OPTIONS IN GENERAL. This Rider No. 3 is made and entered into by and between KBSII 000 XXXXX XXXXXXXX, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Landlord”), and MUFG UNION BANK, N.A., a national association (“Tenant”), as of the day and year of the Lease between Landlord and Tenant to which this Rider is attached. Landlord and Tenant hereby agree that, notwithstanding anything contained in the Lease to the contrary, the provisions set forth below shall be deemed to be part of the Lease and shall supersede any inconsistent provisions of the Lease. All references in the Lease and in this Rider to the “Lease” shall be construed to mean the Lease (and all exhibits and Riders attached thereto), as amended and supplemented by this Rider. All capitalized terms not defined in this Rider shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Lease.
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OPTIONS IN GENERAL. The Option shall be, except as otherwise provided by this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan and the terms and conditions of the stock option agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A (“Option Agreement”). The Company hereby represents and warrants that the Plan has been duly adopted and approved by its Board and shareholders. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no amendment to the Plan or the Option Agreement shall impair the rights of Executive with respect to the Option without the prior consent of the Executive. Executive shall be required to execute the Option Agreement as a condition to receiving the Option. In the event of a conflict between the Option Agreement and this Agreement, the provisions of the Option Agreement shall govern. The Option shall not be an incentive stock option under section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), but shall be a nonstatutory stock option. Executive understands and acknowledges that the Option may not constitute an option granted by the Company pursuant to the exemption from registration pursuant to Rule 701 promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and, accordingly, may be subject to greater or additional restrictions on transfer of shares of stock acquired upon the exercise of the Option than options granted to employees or others pursuant to the Plan. Executive further understands and acknowledges that he shall have no anti-dilution or other rights to maintain any particular ownership interest in the Company.
OPTIONS IN GENERAL. The Fund may purchase and sell options on stocks, indexes, rates, credit spreads or currencies. A call option, upon payment of a premium, gives the purchaser of the option the right to buy, and the seller the obligation to sell, the underlying security, index or other instrument at the exercise price. A put option gives the purchaser of the option, upon payment of a premium, the right to sell, and the seller the obligation to buy, the underlying security, index, or other instrument at the exercise price. Certain options, known as “American style” options, may be exercised at any time during the term of the option. Other options, known as “European style” options, may be exercised only on the expiration date of the option. The Fund expects that substantially all of the options written by the Fund will be American style options. The Fund is authorized to purchase and sell exchange listed options and over-the-counter options (“OTC options”). Exchange listed options are issued by a regulated intermediary such as the Options Clearing Corporation (“OCC”), which guarantees the performance of the obligations of the parties to such options. In addition, the Fund may purchase instruments structured by broker-dealers or investment banks that package or possess economic characteristics of options. The discussion below uses the OCC as an example, but is also applicable to other financial intermediaries. With certain exceptions, OCC issued and exchange listed options generally settle by physical delivery of the underlying security or currency, although in the future cash settlement may become available. Index options are cash settled for the net amount, if any, by which the option is “in-the-money” (i.e., where the value of the underlying instrument exceeds, in the case of a call option, or is less than, in the case of a put option, the exercise price of the option) at the time the option is exercised. Frequently, rather than taking or making delivery of the underlying instrument through the process of exercising the option, listed options are closed by entering into offsetting purchase or sale transactions that do not result in ownership of the new option. OTC options are purchased from or sold to securities dealers, financial institutions or other parties (“Counterparties”) through direct bilateral agreement with the Counterparty. In contrast to exchange listed options, which generally have standardized terms and performance mechanics, all the terms of an OTC option, ...
