O.P. TIME Section 5.1 Labor Council Associates
O.P. E. AHS will honor assignment of wages to the Union’s Committee on Political Education (C.O.P.E.) fund, when such assignments are submitted on a form agreed to by the Union and AHS, and AHS will remit such contribution to the Union. It is understood by all parties that such contribution will be on an individual and voluntary basis.
O.P. Please insert the date = 18 months from the date of entry into force of this Regulation], food contact packaging shall not be placed on the market if it contains per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) in a concentration of or above the following limit values to the extent that the placing on the market of this packaging containing this concentration of PFAS is not prohibited pursuant to another Union legal act:
O.P please insert the date 24 months after the entry into force of this Regulation], the Commission shall adopt delegated act setting a minimum number for the rotations referred to in paragraph 1, point (b), for reusable packaging for the packaging formats, which are most frequently used in reuse, taking into account hygiene and other requirements, such as logistics.
2. Compliance with the requirements set out in paragraph 1 shall be demonstrated in the technical information concerning the packaging referred to in Annex VII.
O.P please insert the date = 24 months from the entry into force of this Regulation], the Commission shall establish a European observatory on re-use. The observatory shall be responsible for monitoring the implementation of the measures laid down in this Regulation, collecting data on re-use practices, and contributing to the development of best practices in the field of re-use.
O.P. Please insert the date = 36 months after the date of entry into force of this Regulation] the final distributor that is conducting its business activity in the HORECA sector and that is making available on the market within the territory of a Member State in take-away packaging cold or hot beverages or ready-prepared food intended for immediate consumption without the need of any further preparation filled into a container at the point of sale for take-away shall provide to the consumers the option of packaging within a system for re-use.
2. The final distributors shall inform the end consumers at the point of sale, through clearly visible and readable information boards or signs, about the possibility of obtaining the goods in reusable packaging.
3. The final distributors shall offer the goods filled in reusable packaging at no higher costs, and in no less favourable conditions than the sales unit consisting of the same goods and single use packaging.
4. The final distributors shall be exempted from the application of this Article if they fall within the definition of a micro enterprise set out in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.
5. The economic operator shall endeavour to, from 2030, offer 10% of products in a reusable packaging format.
6. Under the conditions set out in Article 45, Member States may set targets for economic operators going beyond the minimum targets set out in paragraph 5 of this Article to the extent that higher targets are necessary for the Member State to achieve one or more of the targets in Article 38.
O.P. At the Union’s request, the Board agrees to share with the President of the Unit, co-op studentplacementswhich within the school locations where the Unit employees are employed. Where there is a concern over the co-op activitiesthat may impact on Unit work, that cannot be rectifiedby the school’s the President of the Unit will contact the Executive Officer of Resources. The Executive Officer of Human Resources or designate will convene a meeting with representatives the work site and appropriate order to attempt to alleviatethe concern. Normally, the Principal will seek the voluntary assistanceof the in administering medication in performing any procedure, however, in the event of a medical emergency, perform such procedures as are necessary for the safety and ofthe suspicion of a communicablecondition or diseaseshall be to the administration. However, it not part of the regular duties and responsibilities of the employeeto examine pupils for communicable conditionsor diseases or to diagnose conditionsor diseases. ARTICLE ITINERANT EMPLOYEES employees, who are assigned by the Board to more than one work location in a school day, shall have a home location assigned In addition, the employees will have travel time allocated exclusive of the lunch break for travel between their work locations.
O.P. E. (Committee on Political Education)
O.P. L.E. Check-off The Employer agrees to deduct from the "wage of any employee \-\'ho is a member of the Xxxxx, a P,E.O.P.L.E, deduction as proved for in a written authorization, Such authorization must be executed by t.~e employee and may be revoked by the eU1ployee at any time by giving \vritten notice to both the Employer ".nd Union. The Employer agrees to remit any deductions made pursuant to this provi;ion promptly to the Union
O.P. Please insert in the text the number of the Directive contained in document PE- CONS 30/22 (2020/0361(COD)) and insert the number, date, title and OJ reference of that Directive in the footnote. (17) ‘online platform’ means online platform as defined in Article 23, point (h)(i), of Regulation (EU)…/… of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Single Market for Digital Services (Digital Services Act)1 2022/2065. 1. +OP: Please insert in the text the number of the Directive contained in document PE- CONS 30/22 (2020/0361(COD)) and insert the number, date, title and OJ reference of that Directive in the footnote. G