Oral Procedure Sample Clauses
Oral Procedure. An employee with a grievance shall discuss the matter with the Probate Judge (or designated representative) within four (4) days from the time of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the grievance or within four (4) days from the time that the employee involved first knew or should have known of the facts giving rise to the grievance or within four (4) days from the time that the employee involved first knew or should have known of the facts giving rise to the complaint. Such discussion shall not occur during work hours unless otherwise approved by the Employer. If requested by the employee, the xxxxxxx may be present. The employee's supervisor (or designated representative) shall give the employee concerned an oral answer to the grievance within four (4) days of the discussion. Every effort shall be made to settle the grievance in this manner.
Oral Procedure. An employee with a grievance shall discuss the matter with the employee’s supervisor (or designated representative) within four (4) days from the time of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the grievance. Such discussion shall not occur during work hours unless otherwise approved by the Employer. If requested by the employee, the xxxxxxx may be present. The employee's supervisor (or designated representative) shall give the employee concerned an oral answer to the grievance within four (4) days of the discussion. Every effort shall be made to settle the grievance in this manner.
Oral Procedure. An employee with a complaint shall discuss the matter with his immediate supervisor, or designated representative, within five (5) working days from the time of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the complaint or within five (5) working days from the time the employee involved first knew or could have known of the facts giving rise to the complaint in situations where it was impossible for the employee involved to have known at the time of the actual occurrence of the events giving rise to the complaint. The immediate supervisor, the employee involved, and the Xxxxxxx if requested by the employee may discuss the grievance. A request for the Xxxxxxx to participate in the discussion of the grievance shall be made by the employee to the immediate supervisor, or designated representative, who shall make proper arrangements as soon as possible. The immediate supervisor, or designated representative, will endeavor to give an oral answer to the complaint within five (5) working days of the discussion with the employee concerned. Every effort shall be made to settle the complaint in this manner.
Oral Procedure. An employee with a complaint shall discuss the matter with the employee’s building principal within ten (10) working days from the time of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the complaint or within ten (10) working days from the time that the employee involved first knew or could have known of the facts giving rise to the complaint. The Association and the Board may have non-employee representatives at this meeting. The employee’s building principal will endeavor to give an oral answer to the complaint within five (5) working days of the discussion with the employee concerned. Every effort shall be made to settle the complaint in this manner.
Oral Procedure a. The oral procedure generally takes place within six weeks of the petition having been submitted. The parties will be invited in writing at least two weeks in advance.
b. The handling of the dispute is not in public.
c. The procedure involves hearing the parties in each other’s presence.
d. The Disputes Committee, if so requested by the parties, may allow witnesses and/or experts to attend the dispute proceedings, or part thereof. The Disputes Committee will grant a hearing to those it deems useful to hear.
Oral Procedure. An employee with a complaint shall discuss the matter with their immediate supervisor, or designated representative, within ten (10) working days from the time of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the complaint or within ten
Oral Procedure. An employee with a complaint shall discuss the matter with his/her immediate supervisor, or designated representative, within seven (7) working days from the time of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the complaint or within seven (7) working days from the time the employee involved first knew or could have known of the facts giving rise to the complaint. A Union Grievance Representative may be present at this meeting, if requested by the employee. A request for a Union Grievance Representative to participate in the discussion of a grievance shall be made by the employee to the immediate supervisor, or designated representative, who shall make proper arrangements as soon as possible. The immediate supervisor, or designated representative, will endeavor to give an oral answer to the complaint within five (5) working days of the discussion with the employee concerned. Every effort shall be made to settle the complaint in this manner.
Oral Procedure. An employee with a grievance shall discuss the matter with the Chief of Security and/or building principal within three (3) days from the time of the occurrence of the events giving rise to the grievance or within three (3) days from the time that the employee involved first knew or could have known if the facts giving rise to the complaint in situations where it was impossible for the employee involved to have known at the time of the actual occurrence of the events giving rise to the complaint. If requested by the employee, a xxxxxxx may be present. The Chief of Security or the building principal shall endeavor to give the employee concerned an oral answer to the grievance within two (2) days of the discussion. Every effort shall be made to setting the grievance in this matter.
Oral Procedure. Where this Agreement specifies that the Oral Procedure applies, should the Parties come to an understanding regarding a particular transaction, the transaction will be formed and effectuated between the Parties by an oral offer (whether by telephone, in-person, or otherwise) and oral acceptance (whether by telephone, in-person, or otherwise). The Parties shall confirm and acknowledge each such oral agreement contemporaneously by an informal writing, e-mail message or fax between the Parties and the Parties shall be legally bound by each transaction from the time of such confirmation and acknowledgement of each such agreement as to its terms and that each Party will rely thereon in doing business related to the transaction. Any transaction formed and effectuated pursuant to the foregoing shall be considered a “writing” or “in writing” and to have been “signed” by each Party. The Parties further agree to prepare a formal written amendment to this Agreement , based upon each such informal confirmation and acknowledgement describing the terms and conditions of that agreed upon transaction within seven (7) Business Days of such agreement between the Parties pursuant to this Oral Procedure Section. Waiver of Statute of Frauds
Oral Procedure. Any employee having a complaint shall first take up the matter orally with their immediate supervisor. If no satisfactory answer or disposition is received within five (5) calendar days, the complaint may be advanced to Step 2.