Other Payment Issues Sample Clauses

Other Payment Issues. 6.1. The Service Suppliers have the option to require you to pay a reasonable refundable amount as a deposit if:
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Other Payment Issues. 8.5.1 Subcontractor must promptly pay each sub-subcontractor and supplier out of the amount paid to Subcontractor by Contractor on account of such sub-subcontractor’s or supplier’s portion of the Work. Alternatively, and at its sole option, Contractor may pay a sub-subcontractor or supplier by joint check or directly; in either case, such payment will be deemed to have been made directly to Subcontractor.
Other Payment Issues. 6.3.1. We have the option to require you to pay a reasonable refundable amount as a deposit if:
Other Payment Issues. 6.4.1. Cell C SP has the option to require you to pay a reasonable refundable amount as a deposit if:
Other Payment Issues 

Related to Other Payment Issues

  • Other payments You must give your correct TIN, but you do not have to sign the certification unless you have been notified that you have previously given an incorrect TIN. “Other payments” include payments made in the course of the requester’s trade or business for rents, royalties, goods (other than bills for merchandise), medical and health care services (including payments to corporations), payments to a nonemployee for services, payments made in settlement of payment card and third party network transactions, payments to certain fishing boat crew members and fishermen, and gross proceeds paid to attorneys (including payments to corporations).

  • Stipulated Penalties for Failure to Comply with Certain Obligations As a contractual remedy, Xxxxxx and OIG hereby agree that failure to comply with certain obligations as set forth in this CIA may lead to the imposition of the following monetary penalties (hereinafter referred to as “Stipulated Penalties”) in accordance with the following provisions.

  • City’s Right to Withhold Payment In the event City becomes credibly informed that any representations of Consulting Engineer/Architect provided in its monthly billing, are wholly or partially inaccurate, City may withhold payment of sums then or in the future otherwise due to Consulting Engineer/Architect until the inaccuracy and the cause thereof, is corrected to City's reasonable satisfaction. In the event City questions some element of an invoice, that fact shall be made known to Consulting Engineer/Architect immediately. Consulting Engineer/Architect will help effect resolution and transmit a revised invoice, if necessary. Amounts not questioned by City shall be paid to Consulting Engineer/Architect in accordance with the contract payment procedures.

  • Refund or Payment upon Termination If this Agreement is terminated by You in accordance with Section 12.3 (Termination), We will refund You any prepaid fees covering the remainder of the term of all Order Forms after the effective date of termination. If this Agreement is terminated by Us in accordance with Section 12.3, You will pay any unpaid fees covering the remainder of the term of all Order Forms. In no event will termination relieve You of Your obligation to pay any fees payable to Us for the period prior to the effective date of termination.

  • RIGHT TO WITHHOLD PAYMENT LEA may withhold payment to CONTRACTOR when: (a) CONTRACTOR has failed to perform, in whole or in part, under the terms of this contract; (b) CONTRACTOR has billed for services rendered on days other than billable days of attendance or for days when student was not in attendance and/or did not receive services; (c) CONTRACTOR was overpaid by XXX as determined by inspection, review, and/or audit of its program, work, and/or records; (d) CONTRACTOR has failed to provide supporting documentation with an invoice, as required by EC 56366(c)(2); (e) education and/or related services are provided to students by personnel who are not appropriately credentialed, licensed, or otherwise qualified; (f) LEA has not received prior to school closure or contract termination, all documents concerning one or more students enrolled in CONTRACTOR’s educational program; (g) CONTRACTOR fails to confirm a student’s change of residence to another district or confirms the change or residence to another district, but fails to notify LEA within five (5) days of such confirmation; or (h) CONTRACTOR receives payment from Medi-Cal or from any other agency or funding source for a service provided to a student. It is understood that no payments shall be made for any invoices that are not received by six (6) months following the close of the prior fiscal year, for services provided in that year. Final payment to CONTRACTOR in connection with the cessation of operations and/or termination of a Master Contract will be subject to the same documentation standards described for all payment claims for regular ongoing operations. In addition, final payment may be withheld by the LEA until completion of a review or audit, if deemed necessary by the LEA. Such review or audit will be completed within ninety (90) days. The final payment may be adjusted to offset any previous payments to the CONTRACTOR determined to have been paid in error or in anticipation of correction of documentation deficiencies by the CONTRACTOR that remain uncorrected.

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