OPTIONS IN GENERAL. Each of the options herein granted to the Company may be exercised by it even though an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, it being understood and agreed, however, that all other applicable conditions specified herein to the exercise of such option (including payment of any amounts of money herein required to be paid by the Company) must be met. In the event of the exercise by the Company of either of the options to purchase the Project or any part thereof granted in Sections 11.2 and 11.3 hereof, the Council will convey to the Company, after compliance by the Company with the conditions to purchase specified in the respectively applicable sections hereof, the property with respect to which such option was exercised by statutory warranty deed, xxxx of sale (in the case of personal property) or other appropriate instrument, subject only to Permitted Encumbrances, such liens, encumbrances and exceptions to which title to such property was subject when this Lease Agreement was delivered or such property was acquired by the Council (whichever occurred last), those to the creation or suffering of which the Company consented and those resulting from the failure of the Company to perform or observe any of the agreements or covenants on its part herein contained. In case that, at the time of the exercise by the Company of either of the options to purchase the Project granted in Sections 11.2 and 11.3 hereof, there shall not have been collected by the Council, the Trustee or the Company the entire condemnation award referable to any condemnation with respect to the Project which may have theretofore occurred, then in such case all Net Condemnation Awards thereafter collected and referable to such condemnation shall be applied to the payment of any obligations then owed to the Bank under the Reimbursement Agreement, and any such moneys remaining after the payment of all such obligations then owed to the Bank shall be paid to the Company. The Council will take all actions necessary to cause the amount of any such awards to be paid to the Company or the Bank, as the case may be. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the expiration of the term of the Lease or any prior termination of the Lease unless at the time of such expiration or termination the Company is in default in the payment of any amounts of money herein required to be paid by it, in which event any moneys described in this paragraph would be applied first to cure such default,...
OPTIONS IN GENERAL. In the event of the exercise by the Lessee of any of the options to purchase the Project, the Issuer will convey to the Lessee, after compliance by the Lessee with the conditions to purchase specified in the respectively applicable sections hereof, the property with respect to which such option was exercised by statutory warranty deed, xxxx of sale (in the case of personal property) or other appropriate instrument, subject only to Permitted Encumbrances (other than this Lease, the Mortgage or the Indenture), such liens, encumbrances and exceptions to which title to such property was subject when such property was acquired by the Issuer, those to the creation or suffering of which the Lessee consented and those resulting from the failure of the Lessee to perform or observe any of the agreements or covenants on its part contained in the Lease.
OPTIONS IN GENERAL. The Extension Option is personal to the original Tenant (or any Permitted Transferee as described in Section 16) executing this Amendment and may be exercised only by the original Tenant executing this Amendment while subleasing not more than 50% of the Premises and without the intent of thereafter assigning the Amended Lease or subletting the Premises and may not be exercised or be assigned, voluntarily or involuntarily, by any person or entity other than the original Tenant (or any Permitted Transferee) executing this Amendment. The Extension Option granted to Tenant under this Amendment is not assignable separate and apart from the Amended Lease (other than in connection with the assignment of the Amended Lease to any Permitted Transferee), nor may the Extension Option be separated from the Amended Lease in any manner, either by reservation or otherwise. Tenant will have no right to exercise the Extension Option, notwithstanding any provision of the grant of option to the contrary, and Tenant’s exercise of the Extension Option may be nullified by Landlord and deemed of no further force or effect, if (i) Tenant is in monetary default beyond the cure period under the terms of the Amended Lease (or if Tenant would be in such default under the Amended Lease but for the passage of time or the giving of notice, or both) as of Tenant’s exercise of the Extension Option in question or at any time after the exercise of the Extension Option and prior to the Option Term, or (ii) Tenant has sublet more than 50% of the Premises. The Extension Option is hereby deemed an economic term which Landlord, in its sole and absolute discretion, may or may not offer in conjunction with any future extensions of the Extended Term.
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OPTIONS IN GENERAL. In the event of the exercise by the Lessee of any of the options to purchase the Project, the Issuer shall convey to the Lessee, after compliance by the Lessee with the conditions to purchase specified in the respectively applicable sections hereof, the property with respect to which such option was exercised by statutory warranty deed, xxxx of sale (in the case of personal property) or other appropriate instrument, subject only to such liens, encumbrances and exceptions to which title to such property was subject when such property was acquired by the Issuer, those to the creation or suffering of which the Lessee consented and those resulting from the failure of the Lessee to perform or observe any of the agreements or covenants on its part contained in this Lease.


