Hours For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5-hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours. (f) Tour Exchange
Office Hours (1) Full-time instructional academic employees shall maintain a posted five (5)-hour minimum office schedule each week. The specific office hours and office hours location shall be determined by the academic employee’s teaching schedule and shall receive the concurrence of the appropriate unit administrator. (2) Full-time academic employees whose teaching load is twenty (20) or more contact hours per week may, with the approval of the unit administrator, arrange an alternate schedule of office hours.
Overtime Hours Except as otherwise provided in this section, all hours worked in excess of the established work day, before or after an employee's regular scheduled shift, or on any regularly scheduled day off, shall be considered overtime. All paid vacation time, paid holidays, paid sick leave, compensatory time off, and paid leaves of absence shall be considered as "time worked" for purposes of this Article. Part-time employees whose established work day is less than eight (8) hours shall not be considered to be working overtime until having completed eight (8) hours of work.
Minimum Hours All employees shall be paid their regular hourly rate for each hour worked except where employed for less than four (4) consecutive hours per day, in which event they shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay. An employee who is called for work and upon reporting finds that his or her services are not required shall receive two (2) hours pay.