials placed outside of the lines indicated on the plans or given by the: Superintending Engineering or material remaining on hand after completion of the work will not be measured or paid for. No compensation will be allowed for hauling back materials.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. 13.12.1 The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that the City requires that a bonded Weighmaster sign all weight certificates. The Contractor must furnish the City's inspector on the job site with original weight certificates signed by a bonded Weighmaster for all materials supplied by the Contractor that are incorporated into his improvement, which payment therefore is based on weight. 13.12.2 The contractor and the project manager (representative of The City of University City) will jointly mark all streets where work is to be done. Documents detailing these quantities will be made available to both the contractor and the project manager. Unless otherwise directed, the quantities for which payment will be made will be those agreed upon between the contractor and project manager in the field at the time of marking. If the contractor damages any area outside of the marked areas, he shall replace these areas at his expense.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. The County shall use MDOT Field manager program for tracking of work and quantities and generating pay estimates.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. All work completed under the contract will be measured by the RPR, or their authorized representatives, using United States Customary Units of Measurement. The method of measurement and computations to be used in determination of quantities of material furnished and of work performed under the contract will be those methods generally recognized as conforming to good engineering practice. Unless otherwise specified, longitudinal measurements for area computations will be made horizontally, and no deductions will be made for individual fixtures (or leave-outs) having an area of 9 square feet (0.8 square meters) or less. Unless otherwise specified, transverse measurements for area computations will be the neat dimensions shown on the plans or ordered in writing by the RPR. Unless otherwise specified, all contract items which are measured by the linear foot such as electrical ducts, conduits, pipe culverts, underdrains, and similar items shall be measured parallel to the base or foundation upon which such items are placed.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. Measurement of all Work acceptably completed will be made in accordance with the system in which the Contract is let, either U.S. Standard or International System (metric). Such measurements will be used as a basis for the computation of the quantities of Work performed. Quantities designated to be measured by linear units will be taken horizontally. Where Work is to be paid for by units of length, area, volume or mass, only the net amount of Work actually performed, as it shall appear in the finished Work and measured as hereinafter specified shall be paid for, local customs to the contrary notwithstanding. Calculation of area quantities where the computation of the areas by geometric methods would be comparatively laborious, it is stipulated and agreed that the City’s computer aided drafting system shall be used as the method of measurement.
MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. 13.12.1 The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that the City requires that a bonded Weighmaster sign all weight certificates. The Contractor must furnish the City's inspector on the job site with original weight certificates signed by a bonded Weighmaster for all materials supplied by the Contractor that are incorporated into his improvement.