  • Distributions in General Except as otherwise provided in Article 7 hereof and subject to Sections 17-607 and 17-804 of the Act, for any fiscal year all Cash Available for Distribution, net proceeds from any Terminating Capital Transaction and Financing Proceeds shall be distributed to the Partners at least quarterly.

  • Distributions in Kind Except as expressly provided herein, no right is given to any Partner to demand and receive property other than cash. The General Partner may determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, to make a distribution in-kind to the Partners of Partnership assets, and such assets shall be distributed in such a fashion as to ensure that the fair market value is distributed and allocated in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 10.

  • Payments in General All payments of Rent shall be made directly by Lessee (whether or not any Sublease shall be in effect) by wire transfer of immediately available funds prior to 11:00 a.m., New York time, on the date of payment, to Lessor at its account at First Security Bank, National Association, 00 Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, 0xx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxx 00000, ABA No. 000-0000-00, Account No. [-], Attention: Corporate Trust Department, Credit US Airways/US Airways, Inc. Trust No. N___U_ (or such other account of Lessor in the continental United States as Lessor shall direct in a notice to Lessee at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the date such payment of Rent is due); provided that so long as the Trust Indenture shall not have been fully discharged, Lessor hereby irrevocably directs and Lessee agrees, that, unless the Indenture Trustee shall otherwise direct, all Rent payable to Lessor and assigned to the Indenture Trustee pursuant to the Trust Indenture shall be paid prior to 11:00 a.m., New York time on the due date thereof in funds of the type specified in this Section 3(e) directly to the Indenture Trustee at its account at State Street Bank and Trust Company of Connecticut, National Association, 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx 00000, ABA No. [-], Account No. [-], Reference: US Airways, Inc. 0000-0 XXXX/XX Xxxxxxx, Inc. Trust No. N___U_ (or such other account of the Indenture Trustee in the continental United States as the Indenture Trustee shall direct in a notice to Lessee at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the date such payment of Rent is due). Lessor hereby directs and Lessee agrees that all payments of Supplemental Rent owing to the Indenture Trustee or to a Loan Participant or any other Person (other than the Excluded Payments) pursuant to the Participation Agreement shall be made in Dollars in immediately available funds prior to 11:00 a.m., New York time, on the due date thereof at the office of the Indenture Trustee or at such other office of such other financial institution located in the continental United States as the party entitled thereto may so direct at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the due date thereof. All payments of Supplemental Rent, to the extent that such amounts constitute Excluded Payments, shall be made in Dollars in immediately available funds prior to 11:00 a.m., New York time, on the due date thereof, to the account of the Owner Participant or the account of such other Person entitled to such payment in each case specified in Schedule I to the Participation Agreement (or to such other account as may be specified in writing by the Owner Participant or the account of such other Person from time to time).

  • Benefits - In General The Executive shall be permitted during the Term to participate in any group life, hospitalization or disability insurance plans, health programs, equity incentive plans, long-term incentive programs, 401(k) and other retirement plans, fringe benefit programs and similar benefits that may be available (currently or in the future) to other senior executives of the Company generally, in each case to the extent that the Executive is eligible under the terms of such plans or programs.

  • OPTIONS PERSONAL TO ORIGINAL LESSEE Each Option granted to Lessee in this Lease is personal to the original Lessee named in Paragraph 1.1 hereof, and cannot be voluntarily or involuntarily assigned or exercised by any person or entity other than said original Lessee while the original Lessee is in full and actual possession of the Premises and without the intention of thereafter assigning or subletting. The Options, if any, herein granted to Lessee are not assignable, either as a part of an assignment of this Lease or separately or apart therefrom, and no Option may be separated from this Lease in any manner, by reservation or otherwise.

