Mobile Technologies. The use of portable media such as memory sticks and external hard drives will be monitored closely as potential sources of computer virus and inappropriate material. • Staff should not store pupils’ personal data and photographs on memory sticks. • Pupils are not allowed to use personal mobile devices/phones (in school) during class. • Staff should not use personal mobile phones during designated teaching sessions.
Mobile Technologies. For reasons of safety and security students should not use their mobile phone or any other technology in a manner that is likely to bring the school into disrepute or risk the welfare of other students. The development of mobile technology is such that mobile phones and other similar devices connected to mobile networks have enhanced features which include: picture messaging; mobile access to the Internet; entertainment in the form of video streaming and downloadable video clips from films, sporting events, music and games etc. The capabilities of 3G mobile phones also means that students may be sent inappropriate images or videos, or be encouraged to send back images or video of themselves using integrated cameras. In order to reduce the opportunity for those behaviours that could possibly cause upset it is advisable that students limit their use of mobile technologies to necessary communication during specified breaks during the school day. If you are sent inappropriate material eg. images, videos etc report it immediately to a member of staff.
Mobile Technologies. I will ensure that my mobile phone and any other personally-owned device is switched off or switched to ‘silent’ mode when I have directed time with pupils. I will only make or receive calls in specific places e.g. office, workroom.
Mobile Technologies. Many emerging technologies offer new opportunities for teaching and learning including a move towards personalised learning and 1:1 device ownership for children and young people. Mobile technologies such Smartphones, Blackberries, iPads, games players, are generally very familiar to children outside of school. They often provide a collaborative, well-known device with possible internet access and thus open up risk and misuse associated with communication and internet use. Emerging technologies will be examined for educational benefit and the risk assessed before use in school is allowed. Our school chooses to manage the use of these devices in the following ways so that users exploit them appropriately.
Mobile Technologies. For reasons of safety and security your child should not use his/her mobile or any other technology in a way that is likely to damage the reputation of the school or risk the welfare of other pupils or adults that work within the school. If inappropriate material is sent to a pupil, it must be reported immediately to a member of staff within the school.
Mobile Technologies. Applicants are encouraged to consider utilizing (at least experimentally) mobile technologies to facilitate data collection and protocol adherence on the part of research participants and study site staff. Working with NeuroNEXT is a cooperative venture between the applicant, NINDS, and the NeuroNEXT network. NINDS will provide guidance to potential applicants with input from NINDS Program Staff and the NeuroNEXT Executive Committee. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NINDS Scientific/Research Contacts (see Agency Contacts, Section VII) in order to discuss the feasibility of conducting the proposed trial through the NeuroNEXT infrastructure before submitting an application. Pre-application consultation may include an introductory teleconference (at least 3 months prior to submission), followed by additional communication with NINDS staff, if needed. The operational clinical protocol and actual budget for trials under this FOA will be constructed after peer review and then reviewed by NINDS for funding consideration. Funding decisions will also be based on a study's fit for the network relative to other proposed and ongoing trials. The award and continuation of funding are subject to milestones to be specified in the notice of grant award according to NINDS policies. See Section VIII. Other Information for award authorities and regulations.
Mobile Technologies. The Company will continue to directly market its own telecommunications products and services and in doing so may establish independent relationships with end users of A-1
Mobile Technologies. Neither Party shall interfere with the right of any person or entity to obtain service directly from the other Party.
Mobile Technologies. A-1 Mobile Technologies agrees that its resale of BellSouth services shall be as follows:
Mobile Technologies. The use of portable media such as memory sticks and external hard drives will be monitored closely as potential sources of computer virus and inappropriate material.