  • Distributions in Shares If any distribution upon any Deposited Securities consists of a dividend in, or free distribution of, Shares, the Depositary may, and shall if the Issuer shall so request, distribute to the Owners of outstanding Receipts entitled thereto, in proportion to the number of American Depositary Shares representing such Deposited Securities held by them respectively, additional Receipts evidencing an aggregate number of American Depositary Shares representing the amount of Shares received as such dividend or free distribution, subject to the terms and conditions of the Deposit Agreement with respect to the deposit of Shares and the issuance of American Depositary Shares evidenced by Receipts, including the withholding of any tax or other governmental charge as provided in Section 4.11 and the payment of fees of the Depositary as provided in Section 5.9. In lieu of delivering Receipts for fractional American Depositary Shares in any such case, the Depositary shall sell the amount of Shares represented by the aggregate of such fractions and distribute the net proceeds, all in the manner and subject to the conditions described in Section 4.1. If additional Receipts are not so distributed, each American Depositary Share shall thenceforth also represent the additional Shares distributed upon the Deposited Securities represented thereby.

  • Elective Distributions in Cash or Shares Whenever the Company intends to distribute a dividend payable at the election of the holders of Shares in cash or in additional Shares, the Company shall give notice thereof to the Depositary at least 30 days prior to the proposed distribution stating whether or not it wishes such elective distribution to be made available to Holders of ADSs. Upon receipt of notice indicating that the Company wishes such elective distribution to be made available to Holders of ADSs, the Depositary shall consult with the Company to determine, and the Company shall assist the Depositary in its determination, whether it is lawful and reasonably practicable to make such elective distribution available to the Holders of ADSs. The Depositary shall make such elective distribution available to Holders only if (i) the Company shall have timely requested that the elective distribution is available to Holders of ADRs, (ii) the Depositary shall have received satisfactory documentation within the terms of Section 5.7 hereof (including, without limitation, any legal opinions of counsel in any applicable jurisdiction that the Depositary in its reasonable discretion may request, at the expense of the Company) and (iii) the Depositary shall have determined that such distribution is lawful and reasonably practicable. If the above conditions are not satisfied, the Depositary shall, to the extent permitted by law, distribute to the Holders, on the basis of the same determination as is made in the local market in respect of the Shares for which no election is made, either cash upon the terms described in Section 4.1 hereof or additional ADSs representing such additional Shares upon the terms described in Section 4.2 hereof. If the above conditions are satisfied, the Depositary shall establish an ADS Record Date (on the terms described in Section 4.7 hereof) and establish procedures to enable Holders to elect the receipt of the proposed dividend in cash or in additional ADSs. The Company shall assist the Depositary in establishing such procedures to the extent necessary. Subject to Section 5.9 hereof, if a Holder elects to receive the proposed dividend in cash, the dividend shall be distributed upon the terms described in Section 4.1 hereof or in ADSs, the dividend shall be distributed upon the terms described in Section 4.2 hereof. Nothing herein shall obligate the Depositary to make available to Holders a method to receive the elective dividend in Shares (rather than ADSs). There can be no assurance that Holders generally, or any Holder in particular, will be given the opportunity to receive elective distributions on the same terms and conditions as the holders of Shares.

  • Share Options With respect to the share options (the “Share Options”) granted pursuant to the share-based compensation plans of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Company Share Plans”), (i) each Share Option intended to qualify as an “incentive stock option” under Section 422 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), so qualifies, (ii) each grant of a Share Option was duly authorized no later than the date on which the grant of such Share Option was by its terms to be effective (the “Grant Date”) by all necessary corporate action, including, as applicable, approval by the board of directors of the Company (or a duly constituted and authorized committee thereof) and any required shareholder approval by the necessary number of votes or written consents, and the award agreement governing such grant (if any) was duly executed and delivered by each party thereto, (iii) each such grant was made in accordance with the terms of the Company Share Plans, the Exchange Act, and all other applicable laws and regulatory rules or requirements, including the rules of the New York Stock Exchange (the “Exchange”), and (iv) each such grant was properly accounted for in accordance with IFRS in the financial statements (including the related notes) of the Company. The Company has not knowingly granted, and there is no and has been no policy or practice of the Company of granting, Share Options prior to, or otherwise coordinating the grant of Share Options with, the release or other public announcement of material information regarding the Company or its subsidiaries or their results of operations or prospects.

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